Believing in folk signs or not is everyone's personal business. Someone considers them the wisdom accumulated over the centuries, which must be listened to, but for someone it’s just superstition. But those who do not see omens as empty words will be interested to know what the left eye is scratching and what to expect in this case.
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Itches the left eye - the meaning of signs
When the left eye is scratched, the sign is interpreted quite controversially. A further prognosis depends on the person of which gender the itching occurred.
In many cultures of the world for women this is considered a good omen, for men it is a harbinger of trouble.
For girls and women
The wisdom of many nations is that if a woman’s left eye itches, she should prepare for positive changes in her life. This may be receiving joyful news, good luck in all endeavors, and future wealth.
Others believe that such a phenomenon portends pleasant meetings with old friends or new acquaintances.
For guys and men
No matter how strange it may seem, it is in men that itching in the left eye is considered a harbinger of tears. If the eyelid is combed by a representative of a strong half of humanity, setbacks and serious worries lie ahead. They can be associated both with personal affairs, and with work and relationships in society. For example, the islanders have a belief that such an itch warns of an imminent misfortune that will happen to one of the family members.
On a note. Some people believe that itching in the left eye of any person, regardless of gender, indicates the imminent unplanned spending of a considerable amount of money.
Interpretation of signs by day of the week
The interpretation of the signs is largely dependent on when exactly the itching occurred in the eye. For many years, people believed that if you paint a forecast by the days of the week, it will turn out to be more accurate.
Itching in the left eye at the beginning of the week portends sorrow and tears. The reason for this may be a quarrel with the second half, children, loved ones or friends, as well as trouble at work.
If the left eye is combed on Tuesday, there is a high probability of receiving good news and good luck in business. All changes that have occurred on this day will only be for the better and will bring a lot of joy in the future.
The people often called the environment “hunchbacked day”, since the afternoon time refers to the first half of the week, and the period after 12:00 - to the second. The interpretation of the reasons why the left eye was combed on this day is also twofold.
- This may portend a meeting with a romantic connotation or an acquaintance that will become life-changing and, possibly, will change your whole life.
- And also an itch in the eye in the middle of the week speaks of extraordinary luck - luck will accompany a person in gambling or risky projects. In this case, this day is the best for buying a lottery ticket or a profitable investment.
An itch in the left eye on Thursday does not bode well. Perhaps there will be a reason for the frustration, worries and tears associated with various aspects of human life. Large financial losses are not excluded.
If the left eye itches on the last day of the working week, this portends a long-awaited meeting and the end of separation from a loved one. The most unexpected events and meetings with people from the past may occur.
When the left eye was combed on Saturday, it portends an unexpected flow of money. Perhaps the debt will be repaid or an increase in salary calculated. And also one cannot exclude the chance to find money literally on the road, picking up a purse lost by someone.
Discomfort in the left eye on Sunday portends pleasant surprises. It can be a win in the lottery, a meeting with an old friend or a surprise made by a loved one. And good news may come from afar.
Interesting! In ancient times, it was believed that an angel sits on the right shoulder of a person, and an imp on the left. And to strengthen the effect of a good omen, it is necessary to stroke an imaginary angel on the shoulder, and to neutralize the bad omen - to spit over the left shoulder, wash and read a cleansing prayer. Also in this case, you can lightly stroke both eyes and cross.
Why does the left eye scratch at different times of the day
In order to correctly interpret the sign why the left eye is itching, one should take into account the time when this happened.
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It has long been believed that this phenomenon portends such events depending on the time of day:
- Morning. If itching in the left eye appeared within 2-3 hours after waking up, you can expect a visit from old friends or a meeting with a loved one.
- Midday hours. In the period from 12:00 to 15:00 the left eye itches to the successful completion of current affairs or on the eve of a grand holiday.
- Afternoon. If the left eye is combed from 15:00 to 17:00, this promises a possible loss of money. In this case, there is a high risk of entering into an unsuccessful agreement, as well as becoming a victim of a scammer or a pocket thief.
- Evening. If anxiety sensations appeared between 17:00 and midnight, the next day portends new acquaintances and meetings, both romantic and business. And also morning can bring unexpected news.
- Night. If your left eye is combed after midnight, you may have to go on a trip or soon receive guests at your home.
In addition to the above, there are many other signs, according to which you can interpret the itching in the left eye.
What other signs are associated with the left eye?
If the left eye itches, what else does this mean? Each nation has its own opinion on this matter, but if we combine these beliefs, such a phenomenon may precede the following events:
- hard and hard work;
- discovery of new life opportunities;
- a deterioration in mood and a decrease in vitality;
- health problems and overwork;
- revenge and intrigues of ill-wishers.
Some Slavic peoples believed that if the left eye was combed immediately after awakening, then the dream seen at night was prophetic.
Probably no one can give an exact answer to the question of whether to believe the signs.
The wisest decision is not to ignore the various signs of fate, but also not to panic if this or that event, in accordance with popular wisdom, does not bode well.
It’s better to take this as a warning. If, for example, any sign indicates a risk of losing a large amount of money, you should be careful in financial matters, and also do not leave your wallet or purse unattended.
What does this mean from a medical point of view?
In conclusion, it is necessary to highlight not only the mystical, but also quite real reasons for the discussed state. Namely, to talk about why the left eye can be scratched from a medical point of view.
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Factors that provoke itching and discomfort can be:
- Eye contact with a foreign object. Even a tiny grain of sand or eyelash can irritate the mucous membrane and cause not only itching, but also pain.
- Fatigue and lack of sleep. People, forced for one reason or another to limit themselves to rest, quite often experience an unpleasant sensation when their eyes itch and even from time to time there is a pain in them.
- Dry eye syndrome. This condition affects people who spend a lot of time in front of a computer monitor. The fact is that in the process of such an activity a person blinks less frequently, which is why the work of the lacrimal glands slows down. The mucous membrane dries up and as a result itching occurs.
- Unsuitable or poor-quality cosmetics. Many women are familiar with the problem when, after acquiring a new eye cream or mascara, the eyes begin to watery and itch. Sometimes it pinches the mucosa as if soap had fallen on it.
- Allergic reaction. In this case, itching and tearing are often accompanied by a runny nose, cough and skin rashes. Such manifestations can be triggered by a variety of factors from pollen and animal hair to abuse of chemical drugs.
- Diseases of the eyes of an inflammatory or infectious nature. Many such diseases, for example, conjunctivitis, begin with just such a symptom - itching and sensation of a foreign object under the eyelids. In the early stage of the patient, only this worries, and then others join the initial manifestations.
- Parasitic diseases. The widespread belief that worms can live only in the intestines is nothing more than a myth. These microorganisms penetrate all tissues and organs, including the mucosa. Since the waste of their activity is toxic, itching often accompanies such problems.
If unpleasant sensations in the eyes occur often, you should not sit idly by and wait for the condition to worsen. You should immediately contact a medical institution for an examination.