Popular wisdom, expressed in signs, is never mistaken. And you will see this now. Indeed, even such a banal, it would seem, sign, like itching on the palm of your hand, can reveal the deep layers of the human psyche. Having figured out what the left hand is itching for, you can cope with troubles and difficult financial situations, overcome your fears, doubts and tune your subconscious mind to the right wave.

Left hand itches - the meaning of omens

Signs are not only a part of folklore. Rather, the science of life that does not pass in school. Do not forget that man is part of nature, the universe, in all its diversity. Centuries-old observations of the reactions of the human body associated with psychological aspects reveal patterns that scientists should pay attention to.

There are several main signs at once related to why the left hand itches. The main one, of course, is monetary.

This sign even suggests several curious rituals that are designed to increase the estimated profit.

For their implementation does not need to be a psychic or a magician. Anyone just needs to believe in the result and, as they say, visualize it. Then thoughts may well be translated into reality.

  1. When itching in the left hand, you need to imagine the required amount of money, which lies in the palm of your hand. And then clench your fist, as if taking this amount to yourself, and consolidate this action by kissing your left hand. Next, you need to send a fist with an imaginary amount in your pocket and there to unclench your fingers.In principle, even from the point of view of psychology, this is a perfectly acceptable action that sets a person to take certain steps necessary to make a profit.
  2. Another ritual is also very simple, but still more like a fun game. The itchy palm should be scratched, then kissed and then gently hit three times with the same palm on the forehead. Now it remains to put your hand in your pocket and say: “To the money!”. The game is a way to communicate with your unconscious, therefore such a ritual is also quite acceptable and will help get rid of personal fears and prejudices associated with money.
  3. The following action helps in visualizing what is desired even for those people who do not have a good imagination. When the left hand is combed, you need to take with it any bill or coin that only appears in sight. Then you should put it in your wallet or pocket, while imagining how much money I would like to receive now.
  4. The day your left hand is combed, it’s good to repay debts. Because the given can return good and to that person to whom you give money, and to you personally. It is necessary to repay a debt with the left hand.

When the left hand is scratched, the sign may be another. For example, this is a signal of a meeting with a loved one, which should be hugged with both hands. If a person is lonely, then this, possibly, promises acquaintance with the future half.

Sometimes itching in the palm of the left hand is interpreted as a signal of an imminent change in weather. Well, here there is a reason. Vessels “play”, because there is a change in atmospheric pressure.

Interpretation of signs by day of the week

Much depends on what day of the week itching appears in the left palm.

In money magic, too, there is a "schedule" that is associated with individual days of the week:

  • Monday. Coming soon cash. It is nice, however, you should know that this is unreliable money. They both came and go. Therefore, care must be taken to spend them profitably, say, as a gift to a good person.
  • Tuesday. The itching of the left palm on this day means that you will be repaid soon. Maybe right today.
  • Wednesday. A great day to “lure” cash flow. To do this, start scratching your left palm, even if you do not experience itching. And at the same time mentally imagine the necessary amount, which should not be too large. In addition, visualize in advance what it should be spent on. The universe is bound to respond to such an appeal. If on this day you accidentally find a purse on the street with money, then it is better not to spend it on yourself, since the purchase will be unsuccessful. Give these bills to someone who needs them or take care of poor relatives.
  • Thursday. You should be careful and keep away from unnecessary emotions. Money received today can be a source of quarrel with relatives and friends. Moreover, resentment against each other can be a long one, and it will not be possible to make peace quickly.
  • Friday. Unexpectedly, money will come, but they will not be associated with earnings. This may be an accidental find, something like a legacy that fell on your head, unplanned profit when playing on the stock exchange, winning a lottery, etc. However, this, as they say, is “crazy” money that is best spent right away. They can not be stored, so as not to cause trouble.
  • Saturday. Serious career growth, increase in planned profit is not far off.
  • Sunday. On this day, we usually have a good time, meeting with friends or relatives. Therefore, it is expected to receive an excellent gift on this day.

