Often a secret subconscious comes up in dreams. Our fears and fears take on a visual expression, albeit only at short night time. In dreams, we worry about loved ones and become a witness to their joyful events. What does a pregnant girlfriend dream about, especially if the period is already noticeable, and how to interpret a dream where a loved one is about to give birth? The best interpretations are in our material.

What do dream books say about dreams about a pregnant girlfriend

Famous dream books interpret the dream in different ways where a pregnant girl dreams.

  • For example, Menengetti's dream book interprets it as imposing someone else's opinion on you, or strong suspiciousness, empathy with other people's problems and troubles. It's time to remember your own life and try to fix it.
  • The dream book of esotericists broadcasts that the pregnancy of a friend predicts financial difficulties and possible debts in the very near future.
  • Dreams interpreter Hasse, on the contrary, sees in such a dream an exceptionally pleasant sign and the promise of swift changes for the better. But if a loved one asks you to donate blood to her, then it’s time to give her a helping hand and offer support on her own, without waiting for a request.
  • The most interesting forecast is given by Miller. A thin pregnant girlfriend, in his opinion, means a resounding success, recognition of your merits by society. The main thing is not to miss the chance that fate itself will provide you.

Dreamed a pregnant girlfriend with a stomach

It happens that in a dream your girlfriend is about to start giving birth. So the subconscious signals a concern for the health of a friend. Visit her, spend time with a cup of tea and a sweet conversation - the anxieties will be removed as if by hand.Also, such a dream predicts a possible real pregnancy of a friend, especially if she has long dreamed of children.

A big belly in a dream can mean exactly the opposite: it speaks of problems in a feminine way or the onset of digestive system disease.

The dream does not promise big problems - just listen to your health.

Pregnancy girl, boy

To dream about a friend’s pregnancy and to know the gender of the baby means different things.

  • When a friend admitted that she was expecting a son, then probably you are waiting for anxiety and fear for loved ones.
  • But if a friend is waiting for a girl, the situation is different. Very soon pleasant surprise awaits you, an unexpected warm surprise from old acquaintances.
  • Sometimes such a dream is simply interpreted: recognition in the field of the future baby, says that in life your girlfriend is a sincere person who can be trusted. You are probably underestimating your friendship a little and it's time to reconsider your relationship.

Care for the expectant mother

Sometimes dreams are so vivid that it is hard to believe in their “virtual” nature. So caring for a pregnant woman looks very realistic. At the same time, the dream portends trouble in life. It all depends on what mood you care for your girlfriend when she is expecting a baby.

  • If leaving in joy, you enjoy it - the same events await you and in reality.
  • But if you go into a burden, you do everything through force, probably the same chores you will face in life - painful, unpleasant, fraught with difficulties.

Miller suggests looking at such a dream from a different perspective and moving the angle of view into his own family. Your household probably needs care, waiting for understanding from you. Or do you give preference to someone, forgetting about the rest.

In families with children, husbands often feel “abandoned”. Therefore, it is time to renew the relationship, shake oneself, go on a romantic trip.

Sometimes the dream of leaving promises a new romantic meeting, but for her it will have to make some efforts. Perhaps right now you should go to the theater or cinema, where you will meet with an imposing stranger.

Pregnancy and childbirth girlfriend

The best interpretation of sleep about childbirth is given by the well-known soothsayer Vanga. According to her theory, childbirth is a dream for life changes, an important ending to some long hassle.

  • Childbirth, where your friend is suffering, trying to get rid of the burden, mark a series of difficulties with a favorable outcome.
  • But the death during childbirth means futile attempts to establish spoiled relationships with old friends.
  • Taking birth means trying to relieve oneself of responsibility by shifting it to other shoulders.
  • And if you suddenly give birth yourself - the signal is simply excellent. This is a sign that fate gives you a chance to start life from scratch, changing your behavior and attitude towards loved ones.

Popular interpreters of the wife of Winter recommend paying attention to the baby who was born. If he is large, healthy - to be a success. A sick, weak, crying baby is an unfavorable sign: no matter what your efforts are, everything will end in failure.

The dream is a man, a woman

Sometimes a guy can have such a dream. When a man dreamed of a pregnant girlfriend with a stomach, this betrays his fear of such a step as creating a family. But not all men give in. There are those who are very happy with the upcoming replenishment. These people are promised a dream by adding to the budget, promotion along the career ladder, pleasant and profitable projects to which they will be invited.

Women can also dream of pregnancy with family replenishment. They will receive an inheritance from distant relatives, an invitation to travel.

Sometimes it is a sign of forthcoming luck from the most unexpected side. If you dreamed of a pregnant girlfriend - feel free to buy a lottery ticket and wait for the notice of winnings.

Interpretation depending on the day of the week

  • Sleep in the hand usually happens on Fridays. On this day of the week, hypnotists offer to believe everything that the subconscious prompted.
  • On other days of the week, any prophecies may not come true: good and bad.
  • The exception is Wednesday: the central working day of the week makes the brain concentrate and tone up. Therefore, dreams on such days are clear, clear, and prophetic.

Be that as it may, a dream about pregnancy is a sign to pay attention to life, an occasion to rethink relationships with friends and relatives. Who knows, maybe this dream will soon change life for the better.