To get in shape and get a dream figure is not a single woman will refuse. Often a trip to the gym is postponed due to self-doubt or fear of change. There is a solution - yoga for weight loss. Such exercises will help to tighten the figure and lose weight, while giving confidence in their own abilities, a charge of vivacity and positive. Yoga improves not only the figure, but also the human mind, because this direction has so many fans.
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The effectiveness of yoga while losing weight
Yoga is a proven way for many women to lose weight.
Moreover, such classes immediately act in three directions:
- improve the figure and strengthen the muscles;
- develop consciousness;
- give faith in yourself and change your attitude towards the world.
This practice combines physical and spiritual development, so it is perfect for women who are unsure of themselves and their own strengths.
Yoga not only promotes weight loss, but also changes the attitude towards one's own body, habits, and lifestyle. This is a whole worldview that definitely makes a person’s life better, easier and happier.
But it’s worth immediately to understand that yoga classes “work” rather slowly, so losing weight by 5 kg per week will not work. The result is largely dependent on nutrition and habits. The combination of regular classes, a balanced diet and daily routine is the way to success. You have to work here, but working on yourself is always pleasant, and in the case of yoga, it is also very effective.
Yoga for weight loss for beginners can be mastered in a specialized center, fitness club or at home. It is recommended for beginners to choose group classes with a trainer. Under the supervision of a specialist, all asanas will be mastered more easily, and the support of like-minded people will charge positively and will not allow you to turn off the intended goal.
What problem areas of the body are affected by asanas
The basis of yoga is meditation, the correct breathing technique and asanas. Meditation helps to tune in the right way, clear the mind of thoughts about daily worries and find harmony between the inner and outer worlds. A special breathing technique helps to manage vital energy, and also saturates all body cells with oxygen and improves blood and lymph movement in blood vessels.
Asanas are the main part for those who want to lose weight. This term refers to special exercises, mainly static, aimed at strengthening muscles and stretching.
The combination of these areas in one lesson helps:
- achieve harmony with the outside world;
- get rid of stress and insomnia;
- discard anxiety and insecurity;
- gather strength;
- increase body stamina;
- develop muscle corset;
- achieve excellent stretch.
As you can see, yoga has a positive effect on the whole life of a person, strengthening both the body and soul.
Yoga poses affect the whole body at once. The development of problem areas depends on the chosen practice area.
- Hatha yoga. This is the most popular and sought-after trend, the so-called classical yoga. It is based on a slow change of asanas, during exercises the ligaments are more involved than the large muscles, therefore such exercises are better suited for those who want to get a good stretch. Hatha Yoga tones the whole body. Asanas are many, an individual program will help create a coach. In some centers, there is a separate direction of hatha yoga, which is a collection of asanas that are actively working on problem areas. The advantage of hatha yoga is that it does not require initially good physical preparation.
- Fitness Yoga. This is a new direction, yoga, adapted for group classes in fitness clubs, focused on overweight people and all those who want to improve their physical performance. If in hatha yoga the main emphasis is on proper breathing and static asanas that flow smoothly from one to another, then the fitness direction is more dynamic and includes more exercises. Such yoga helps to lose weight, but acts on the whole body, and not on certain areas.
- Power Yoga Another new direction, combining special breathing techniques and fairly complex asanas, in the implementation of which large muscles are involved. This direction is for real warriors, because it is based on a quick and dynamic change of asanas. The direction is more experienced athletes who want to learn how to control their thoughts and at the same time strengthen the muscles of the thigh, legs, buttocks and back.
- Bikram Yoga. This direction is distinguished by the fact that classes are held in hotly heated rooms. The result is profuse sweating, which leads to rapid weight loss. True, such training creates an additional burden on the heart and blood vessels, therefore it is contraindicated in a number of cardiovascular diseases.
Popular kundalini yoga is more spiritual than physical practice, and nidra yoga helps to recover from hard training. In general, for those who want to lose weight, it is better to pay attention to fitness yoga and strength training. But hatha yoga is suitable for almost everyone, regardless of physical indicators.
Preparation for the lesson
For starters, you should choose the training format - home or group classes. If a person is going to learn yoga at home, it is necessary to study the theoretical part and a detailed description of all asanas, and then create your own program.
It’s better to do in the morning.If the goal is to lose weight, it is recommended that you exercise before breakfast. You can eat two hours after class.
