A bull is a big animal, and it can be scary to see it even in life. Especially if the animal is not too friendly. But why the bull dream? What does such a dream portend? It turns out that very often dreams with him speak of pleasant changes in fate. We will tell you the most popular interpretations.
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Dream Interpretation: Why does a woman dream of a bull?
Many popular dream books interpret the appearance of a bull in a dream from fundamentally different points of view.
- Miller most often explains such dreams as a sign of hidden rivalry, competition, problems in business.
- Freud sees in the bull a sexual partner and calls for the animal to be examined from all sides, given its color, size, and suit.
A large, aggressive animal with horns, in his opinion, is a sign of strong sexual attraction, powerful craving for each other. He sees the weak as a compliant partner, a signal of the gradual fading of intimate relationships. But there are very unusual, original designations of dreams with a bull. What are they like? Read below.
Dream of a herd of bulls
The most popular interpretation of a herd of bulls seen in a dream is the coming change.
The quality of the changes depends on the mood of the animals: whether they were in a rage or in a favorable mood.
- Enraged bulls signify career troubles: there is every chance to assume that the boss will be angry at something, and anger will come from envious colleagues in the service.
- Some dream books say that a woman who sees an angry herd in a dream will be accused of treason. The husband will attack her with reproaches of infidelity, listening to the gossip of his friends.
- Calm bulls in a meadow that graze and peacefully pinch grass, promise interesting meetings and new acquaintances.It is quite possible that you will meet the person whom you dreamed of seeing or just visit a pleasant company.
A herd with white bulls is also dreaming of a change for the better. When you managed to count the number of bulls in a dream, you can rest assured that there will be as many changes as there were bulls in the herd.
It happens that in a dream you suddenly buy a herd of bulls (even if you are now far from thinking about farming). But you are not in danger of becoming a farmer, because a dream speaks of an upcoming purchase of housing. A girl who bought a herd in a dream will not buy housing, but decide to leave her parents to start a new life. Perhaps she will soon move to a young man. But the sale of a herd of bulls speaks of financial losses.
The most interesting dream prophecy is found in Sigmund Freud. The doctor considers a dream with a herd of bulls evidence of hidden problems of a sexual nature.
I dreamed of a bull with horns and without
The horned bull is a pretty formidable sight. What is the dream of a horned bull? Interpretations in most dream books agree on one thing - a dream is proof of the skillful economic activity that you conduct in life. Horned bulls speak of you as an experienced housewife, lean and neat. Well-known dream interpreter Miller says that horned artiodactyls dream of motherhood and fertility.
- If in a dream the bull impressed with the size, power of the horns, most likely, soon you will become a leader.
- Thoroughbred bulls with horns mean a successful marriage with a wealthy partner.
- Dreams occur when a large but hornless bull is very clearly seen. There is only one interpretation - soon all your enemies will be defeated.
- Dreamed of a young goby? Still better: the calf is dreaming of an inheritance. Moreover, the unexpected.
- A large animal with one horn - to a wonderful event. Light and joyful if the bull is in a dream of a white color.
Black, white bull
A black bull is dreaming of an offer that is hard to refuse. It may relate to a profession or personal life, but it will always make you think, rethink some vital values in favor of the main ones.
- The seer Vanga explained such dreams with fast career growth, political popularity, recognition of merit by society.
- Black cloven-hoofed animals, in her opinion, always signify prosperity, especially if the bull rushes towards the desire to gore.
- Well-fed bulls with shiny shiny sides predict financial profit - it is likely that individual investments will more than pay off.
- A huge and aggressive black buffalo can warn in a dream about the danger lurking in an unexpected place.
A white buffalo with horns, on the contrary, symbolizes serenity, family happiness and harmony in relationships.
For childless and unmarried women, a dream promises a profitable party, an early motherhood.
Animal attacks in a dream
When a bull with horns attacks in a dream, it can be a bad omen.
- It is possible that someone close will seriously fall ill.
- Sometimes these are warnings of impending competition in work, malicious intent on the part of colleagues and envious people.
- In other dream books, they suggest interpreting the attack as retribution for mistakes made. Have you taken a rash step, made a rash decision? Probably the time has come to pay the bills.
Freud offers to look at a dream from the other side. In his opinion, a large striking bull is a new sexual partner. Strong and confident. The doctor believes that it is in such a partner that you will see the father of your children, feel protected.
You can interpret a dream, remembering your feelings. If you tried to curb an angry buffalo, then the new partner will pamper you until he reaches a reciprocal feeling. A gentle bull, by contrast, will require effort from you. In any case, the attack of the bulls is a wonderful sign in most famous dream books.
Bullfight in the arena
Bullfighting is a harsh entertainment for the elite. Dreams with taming the bull in the arena speak of your hidden superiority over rivals.Even if you are not sure that you are strong in spirit, you are afraid, and therefore respected.
To run away from a bull in the arena means to suffer from the actions of a petty tyrant.
Be prepared that at work they will soon publicly humiliate your friend's colleague, you will intercede and automatically become “extreme”. The bull in this case is the direct boss.
Panic fear of the sight of bullfighting symbolizes an unexpected ailment, and victory over the bull is an important event, of new allies in business.
Running away from a bull in a dream - why?
To run away from the bull in a dream - to become punished for rash acts, the result of which is your temper, excessive emotionality.
- The enraged bull that rushes after you marks the anger of your patron or a high-ranking person to whom you crossed the road.
- Sometimes a bull chases in a dream to warn of betrayal by a loved one - now it feeds on your energy, and at the same time builds a trap. It's time to reconsider the environment, get rid of energy vampires, no matter how cute they would not seem.
- The friendly goby following after you is a sign of quick profit, inheritance, return on long-standing investments or a decent increase in salary.
- An angry, angry bull is chasing? Happiness awaits you, but you involuntarily miss it.
- The chase with a sense of panic fear is a symbol of an early tough fight with competitors. It is worth considering to fully face the test.
Angry or calm bull
In the dream book, a large-sized bull, in complete calm, promises an improvement in the quality of life, an increase in social status, and respect in society. A well-fed, calm goby dreams about resolving long-standing difficulties. It is especially good if the animal drinks water in a dream - this is to a new profitable acquaintance and even successful marriage, if the girl dreamed of an animal.
- The evil bull, according to the gypsy dream book, portends a rich house, a lot of gold.
- If you managed to catch the evil bull by the tail, get ready for work - your business will go uphill, require your concentration and accuracy in actions.
- The furious thoroughbred bull symbolizes a new partner in business: he will make a good investment, but will require a report on literally any decision you make.
- An angry artiodactyl rushed after you? Be careful! Business is in danger.
As you can see, there are an incredible amount of interpretation of dreams with bulls. Much depends on the color, size, nature of the beast. If you believe in dream books, try to remember all the details of a dream - perhaps signs are hidden in them that will help manage circumstances and change lives for the better.