Very popular and beloved by many dog ​​breeders around the world, the Yorkshire Terrier. Miniature dogs with supernatural charm can even conquer people indifferent to the canine world and enter their hearts so deeply that an impregnable fortress will fall in front of York's enchanting expressive eyes.

Breed description

Today, due to the huge number of Yorkies of various quality, a miniature dog can be found not only in a country mansion, but also in a small city apartment, in which it can easily adapt to the living conditions.

One of the main advantages of the Yorkshire Terrier is its soft, silky coat without undercoat and odor. However, such a coat requires regular care, without which it will be gathered in a tangle. The second important feature of the breed is the size of the animal, which can vary.

The growth parameter formed the basis of an unofficial classification that was not reflected in breed standards:

  • micro york;
  • Yorkshire Terrier Mini;
  • standard.

History of breed origin

By its name, the standardized breed, called the Yorkshire Terrier, is obliged to the name of the breeding area - the city of Yorkshire, located in the north of England. The progenitor of York was the Overside Terrier, which has a semi-long gray-blue coat.

The purpose of the breed was to reduce the population of rats and other small mouse-like, as well as accompany the owners in water bodies.Since then the peasants were not allowed to have large dogs because of the possibility of using them for poaching, work began on breeding a smaller breed by infusing blood with maltese, Cairo terrier, sky terrier, paisley terrier, and Clydesdale Terrier.

The first representatives of the miniature breed were standardized at the end of the 18th century.

Peak distribution of representatives of the breed around the world falls on the years after the Second World War.

Breed standard

The thoroughbred Yorkshire Terrier must meet the following breed standards:

  • The skull is quite miniature, rounded, slightly convex.
  • The nose is black.
  • The muzzle is shortened.
  • Jaw - regular scissor bite.
  • Eyes - set straight, not convex
  • Ears are erect, not too wide apart.
  • Build - a compact body with a strong lower back and a well-developed chest.
  • Extremities - straight, strong, rounded paws.
  • Tail - originally had to be docked, but after making a number of changes, according to the current standard, it may not be docked.
  • Weight - up to 3.1 kg (minimum not indicated).
  • Growth - the parameter is not specified in the standard.
  • Wool - according to the standard, the hairline on the body should be straight, silky and have an average length, on the ears and muzzle the hair is long.
  • Color - dark blue-steel from the back of the head to the base of the tail without mixing with individual bulky, bronze and dark hair. On the chest, the coat is painted in light red shades. The entire hairline from the roots is darker with a gradual lightening to the ends of the hairs.

Puppy selection criteria

Before you go for a small pet, you should study the main points that must be taken into account in order to acquire a healthy, thoroughbred and, if necessary, exhibition puppy:

  • Place of purchase. You should not buy puppies in natural markets or from unverified breeders, relying only on the good faith of sellers. Regarding the purchase of show-class dogs, it is recommended that you contact specialized kennels only.
  • Availability of metrics, veterinary passport. Healthy and thoroughbred puppies of the Yorkshire Terrier should be sold with all documents where appropriate records will be made about parents, vaccines and other things.
  • Age. To make sure that the future pet is in good health, it is better to buy an animal after it reaches 4 months, when 2 vaccines are made by age.
  • Color. If the proposed puppy already has a silver-gray scoop, which should be black, then the animal will not acquire a pedigree color.
  • Behavior. The activity, friendliness and attentive look of the little lump are confirmation of a healthy mental state.
  • Compliance with breed characteristics. If the future owner plans to purchase an exhibition representative of the breed, then you should bring along a specialist who will surely help you choose a puppy that meets all breed standards.

The purpose and nature of the dog

The Yorkshire Terrier dog, originally bred to reduce the rodent population, in the modern world began to play exclusively the role of a small family member, who nevertheless retained a dislike for rats.

The favorite of glamorous ladies is persistent and cunning, thanks to which he easily manipulates the owners, achieving their goals. We should not forget about these character traits, acquiring York as a companion, while not having experience with dogs: the baby quickly makes him follow his lead. Owners of large breeds, who mistakenly believe that terriers need only to be pampered and protected, may also encounter a similar problem in the past. With this approach, over time, a miniature tyrant will grow out of the puppy, not wanting to wear a collar, barking incessantly and biting children.

Yorkshire terriers are hardy and enterprising dogs that, with proper upbringing, easily learn obedience.

They are happy to go for a run with the owner and take an active part in joint games.

Keeping and caring for a dog

In order for a small family member to live a long and happy life, as well as give a sea of ​​positive feelings to a loving owner, the latter must take care of creating optimal conditions for keeping the dog and take all necessary care measures.

  • Resting-place. York loves to keep abreast of all events, so when choosing a place for him, preference should be given to droughts protected from drafts next to households - a sofa, a master's bed.
  • Home toilet. Near the exit you should place a special tray (with a column for males).
  • Walking. Yorkshire terriers are very fond of walking and need at least 1 hour a day to be in the fresh air.
  • Clothing. The absence of undercoat provides for the mandatory presence of blouses, jackets and shoes.
  • Bathing. Water procedures are carried out twice a month when using special cosmetics to preserve the silky structure and shine of the hair
  • Hair care and grooming. So that the wool does not stray into tangles, it must be combed regularly, using brushes only from natural materials. Regular grooming, in which the hair is trimmed, oiled, it is better to entrust it to a specialist.
  • Eye care. Eyes are subject to daily inspection and removal of dried crusts in the corners with a swab moistened with a special liquid.
  • Ear care. Auricles are cleaned weekly.
  • Dental care. After the formation of permanent teeth, the milk is removed by the veterinarian. Periodically, it will be necessary to clean off tartar, the formation of which the breed is very prone to.
  • Vaccination. You should regularly visit a veterinarian and do the necessary vaccinations.

Yorkshire Terrier Feeding

Regardless of the choice of type of food, whether it is dry food or natural food, you need to remember the basic rule: feed the Yorkshire Terrier should be portioned twice a day.

Small breeds are prone to obesity and uncontrolled absorption of food can lead to serious pet diseases.

How to train and educate

The upbringing process begins on the first day the dog appears in the house, when the owner begins to accustom her to the nickname and collar.

The second step is to train the puppy to wear a harness and a leash by putting on accessories for 10 minutes with an active game.

Further, it is important to teach the animal to communicate with the outside world, walking on the street and actively playing with the pet. Yorkies lend themselves very well to training, easily learning about aporting and such a sport as agipity, in which they pass shells quickly and with pleasure.

Pros and cons of the breed

The advantages of the breed include:

  • cheerful and independent disposition;
  • barely molting;
  • lack of a specific smell of wool;
  • devotion to the owner and love for children;
  • excellent quality guard.

Among the indisputable minuses, one stands out - the demanding care for wool, which should be constant and professional.

How much is a dog Yorkshire Terrier

Since the breed has remained very popular for many years, the number of inexpensive representatives is growing every day.

A puppy without documents from non-exhibition parents can be bought from $ 100.

If we talk about the price of bred puppies of the "show class" with titled ancestors in the metric, then their cost can reach $ 2500.

Understanding how much the Yorkshire Terrier costs, you should understand the main components that form the cost of the breed:

  • the location of the breeder in relation to megacities and the capital;
  • big name of the nursery;
  • additional costs of the breeder for knitting;
  • the presence of titles in the parents of the puppy;
  • Accompanying documents: metric, veterinary passport.

So, choosing a York puppy with a cute face, the future owner should know that this is not just a glamorous dog sitting in his arms all day, but an active, funny and independent breed that requires a lot of attention and constant care.