- The optimal duration for beginners is 1 hour. After 1 - 2 months, the duration can be increased to one and a half hours. To have an effect, you need to do it three times a week.
- For classes, you need to choose comfortable loose clothing, as a rule, do barefoot yoga. For home training, you will additionally need a special mat.
- Another important nuance is a positive attitude. It is recommended to start classes in a good mood, get enough sleep, feeling healthy. For any ailments, such as a cold, fever or rhinitis that complicates nasal breathing, it’s better to postpone the training.
- Also, some women find it difficult to deal with during menstruation, so you can take rest for this period.
Exercise Recommendations
The following asanas for weight loss are recommended for beginners:
- "Planck" - for the study of the lower back, back, abs and arms;
- “Cat” - tightens the press, helps to remove fat from the abdomen and sides;
- “Cobra” - strengthens the hips and buttocks;
- “Dog face down” - strengthens the calves and the broadest muscles of the back, forms a muscle corset;
- "Locust" - an effective exercise from the "ears" on the hips and to tighten the buttocks;
- "Tree" - strengthens the legs and buttocks.
This simple and effective course can be easily mastered at home. After completing these exercises, it is recommended that you complete the workout with the dead man pose. This asana helps to relax and rest, it should be performed within 10 or 15 minutes. To do this, it is necessary to lie on the floor and relax all the muscles of the body, while freeing the mind from unnecessary thoughts.
- A set of exercises is recommended to start with a pose of the strap. To do this, you need to lean on your arms bent at the elbows, legs straight, lean on socks.
- The cat's pose is performed standing on his knees, leaning on straight arms set in front of him. It is necessary to take a deep breath, and then exhale and round the back, as a cat does.
- Cobra pose: lie on the floor with arms and legs outstretched. On the exhale, raise the upper part of the body and hold it in this position.
- Dog face down: standing on all fours, stretch your arms forward, and then rise to your feet without taking your hands off the floor. Ascent is exhaled.
- Locust asana is performed as follows: lying on your stomach, press your hands to your sides, then tear your chest and legs off the floor.
- Pose of a tree - standing straight, press one leg bent at the knee to the calf of the second leg, while stretching your arms up above your head.
Each exercise must be performed for 20 to 30 seconds. You can do several repetitions or increase the time spent in one asana - here everything depends on endurance and physical fitness.
Breathing techniques as a basis for weight loss
Effective weight loss in yoga is impossible without special breathing techniques. Proper breathing accelerates the metabolism, improves lymph flow and thereby contributes to weight loss.
According to instructors, breathing yoga practices help reduce hunger and facilitate a strict diet.
One simple but effective practice is breathing through the tongue. To do this, open your mouth, show your tongue and curl it up with a tube. Take a deep breath through the tongue, hold one count, and then close your mouth and exhale through your nose. Repeat 10 times. You can resort to such breathing every time, feeling untimely hunger.
The value of nutrition during class
Yoga classes available to everyone will not bring tangible results in the fight against excess weight, if you do not change your eating habits. Yoga practices the rejection of food of animal origin. It is not necessary to do this, however, it is highly recommended to reduce the amount of meat and milk consumed, limiting yourself to 3-5 meals of such food per week.
It is necessary to have breakfast, and the first meal should be hot food.Yogis believe that the main meal should be when the sun shines especially brightly, that is, at noon. Lunch at this time can be hearty, but it is recommended not to forget about the permissible calorie content. For dinner, it is better to limit yourself to light food. During the day, you can snack on fruits and vegetables.
It is important to chew food thoroughly, completely surrendering to this process and not being distracted by extraneous irritants.
Be sure to drink quite a lot of water. It is recommended to drink 100 ml every hour. In order not to miss the reception, you should set a reminder or alarm clock.
For effective weight loss during classes, it is recommended to abandon coffee and tea, as these drinks retain fluid in the body and limit the consumption of fried and fatty foods.
What are the contraindications?
Classes must be abandoned in the presence of such diseases and conditions:
- epilepsy;
- malignant and benign brain tumors;
- infectious diseases of the joints and tendons;
- high blood pressure;
- exacerbation of chronic diseases;
- flu and SARS.
Pregnant women should not exercise on their own. There are special directions for expectant mothers, but before starting such trainings, you should consult your doctor.
In general, yoga is an effective and enjoyable way to tighten your figure, but you should not expect quick results. A slight weight loss of 1 to 3 kg is usually observed after two weeks of regular training.