Seeing a pool filled with water in a dream is not always a good sign. Depending on the additional details and the day on which the pool was dreamed, the interpretation of such a dream may differ. For some people, vision becomes a harbinger of change, not always positive. But in most cases, such a dream prophesies fateful events that can radically change lives. What the pool is dreaming of and what it is worth preparing for after such a dream - read on.

Interpretation in different dream books

The dream in which the pool was present is interpreted differently in the well-known dream books. A complete and most accurate explanation can be found by studying common interpretations, taking into account the rest of the sleep.

What portends a plot with a pool according to the interpretation of different dream books :.

  1. A modern dream book with Freud's explanations describes such a dream as a harbinger of imminent passionate or emotional attachment, followed by disappointment and pain. Passionate swimming in a dream prophesies a stormy love adventure.
  2. According to Longo's dream book, a pool in a dream means the future achievement of goals, but this will happen in the most unpredictable way. If a person drowns in a pool in a dream, unforeseen difficulties await him in achieving goals.
  3. The astrological dream book interprets the dream of the pool as a sign of impending prosperity and material well-being. The plot may portend a new love. However, a dirty artificial pond means future failures on the love front.
  4. Miller's dream book considers such a dream as a portent of the impending beginning of a strong relationship for young girls.

In several dream books, the interpretation of sleep is the same:

  • the pool seen in a dream portends positive changes in relations at different levels;
  • such a dream indicates future events that will cause strong emotions;
  • pool water symbolizes health and life, therefore its quality reflects the current state of a person.

Esotericists recognize the most accurate interpretation of sleep about the pool, presented in the collection "The Newest Dream Book". According to his interpreters, the pool portends positive changes in life or relationships.

It is important to pay attention to the condition of the water:

  • transparent and pleasant to the senses - this is to recover or get rid of insoluble problems;
  • opaque water with sediment or an unpleasant odor indicates impending health problems.

Esoterics recommend after a dream in which there was a pool of dirty water, to perform a rite of purification with water and salt, or simply wash away the negative energy in the shower.

Swim, dive in the pool

If in a dream a person saw himself diving into a pool from a height - this is a sign of an imminent breakthrough in business, professional sphere or other significant matters. Swimming in a pool in a dream is not always a good sign.

Depending on additional circumstances, the interpretation is different:

  • Swimming in the cold water of the pool is a nuisance.
  • Diving into the pool with a running start is a signal of quick and unforeseen changes in your personal life.
  • For a young girl, the dream where she swims in the pool is an omen of an early acquaintance with a reliable and loving person.
  • Swimming in warm or hot water of the pool is a signal of future difficulties in business.
  • Diving into a dirty pool is a portent of a sudden deterioration in health. This is a signal from the subconscious that you need to pay attention to the state of the body.

Dreaming of yourself or loved ones floating in clean, pleasant water is always a good sign, regardless of other circumstances.

With clean, dirty water

If you dream of a pool of clean water, almost all dream books see this as a sign that portends good. You can more accurately understand the meaning of sleep by turning to the nuances and details.

A dream with clean water in the pool prophesies the following events:

  • health promotion, recovery;
  • improvement of social ties, position in society;
  • unexpected positive changes;
  • luck in a love relationship;
  • friendship building.

The dirty water seen in a dream inspires less optimism.

If you had a dirty pool, this dream is designed to prepare for such phenomena:

  • gossip, rumors, slander;
  • health problems;
  • losses;
  • difficulties in relationships;
  • danger.

Important! If you had a dream with dirty water in the pool, where a loved one or friend was swimming, this is a warning about him. Perhaps in the near future he will ask for the dreamer's help, do not refuse him.

Artificial pond with dolphins

To dream of a dolphin swimming in the pool is a signal indicating important changes related to the sphere of relations in society. Some interpretations of dreams about dolphins in artificial ponds are presented below.

More dream books:what are dolphins dreaming of

  1. Too many dolphins are pressure from the authorities or authorities.
  2. Swimming with dolphins in clear water is a dream of establishing harmony in personal relationships with a spouse.
  3. For a pregnant woman, a dream with a dolphin portends good health and a great fate for the child.
  4. Dead or sick dolphins in a dream warn of problems, future difficulties or new responsibilities that will have to be dealt with.
  5. One dolphin in a clean and large pool portends the establishment of strong and lasting friendships.

Important! Dolphins seen in a dream swimming in the pool with loved ones signal a cooling of relationships, the need for harmonization and restoration of communication.

Why dream of an empty pool

An empty pool in a dream reflects emotional emptiness, stagnation in business, possible loneliness. An accurate interpretation, taking into account other circumstances and details, is presented below.

  • A close person is alone in an empty pool - a signal of his loneliness and need for support.
  • Seeing yourself in the middle of an empty pool is a signal of a possible betrayal or loss of relationship.
  • A pool in which water quickly drops down to complete devastation is a signal that someone is stealing the dreamer's energy.
  • The emptiness in the pool, where there are a lot of people, indicates a meaningless relationship, fake friendship or soon separation.

In the event that an empty pool in a dream suddenly filled with clean water, interpreters see this as a sign of good change, abundance, enrichment and prosperity in different areas of life.

With people swimming

Swimming in the pool in a dream is a sign with different interpretations. Thus, the human subconscious signals signals of existing or future changes in order to thoroughly prepare for them. Of particular importance is a dream with a pool, in which there are many strangers or acquaintances.

The following are interpretations of such a dream, depending on the details:

  1. A dream in which a woman sees a pool filled with unfamiliar men prophesies her success with the opposite sex and a chance to build strong love relationships.
  2. If a loved one swims in the pool, you need to pay attention to the condition of the water. Dirty - a signal of danger or illness. Pure - quick joy, changes in life or unexpected resolution of difficult situations.
  3. Many familiar people in the pool - strengthening friendships and social status.
  4. Competition with swimming people in the pool promises victory in the professional field, in the courts or in personal matters.
  5. To save drowning people in a dream is to the fuss and problems associated with ill-wishers.

Not always a dream with a pool carries some secret meaning or warning. But if what you see in a dream does not give rest and does not get out of your head - this is an occasion to pay attention to possible interpretations and to take measures in advance to prevent possible problems.