Why is a white kitten dreaming? It would seem that no negative associations arise with an innocent and harmless animal. A sweet creature causes only peace and tranquility. However, many dream books interpret this vision negatively and warn that the dreamer should be on the alert.
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Interpretation in the dream books
There is no consensus on the meaning of sleep.
Different sources give different interpretations:
- Miller's Dream Interpretation - a vision is a sign that small intrigues are woven against a person. And he needs to be more careful not to get into an unpleasant situation.
- French interpretation - with this animal you must always be on your guard. If in a dream the pet was with a black speck on its face - this means trouble at work, and the presence of a red mark is a symbol of problems in personal life in reality.
- Dream interpretation of Wangi - white kittens are a symbol of unpredictable turns of fate and intrigues of ill-wishers.
- Medea's dream book focuses not on future events, but on the dreamer's current psychological state. Fluffy creatures are a symbol of loneliness and a sense of abandonment in real life.
- Romantic interpreter - if you dreamed of a white fluffy kitten, it means an attempt to deceive the dreamer as a hypocritical person in everyday life.
- Loff's Dream Interpretation - a well-known psychologist believes that the cat symbolizes the presence of a detractor who does not disdain the use of black magic.
- Psychological interpreter - the dreamer needs to think about the rationality of his actions, otherwise he will expect financial losses or health problems.
- Freud's dream book - a large number of pets means pressure from competitors, which must be urgently stopped.
I dreamed of a white, affectionate kitten
According to the dream book, a murmuring and affectionate animal, which by all means shows its disposition towards a person, symbolizes a change for the better on the personal front. New acquaintances are possible, which will later develop into a strong friendship.
Most likely, the dreamer will soon meet his soulmate and create a strong and long relationship. In this case, the main thing is not to miss this moment.
If, in a dream, a pet was presented to a person, this is a sign that in reality he feels lonely and useless to anyone.
See a lot of fluffy babies
Most commentators agree that a dream with white fluffy creatures cannot bode well. And that a vision with them means a quick streak of failure and the collapse of conceived ideas.
If the kids meow very much, then the dreamer will have to ask for help from others. And when they are also spreading in different directions, then a person should look at his surroundings. Most likely, next to him there is a hypocritical friend who will betray him as soon as possible.
If in a vision a person kicked back small pets, this means problems in relations with family and friends.
The meaning of sleep for young girls
For a young girl, this dream can have different interpretations. One of the most pleasant says that soon she will meet the love of her life.
If the girl is going to get married, then the fluffy baby portends a calm family life and many children. However, the dream is also warned that a traitor has appeared in her environment.
But the older the sleep heroine, the more disturbing the likely interpretation of the vision becomes. So, if a woman dreams of a white kitten, this may mean that she will be deceived in the financial sphere. Or someone from the family started an ugly game behind her.
What is the dream of a sick kitten
If the animal meows loudly and tries to climb into the hands of the dreamer, the dream warns that the solution to accumulated problems can no longer be postponed. After all, if you continue to be inactive, then the consequences can take a more serious turn.
It happens that a little white kitten dreams that refuses medication and tries to scratch or bite a person. In this case, the vision symbolizes the empty chores in the life of the sleeping person. He urgently needs to reconsider his attitude to some things and understand what he is doing wrong. This primarily relates to financial affairs and relationships with the second half. Perhaps the person whom the dreamer sympathizes with does not reciprocate - then you need to stop trying to establish contact and switch to another object or direct forces in a different direction.
Often dreams are a warning about future problems, and can be just a mirror reflection of a person’s problems. Or is it just an interesting “movie” with a furry handsome man in the title role. In any case, do not focus on the negative, because any dream is only a possible scenario. And the course of events may vary depending on the mood and actions of a person in the future.