It is believed that fish in a dream always promises pregnancy. But in reality, the interpretation of such a dream is quite extensive. From our article you will find out why big fish dreams.
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Interpretation in popular dream books
Each dream book surprises with its own interpretations of the interpretations of dreams in which a fish has been dreamed.
Consider some of the most popular:
- Miller is convinced that big fish holds new promise. And if she swam in a clean pond, it means that all the roads will open to the dreamer. He will successfully complete many tasks, after which his life will radically change for the better. If the water is dirty, then it will be a failure.
- According to Tsvetkov, if a big fish floats to the sleeping person in her arms, then soon he will get a new position with a good salary or completely change the scope of activity. If a large fish floats away, and the dreamer cannot catch it, then in reality he has many successful projects, which he put off for later because of laziness.
- According to Medea’s dream book, a big fish in a dream is about soon positive changes in life.
- In the dream book of Zhou-Gong, a large fish beating its tail against the surface of a reservoir - to fame and recognition.
To see a lot of colorful fish in the aquarium is the person who needs to clean up his thoughts and learn discipline.
Had a lot of big fish
A dream in which there were many large fishes has a positive interpretation - the dreamer will have a better life in all aspects.
- The larger the fish, the more good will happen.
- I dreamed about a fish school - get ready to deal with difficulties to achieve the goal.
- If you watch someone catch fish, then your family will soon reign in complete harmony.
Go fishing in a dream
Catching big fish in a dream with your bare hands is a positive change. If there were several fish, and all were large, then the business that was begun would be successful. The only condition is not to share the joy with everyone around you.
If a big predatory fish is caught in a dream, then it is time to prepare for pleasant changes in the love sphere. Such a dream promises a woman victory over her rivals in the struggle for her beloved man.
In order to fully interpret the dream about fishing, it is important to remember which fish is caught:
- large crucian carp - to a serious, but short-term illness;
- a huge bream - to cheerful festivities and carelessness;
- large pike - to deception by loved ones;
- a huge carp - to the chores that will give a big unexpected profit.
Smoked, fried big fish
Loff is convinced that a dream with smoked fish warns the dreamer of the presence of envious people.
There is her in a dream - a warning. Enemies are trying in every possible way to harm the sleeping man and his achievements. It is worth analyzing your environment and getting rid of insincere people.
Fried fish in a dream has several explanations.
- According to the Modern Dream Book, if the use of such a dish brings pleasure, then in reality a good monetary reward awaits. The larger the pieces of fish, the larger the “catch” will be. Fried fish with bones - get ready to overcome obstacles when reaching the goal.
- Tasty fish - to disappointment, rotten - to problems in his personal life. Perhaps the betrayal of a loved one. They ate tasteless fish in bed - for diseases, go through the diagnosis.
- Wang claims that fried fish dreams of a pleasant trip. If you liked her taste, then soon you will successfully complete an important business. Eat small fried fish - for the money.
Value for women, men
Often there is a dream in which you catch a big fish, and then let it go free? A dream tells you that you do not need to make plans for the distant future. Try to live today and appreciate what you have.
If a woman dreamed that in a dream she caught a big fish with her bare hands, then in reality she will have an early pregnancy. If the virgin dreamed it, then soon she would meet a man with whom she would begin a serious love relationship.
Men dream of big fish for good luck in business and work, for mutual understanding with partners. If a man dreamed of a lot of large fish, he will be lucky in all endeavors. I dreamed of a predatory fish - get ready to fight with competitors for a bargain.
What portends during pregnancy
- If a pregnant woman dreams of a live fish swimming in clean water, then this means that the baby will be born healthy.
- If in a dream a pregnant woman caught a fish by the tail, then she should prepare for the birth of her son.
- If the expectant mother dreamed of a dead fish, revived after being placed in the water, then the woman may have to terminate the pregnancy.
- If already in the late stages of pregnancy a lake with large dead fish was dreamed, then the dreamer will have to waste a lot of money in vain.
Frozen fish can be dreamed of by women whose fetus is born later than the due date. There is no reason to panic, but it is better to check with your doctor.