The complex of signs relating to the human body has a very ancient origin. Since pagan times, it was believed that the body is a conductor of invisible forces, able to perceive the signals of the other world. The interpretation of these signs depended on many conditions, in what place the signal was localized, on which side of the body, at what time, etc. For example, to find out why the right eyebrow is scratching, you need to take into account a whole set of different signs.

Sign: why does the right eyebrow itch?

Signs associated with the right eyebrow are almost always positive. This is due to the fact that the right side of the body has long been perceived as the side of truth and light forces.

The interpretation of the eyebrow itself has a certain significance for interpretation.

Almost all peoples had their density in honor:

  1. The Sumerians and Indians associated it with fertility and sexuality, so women specifically blackened and thickened the eyebrow line.
  2. The Assyrians, Greeks and Romans considered wide, fused eyebrows a sign of wealth and nobility of the family. Roman patricians, who did not naturally have such an ornament, even glued themselves artificial goat hair eyebrows.
  3. In ancient China, thick eyebrows were a symbol of masculinity and militancy. About two thousand years ago, participants in the famous “Red Brow Uprising” used this symbol as an identification mark.
  4. The ancient Slavs had thick eyebrows as a sign of physical health, sexual fullness, and endurance. It is not for nothing that the popular epithet “eyebrow eyebrows” wanders from one folklore piece to another.

Thus, eyebrows as an archaic symbol are associated with health, success, wealth and physical attractiveness. The right side of the body gives a positive connotation to any signs.

Hence the signs that have survived to this day: if the right eyebrow itches, you can expect:

  • good luck in business, profit;
  • material compensation for any work;
  • a valuable gift;
  • victory in anything;
  • meeting a nice person of the opposite sex with the prospect of a romantic relationship.

The specific meaning of the omens depends on the circumstances discussed below.

Significance according to gender

First of all, the interpretation takes into account the gender of the person whose eyebrow was combed. The right side is traditionally considered to be also masculine, so for them this sign has specific accents, and for women it is more blurred:

The importance of signs for menThe importance of signs for women
• cash reward;
• successful resolution of a financial dispute;
• repayment of old debt;
• sexual intercourse.
• receiving a gift;
• luck in any matters - romantic, monetary, creative, everyday;
• safe resolution of any conflicts;
• date or sexual relationship.

The "masculine" character of the right side of the body became the basis of yet another sign: if the right eyebrow itches on a pregnant woman, she wears a boy under the heart.

Why does the right eyebrow itch in the morning, in the evening?

The position of the sun above the horizon must be taken into account by an experienced interpreter. The period from sunrise to the establishment of the sun at the zenith is associated with an increase in energy. The farther the sun tends to the west, the less energy.

The likelihood of the performance of the "morning" will be much higher than the "evening". However, the very interpretation of why the eyebrow itches does not depend on the time of day.

Interpretation of signs according to the day of the week

Aerobatics interpretation involves taking into account the day of the week. This requires the interpreter to understand the astrological and mythological connections between the days of the week, planets and pagan deities as symbols of certain forces of nature.

Depending on which day the right eyebrow itches, a sign may mean the following:

Day of the weekRuling planetCorresponding Slavic deityInterpretation of signs
MondayMoonLelyaThe main emphasis is on love relationships, sexuality, passion. The sign portends an intimate date.
TuesdayMarsYarovit or YariloThe emphasis is on disputes or conflicts. An omen means a successful exit from confrontation or a victory in a competition, competition, etc.
WednesdayMercuryVelesThe emphasis is on the material and financial aspects. Signs means profit, the conclusion of profitable transactions, receiving bonuses, gifts.
ThursdayJupiterPerunGlobal luck in all matters. Signs become the harbinger of the "finest hour".
FridayVenusMakoshThe emphasis is on domestic and marriage relationships. The significance of signs is harmony in the family, luck in love, prosperity and income in the house.
SaturdaySaturnCarolsThe emphasis is on order, law, traditions, career. Signs portends luck in litigation, career growth, bonuses. Another meaning is a meeting with older relatives, a common family table.
SundayThe sunHorseSuccess in all matters. Signs promise great joy, a holiday.

A person’s thoughts can also play a certain role at the moment when his eyebrow is combed. It is believed that such a signal can be a kind of answer to questions of interest. In this case, positive.

What other signs are associated with the right eyebrow?

The symbolic connection of the right eyebrow with the truth is reflected in the tradition of riddles. A riddle is a ritual action, the purpose of which is to show whether the plan will be realized.

The right eyebrow is used for this as follows:

  • a desire is made;
  • the index finger of the right hand is wetted with saliva;
  • a wet finger is held on the right eyebrow in the direction against hair growth.

If a hair is left on the finger, then the desire will come true. But we must not forget that such rituals are fraught with danger - a mysterious person may at the same time “jinx himself”. The old adage warns about this: "The riddle is never rich."

What does it mean medically?

If the eyebrows itch too often and intrusively, it makes sense not to get carried away with signs, but to pay attention to your health.

Read also:what does the left hand itch

A similar symptom often accompanies a number of serious endocrine disorders and deficient conditions:

  • hyperthyroidism;
  • diabetes;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia.

Sometimes itching in the eyebrows, accompanied by hair loss, is a sign of damage to the hair follicles of pale treponema (with secondary syphilis), pathogenic fungi or skin parasite - demodex.

A serious attitude to omens should not exclude responsibility and basic household literacy. Otherwise, instead of the expected happiness, you can get a neglected disease and a place in the hospital ward.