What does it mean medically?

If you are seriously worried about the ongoing itching, then you should take this more carefully. First of all, you should carefully inspect the hands, palms, fingers.

Read also:what does the right palm itch

Perhaps redness or peeling of the skin, some spots, pustules, traces of insect bites may have appeared.This indicates that the cause of itching is not at all magical, but the usual, medical one.

  • Stress. Itching of the skin of the hands may occur on nerve soil.
  • Allergic dermatitis. It is a very real problem, especially if the skin of the hands was in contact with household chemicals and cosmetics. They ate food with hot spices, fruits (especially exotic ones), ate sweets, took medicine - the reaction can be anything.
  • Eczema. This is a serious skin disease that occurs as a result of improper metabolism, some internal diseases, a drop in immunity, etc.

If itching causes serious concern - you should definitely consult a doctor, determine the cause and start treatment.

Why does a specific finger itch?

Our fingers are tactile sensors, tools, and even weapons for self-defense. Surely there have been special situations in life when the hands, and especially the fingers, at the moment of emotional uplift or stress acted as if “on their own”, as if anticipating in advance what they needed to do. Therefore, the signs associated with this part of the human body are very effective.

Little finger

When the little finger itches, unfortunately, you have been plagued by monetary failures for a long time. But this is not a reason to be upset. This is the reason to seriously understand yourself and your difficult relationships with the egregore of money. The current situation just longs for a successful resolution, and the Universe gives a chance to change life's paths, begin to think and act in a new way. Such actions will ultimately lead to material well-being.

However, if the little finger itches on a certain day of the week, say, on Friday or Wednesday, then the situation is different. You will receive great money news, which you should definitely use.


The ring finger is itching - this indicates a pleasant waste of the prize received from the Universe. This may be, for example, a trip that you make in the company of great people. She will be remembered for a long time and will become one of the most pleasant memories in your life.


Great signal. You are waiting for an unconditional and fairly quick increase in material well-being. Without any conditions and delays.


The index finger itches. It is to be expected that profits will be made, but not immediately. You will have to work hard for this. The path will be thorny, but success is not far off. You can implement your long-cherished project and even organize a group of associates for its implementation. However, be prepared for obstacles, because not everyone approves of what you have in mind.


Does the thumb itch? You will receive an unexpected gift. Most likely, it can turn out to be a simple envelope with money, or maybe a gold ring in a velvet box, a new smartphone or tickets to the World Cup.

Depending on gender

Women and men are known to be "creatures from different planets." These are opposite energy poles. Therefore, cash flow attracts to itself in different ways, using psychological characteristics of logic, actions and ways of thinking that are characteristic only for the corresponding gender.

In girls and women

Women are emotional, always give vent to their feelings. Therefore, all the signs associated with money in girls and women are derived from soft, "female" energy. And material wealth comes to them in slightly different ways than men.

It is interesting:what does the left ear itch

The left hand often signals that the money will be received unexpectedly and in a pleasant form.

And this is more connected with gifts, unexpected surprises, finds, than with profit received in business. This will not be a gift from a man, but a prize that will be handed at work or an occasional good discount on a thing that has long been dreamed of buying.

You only need to know that the Universe should be thanked for such a pleasant surprise and spend part of the money received for charity.

Guys and men

A man is the head of the family who cares about her well-being. And this statement applies not only to married men. Lonely young bachelors should help their parents as much as possible, and this role of assistant and earner always remains with the man. In this regard, signs regarding money, including scratching the left hand, are extremely rational for men precisely in the way they are received.

Therefore, the sign may be related:

  • with a random find of a purse with money on the street;
  • with debt repaid;
  • with profit received in business or at work (quite possibly planned);
  • promotion with salary increase.
  • However, one must remember that this is not always so lucky. Most often, this sign indicates a very small amount of money, which will not at all become an increase in permanent income, but will be received only once.