It has been known since ancient times that night dreams can reflect the dreamer's thoughts and feelings, which is why with their help it was possible to solve a difficult question. Dreams can also portend the future. The dream of the birth of a new life often causes a feeling of confusion, because of which many are interested in what dreams about pregnancy.
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Own, another's pregnancy - interpretation according to dream books
Some dream books offer separate interpretations of dreams in which there was a pregnancy of one's own and another:
- Esoteric Tsvetkov in his dream book noted that the dream of his pregnancy to virgins is dreaming of deception. If she dreams about her pregnancy as a married woman, then soon she will have reason for pride and unexpected joy. If you dreamed of someone else's pregnancy, and in the role of a dreamer was a man, then the dream portends the period of preparation of plans. When a girl saw such a vision, a dream indicates possible troubles.
- Vanga broadcast that young girls have their own pregnancy promises disappointment in future romantic relationships. In addition, such dreams predict the formation of gossip, as well as intrigue. A mature woman dreams of an interesting situation in pleasant turns in life. For pregnant girls in real life, a dream promises a successful and easy birth. Dreams of a foreign situation visit a person on the eve of problems with the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys.
- In the dream book of the famous psychologist Freud it is indicated that one usually dreams of one’s pregnancy on the eve of the real birth of a new life. In addition, it should be noted that for single women, a dream prophesies new acquaintances with the opposite sex. When a man dreamed of a vision, then this signals his desire to become a father.But also dreams predict problems in relations with a beloved girl.
- Given the information of psychologist Miller, pregnancy and childbirth in a dream is considered a bad sign. Often a dream comes to an unplanned financial loss, as well as the collapse of all plans. If you saw your pregnancy in a dream, then vision foreshadows misfortune in family relationships.
- In the Modern dream book it is said that the interesting position of a familiar girl dreams uniquely to happiness and love. In the case when he dreamed of his stomach, the dream portends a favorable period for the implementation of plans. At this moment, the girl will be able to translate any undertaking into reality.
Had a pregnancy test
A dream should be interpreted even when a pregnancy test is dreamed up.
In this case, the interpretation options will be different due to the test result:
- When in a dream the test turned out to be positive, then the dream is considered an omen of quarrels with the spouse, as well as close friends. In addition, gossip and unpleasant conversations may appear in the future. The vision also portends small financial difficulties. On the other hand, if the girl was pregnant at the time of the waking vision, sleep indicates a predisposition to the easy process of giving birth to a child, as well as to a quick recovery of physical form. In some cases, a dream bodes good news.
- When the test result turned out to be negative, then this may mean that you do not need to make plans, as they will be destroyed in any case. Also, do not rely heavily on your position, as significant material losses can occur in the near future. For individuals in position, such a vision portends problems during childbirth. Based on this interpretation, it is recommended that you take the birth of a child very seriously. In addition, a negative test symbolizes the upcoming choice, which will affect the future life of a person.
See the big, small belly
The interpretations of such dreams differ depending on what the stomach was:
- When a girl in a dream had a big belly that you stroked, then the vision promises a quick advance on the career ladder. A dream also prophesies a successful result in any business. Pregnant girls waking night dreams portend the birth of twins.
- In the case when in a dream the tummy was so small that it is difficult to notice, then the dream indicates success and well-being. When a unmarried girl dreamed of a vision, then this means that her other half is deceiving. For pregnant women, such a vision portends a successful birth.
Pregnancy boy, girl
An important role in the interpretation of dreams seen is played by the sex of the unborn child:
- When a girl turns out to be pregnant in a dream, it signals a fear of becoming pregnant in real life. On the other hand, such dreams often dream of a real conception. Many dream books interpret this vision as an opportunity to soon receive a pleasant gift from her husband. Moreover, this surprise will be so necessary that the gratitude will be too great.
- If in a dream a girl was pregnant with a boy, this is a favorable sign that portends the sleeping man to a new position, as well as high wages. Such dreams often promise a good income in the future. If you saw how you were pregnant with a boy, a dream portends a new relationship that will lead to gossip and intrigue. In addition, if the vision is visited by a pregnant woman, the dream promises a rapid birth.
What portends a dream with a pregnant girlfriend, a relative
In the case when the girlfriend had a pregnancy, do not worry, because such visions are a good sign for the dreamer. Despite some negative interpretations, including minor ailments and minor expenses, most dream books interpret this as a positive phenomenon. Often a dream is dreamed of soon concluding a happy marriage.A dream also portends small changes in a person’s real life, among which even relocation is possible. When a sick girl dreams, she means that she will recover quickly. Women who work in the business, pregnancy of a friend in a dream promises to make easy profits, as well as opening a new business.
When a relative of the sleeping person appeared in a pregnant dream, then one should expect a happy change, especially if the dreamer's daughter was in the role of a girl. In this case, a dream promises her happiness and longevity. Sometimes such visions prophesy difficulties. For example, if you saw your sister pregnant, then a dream foreshadows the appearance of a rival in life. But it should be noted that all difficulties will quickly end.
Pregnancy Twins
Dreams in which the twin pregnancy was featured, indicates that the dreamer's life is full of balance and harmony. For women, the vision promises success in professional activity and love. In addition, a lonely dream prophesies a meeting with his soul mate.
For men, the pregnancy of his girlfriend with twins means that at the moment he must make a choice, which makes him uncomfortable. In this case, the vision warns the person that he needs to gather strength and also to restrain his anger.
How to identify a prophetic dream
It should be understood that not all dreams are prophetic prophecy.
For the correct definition of a proprietary sign, it is necessary to consider all options for its recognition:
- First you need to remember all the nuances of vision. Even any accompanying signs can prompt a person to think about a prophetic dream. Among them, esoterics distinguish fish, ponds, butterflies and storks. Dreams with mushrooms and cabbage were also a sign of pregnancy.
- Whether your dreams have come true earlier or not affects the definition of a prophetic dream. Also important are those dreams that relate to current issues.
- A huge role in the interpretation of sleep is played by the night when the vision was dreamed. The most prophetic dreams are considered to be dreams that had a dream on the night of Thursday to Friday.
Most women are wary of seeing night visions, in which their own or someone else's pregnancy was present, because their interpretations can be either positive or negative for the dreamer. To a greater extent, interpretations depend not only on the plot of visions, but also on other related factors. In any case, it is necessary to understand all the details of a dream so as not to miss an omen, because some dreams can be prophetic for a person.