Meet Yoggy, a charming little Shih Tzu puppy. His appearance has interested many Internet users. Have you noticed anything unusual in a cute creature? “Lord, this dog has a human face!”, You say, and you will be right.

There is something unusual in this doggie. A piercing look, eyebrows, pinkish lips - the dog looks as if a representative of the species Homo Sapiens was reincarnated into it, and not a dog.

The owner of the Yoggy, Chantal Desjardins, never considered the pet special.But once, one of her friends wrote under the photo:

“Your dog looks like the soul of a person has taken root in her body”

Someone else added a comment: “Why does your Yoggy look like his face has been changed to a human face? It annoys me"

Gradually, the fame of Yoggy spread throughout the Web. “I don’t understand how you live with this dog,” one user said. “It's like another person under one roof. I hope you remember inviting him to the table? ”

Next to regular dogs, the contrast is even more striking. You can see right away how different Yoggi’s eyes are.

Of course, the angle of shooting plays a large role in the perception of the appearance of the Yoggy.In this photo, he is almost no different from his brothers

Together with the mistress Yoggy looks simply charming