In our high-tech age, many perceive signs as ridiculous prejudices: is it possible, for example, to seriously think about what the right ear is scratching for? But all the same, sometimes it’s not superfluous to direct attention to such things — what if, after this, it will turn out to direct further events in the right direction?
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Itching the right ear - the meaning of signs
If you correctly decipher why tickling in the right ear began, it will be possible to anticipate future events and prepare for them in time - whether to take an umbrella with you before leaving the house, or, in a more serious situation, be able to avoid trouble. Or expect something good and joyful.
The significance of the signs depends on many factors:
- places where itching appeared;
- the time of day when the ear began to drift;
- the time of year in which the person was born;
- and even from what gender the ear itches.
In girls and women
If itching is felt inside the ear, it is worth looking back at your life.
- Firstly, this may mean that it is time to remember close people and pay attention to them. Most likely, you have not seen each other for a long time and did not communicate with your brothers, sisters, or someone from other relatives. It’s time to correct the mistake, restore warm relations and not to allow such alienation in the future.
- Secondly, when the right ear is scratched, a sign may indicate that the ladies will have to give up expensive gifts and purchases for a while. Finally, pay attention to the financial condition of your man and do not spend his money thoughtlessly! Probably, right now his affairs are not too rosy, and he is not able to pamper you as before.It would be better to postpone the cooked amount: perhaps a critical moment will come when it will come in handy for something really necessary.
- Thirdly, an unmarried young lady who was lucky to get an enviable gentleman, unpleasant sensations in her ear can bode dirty tricks and gossip from envious rivals. Surely your "sworn girlfriends" do not get tired of washing your bones, or even they are plotting to destroy your relationship with a young man.
Guys and men
The situation when the itching in the right ear is annoying is the likelihood that you will soon have to talk a lot, looking for arguments and proving your own innocence by disagreeing with your actions and your point of view to people. Surely this will be a hectic and exciting period. But do not retreat under the pressure of the opposition. Fasten, hold your fist in emotion and go to the end. This will lead to great results for you. Also in the sense that the acquired ability to control oneself and influence others will be a bonus to success in business.
If pruritus of scabies is felt in the ear rim, pay attention to finances.
- If this is your own money, it can easily go away because of too easy a relationship with them.
- The company’s funds are likely to face a dispersal of financial flows that could put the business in a difficult position.
And when you notice that at the same time the right earlobe also itches, pull yourself together and try not to make unjustified expenses, otherwise you risk being left with empty pockets.
Read also: what the right eye itches
Does the earlobe itch on its own? This promises a romantic date with a pretty girl. Do not reveal all the cards at once, remain mysterious, show maximum attention. Such behavior will help to interest your chosen one more strongly.
Why does the earlobe scratch, the ear inside?
There are many beliefs, which greatly scratches the earlobe. Interpretations are also pleasant for the "owner" of such an itch, and no.
In the first case, this happens when:
- they praise you;
- you are cited as an example to others;
- refer to you or your authoritative opinion for any reason;
- one of your relatives or good friends is expected to join the family.
In the second case:
- They discuss you and speak badly of you. And if you lick your finger and run it over your ear, gossip, like itching, will stop instantly. At least our ancestors firmly believed in this;
- a serious conflict is likely to be initiated by you;
- there is a need to recall your recent actions towards others and apologize.
Another reason for the drooping right ear can turn out to be an emergency change of weather. Moreover, when it itches inside, the exact "forecast" can be obtained taking into account what time of the year you were born.
If you were born in the second half of spring or summer, the ear “promises” the onset of warm sunny days.
If your birthday fell in the fall or winter, an itchy ear - a sign that rain or cold is already on the doorstep.
Another sign of the right ear scratching from the inside is that soon you will receive unexpected, but very pleasant news. And the more ticklish - the more intriguing they will be.
Why does the right ear scratch in the evening, in the morning?
As already mentioned, the decoding of the belief, why the right ear can itch, depends on many nuances. Including the time of day.
Evening is a period in some sense mystical, because it stands on the border between day and night, light and darkness. It is at this hour that daytime activity subsides, and relaxation sets in.
Evening is the time when:
- everything unsaid receives “points above and”;
- the secret comes into the light and becomes manifest;
- plans for tomorrow are being drawn up;
- Active communication with the family.
So popular beliefs give evening tickling in the right ear mostly positive significance. No wonder that the guardian angel is on the right! This may be a harbinger of meetings, probably even fateful.Or I’m familiar that acquaintances speak positively of you. Or a signal of a change in weather - to heat.
If we talk about the morning hours, we can also distribute the interpretation of the days of the week.
- On Monday - you are strongly, but in a good way envy.
- On Tuesday - parting awaits lovers.
- Wednesday - get ready for a long-awaited date.
- Thursday - get the good news.
- On Friday - finally see a loved one.
- On Saturday - the ear simply itches, it does not mean anything.
- On Sunday - to an unexpected profit.
Why does the right ear “burn”?
Ears can not only itch, but also blush, become very hot - “burn”. If this happened to the right, no trouble would happen: the right side, according to popular belief, doesn’t portend anything bad. Popular experience offers several answers to the question of what to expect from a “flaming” right ear.
- Something very good friends say about you.
- Some of the old friends to no avail trying to contact you and terribly angry because of this. Perhaps even curses in the hearts.
They say that you can restore your ear to its normal state and at the same time understand who needs you so urgently, you can go over all your friends in the mind. As soon as the turn reaches the "guilty", the heat will immediately stop.
- They speak of you, albeit not very well, but truthfully and without insults.
- Someone in a hurry to see you.
What other signs are associated with the right ear?
The ear can not only scratch or burn. Sometimes we notice that a ringing sounds in it. If this happened to the right, good news will soon be heard.
In addition to all of the above, there are other signs associated with the ears.
- Owners of large auricles are probably very successful and always know how to achieve what they want. However, disproportionately large, and even irregularly shaped ears are a sign of a stubborn wretch.
- Too small ears give out slow-witted.
- Those with the top edge of the ears reaching the eyebrows are distinguished by high intelligence.
- Kohl line of the upper part of the ears did not reach, even to eye level, this is an indicator of a small mind.
- Full elongated lobes characterize their owner as a wise and spiritual person.
- The bents, bent upwards, indicate that their master is the minion of fate, whom success will accompany all his life.
Read also:itchy left eyebrow
What does it mean medically?
Doctors are wary or ringing ears. Especially if the symptom does not pass quickly, and even more so when the symptoms increase and cause discomfort. Already this is a clear sign that you should not pull and guess, "what these things mean." Seek immediate medical attention! Indeed, the cause of this condition can be various ailments, sometimes very serious: otitis media, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, bacterial and viral infections, allergies, diabetes and others.