Our body can become a kind of "predictor" of some events. Not all of us believe in superstition, but listening to our bodies will not harm. We will understand why the right breast is itching, a sign and a medical explanation of this phenomenon.
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Itching the right breast - the meaning of signs
The interpretation of this phenomenon is different for women and men. Let's consider each in detail.
In girls and women
It is believed that a girl's right breast may itch due to the fact that her beloved person misses her very much. If the itching is severe and accompanied by pain, this can be regarded as a sign of adultery. But do not immediately despair and start a scandal, even if there are problems in your relationship with your loved one. Wait a bit, changes are expected in your life that will positively affect everyone.
If the itching manifests itself with an enviable frequency, look around: perhaps someone from your environment is deeply in love with you, but can not decide on a frank confession. If the sensation does not show much, your fan is blond.
In some women, itching and a slight burning sensation in the right mammary gland can signal an early intercourse.
In most cases, the right breast is itchy for the unexpected arrival of dear guests, so be prepared to show yourself as a hospitable hostess.
Guys and men
In representatives of a strong half of humanity, the right breast most often itches due to severe worsening weather conditions.
Most likely, you should expect:
- heavy rainfall;
- strong wind;
- cold snap.
In addition to the above symptoms, the right breast can itch due to imminent changes in life for the better. All endeavors will bring good results, increase wages at work, or offer a new high position, harmony reigns in the family. Some argue that itching warns of an imminent unexpected trip that will positively affect all areas of life.
Why does the right breast scratch in the morning, in the evening?
The value of signs will be very good if the chest itches in the morning.
Men and women can regard this phenomenon as a symbol of the following positive changes in life:
- climb the career ladder;
- financial, love, family and friendship luck;
- unexpected pleasant meeting with an old acquaintance or friend.
If itching began to bother the right mammary gland in the evening, it is better to prepare for the bad news:
- for women - betrayal of a loved one with another;
- for men - problems in the financial sphere of life;
- general - difficult weather conditions.
What other signs are associated with the right breast?
To more accurately decipher what the right breast is itching for, you need to pay attention to what day of the week this sensation manifests itself. A lot depends on this, because every day has its own energy and affects people differently.
Popular beliefs and fortune-telling say that it was on this day that our ancestors learned about future cataclysms in nature. Many people scratched their right breasts before a strong thunderstorm, rain, storm and strong wind. If you notice discomfort in this area, check the weather forecast. Perhaps it will be said about the imminent deterioration of weather conditions.
If you notice a slight malaise and feel that you have a cold, be sure to see a doctor. On this day, itching of the breasts, especially the first, indicates a high probability of catching a serious infection. It will not be superfluous to dress warmly, drink natural teas and eat vitamins. Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure later.
The right mammary gland began to itch on Wednesday - expect the arrival of guests. This “rule” works for women and men. The arrival of guests will be a complete surprise - friends or relatives will simply forget to warn about their intentions. If you notice an itching of the right chest, just in case, clean the house, buy everything you need for refreshments and wait for the doorbell to ring.
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The popular sign says that you need to try to give your guests all your attention. Only in this case, get a powerful positive charge for a long time.
Why does the right breast scratch on Thursday? Popular signs claim that in this way the body warns us of imminent troubles. It can be a banal reprimand of the authorities for being late for work, or something more serious: betrayal of a loved one, a strong family scandal, etc. Try for a while not to give management a reason to scold you, be more attentive to loved ones and analyze your surroundings.
Friday is a day of unexpected travel. A friend will call for a walk, a loved one will invite you to go to a new interesting place. Management will offer working men a trip on a business trip that will positively impact their career. Popular sign advises not to miss any opportunity, since there may not be any more.
The sign says that an itch of the right chest on Saturday signals an imminent meeting with a stranger who will quickly become an important part of your life. Lonely people can meet true love.
An itch in the right chest on Sunday means there are vile people in your surroundings who spread gossip behind your back. Be attentive to your friends and try not to tell anything important. The envy of such people can do much harm to you.
What does it mean medically?
Often, the right breast can itch due to the frequent use of underwear made of synthetic materials. It is no secret that such things can greatly irritate the skin and provoke various allergic manifestations. Observe yourself: if itching appears after using certain underwear, replace it with a piece of natural fabric.
In women, breasts can itch before a monthly bleeding occurs or in the first month of pregnancy. If there is a suspicion of conceiving a child, it is better to visit a gynecologist.
Nursing mothers can periodically suffer from itching of the right breast. A change in the hormonal background provokes this phenomenon. In addition to the itching sensation, the breast may increase or decrease, the inflow and outflow of breast milk can cause dull pain. As a rule, after the end of the lactation period, all unpleasant sensations disappear.
Often, itching can occur due to:
- hypersensitivity of the skin to used moisturizers or detergents;
- nervous strain;
- hormone-based pharmaceuticals.
Sometimes itching of the chest provokes dermatitis or mycosis. The first disease occurs due to neglect of personal hygiene and ignoring allergic reactions. In addition to scratching, dermatitis is accompanied by a large rash on the chest and under it, as well as intense redness.
Mycosis can "successfully" develop on the breasts, if there are suitable conditions. If the disease is not treated, it will quickly affect other parts of the epithelium, causing severe itching and burning.
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If you notice that your chest has been itching for a long time, visit your doctor. Perhaps this phenomenon will be a symptom of some disease that requires professional medical intervention.