Face yoga can pause the inexorable time. Years affect cells and tissues, limit the ability of organs, and the face is no exception. The skin and muscles lose their elasticity and tone, while the connecting fibers lose their elasticity and strength. Wrinkles, flabbiness, a “floated” oval are inevitable companions of age. Muscle training is designed for those who want to defeat the signs of aging.
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Description of Yoga for the face
Face yoga, in fact, is a light massage and a set of funny grimaces. A small set of exercises for sculpting a young and fresh face is designed for daily ten-minute classes in two sets: morning and evening.
The basis of classes is a logical principle: all muscles need training. The face and neck, consisting of approximately one hundred muscles, are no exception. Untrained muscles lose their tone: this truth is equally true for all muscle tissues.
Gymnastics consists of training elements (asanas) for the regeneration of facial and chewing muscles. In the course of short exercises, an ideal environment is created for the condition of the skin, fatty tissue and connective tissue. Some asanas are based on the method of counteraction: the muscles of the face are strained, while slightly pressing and obstructing movement. Thanks to finger pressure, the load increases, but when properly performed, the skin does not stretch.
The developed muscles after a while increase slightly in size, forming a dense skeleton for aging skin. At the same time, small wrinkles are smoothed out, and new ones hardly appear.
Yoga strengthens the muscles, is able to smooth wrinkles and nasolabial folds, return the skin to a fresh look.
The anti-age complex from the arsenal of yoga slows down the process of wilting. A few minutes a day will give a toned oval, muscle tone and elasticity, radiance and youthful skin.
Many “creators” of face yoga are recognized in the world, therefore gymnastics has many techniques and various directions: Face-yoga, face-lifting, face-shaping. The most popular among the followers of face yoga are the methods of the Japanese woman Fumiko Takatsu, the Japanese journalist Benita Kantieni, who was injured in the accident and rehabilitated her face, and the American yoga instructor Annlize Hagen.
Features of the classes
Gymnastics for the face consists of elementary exercises that do not require effort. To get a visual effect, regularity and a few free minutes are important. Adherents of all areas of yoga believe that positive dynamics will become visible after 3 weeks.
Yoga needs emotional calm and a state of concentration. Without a special mental attitude, occupation will be only mechanical gymnastics, not able to improve a person’s psychological state.
Being one of the branches of yoga, face yoga develops conscious control of the muscles of the face. Muscle relaxation and tension does not occur as a spontaneous response to an emotion, but as desired. A person learns to manage emerging feelings, acquires a rational outlook on life. Thanks to exercises with funny grimaces, the attitude to appearance becomes easier, the fear disappears to look ridiculous in someone’s eyes.
Gymnastics for the face is suitable for everyone who is willing to take a few minutes of time for beauty and meditation. Those who are overly busy, whose busy schedule is scheduled by minute, need more training and meditation.
Yoga is able to relieve stress and constant tension, giving a healthy indifference to worldly fuss, a surge of energy, a bonus of youth and beauty.
Training preparation
The best time for face-fitness is morning awakening or minutes before bedtime.
There are a few simple rules to follow:
- Remove makeup, cleanse and moisturize your face with cream, cosmetic or baby oil.
- Hands are clean and warm.
- Need a special mood. Create it: turn on pleasant music, light scented candles. Think good!
- Classes should be started at least 2 to 3 times a week. The more often, the more noticeable the result.
- If during yoga the face turned red - no big deal. This is a sign of increased blood circulation.
- Light tingling causes lactic acid. This indicates an active study of muscles.
- Train better sitting in front of a mirror. Reflection raises the mood and allows you to control the process.
- When acting on a particular muscle, you need to make sure that others are in a relaxed state.
- Tension and relaxation need to be alternated: a constantly tense muscle is not “tuned” to the result.
- It is important to maintain proper posture and not slouch.
- It is better to start with a particularly problematic area, gradually capturing new zones.
Experts advise starting exercises for the muscles of the face with two sessions per day.
The morning complex will relieve puffiness, prepare the face for care and makeup. Evening classes will relax, make sleep sound. Having learned the basics, it will be possible to engage in face yoga even in the car, heading to work.
Types of Face Yoga Exercises
Evaluate several effective asanas for rejuvenation and facelift from the arsenal of Annlize Hagen.
For muscle tightening:
- "Eyes of the dancer." Lock the head straight. Slowly enough, without turning your head, look from left to right, then vice versa. The purpose of the asana: training circular eye muscles, prevention of crow's feet and "bags".
- "Chick". Throwing back your head, reproduce swallowing movements, finding the sky with your tongue. Perform this exercise by tilting your head to the right, and then to the left. Repeat - 4 times each of the options. The purpose of the asana: face and neck lifting, the ability to tighten the bryl.
- "The face of a lion." Take a deep breath through your nose.Squint so that all the muscles of the face become tense. For this exercise you need to tighten your fists. Exhale through your mouth, show your tongue as much as possible, roll your eyes up. Unclench your fingers. Repeat - 3 times. The purpose of the asana: muscle tone, stress relief.
- "Monkey." Fold your lips in a tube, tilt your head back shallow. Pull your lips up, stay in that position for 15 seconds. Accept the initial position, relax. Repeat - 4 times. The purpose of the asana: strengthening muscles, a clear oval, youthful lips.
- "Bumblebees." Breathe in with your nose and make a mimicking sound. Making a “mmm” sound, slowly exhale the air with your nose. Repeat - 4 times. The purpose of the asana: strengthening and tightening the muscles of the cheeks and lips, lip rejuvenation.
For skin rejuvenation:
- "The face of the Buddha." Close your eyelids and try to focus on the point between the eyebrows. Imagine this is an iridescent rainbow disk. The exercise takes 2 to 3 minutes. The purpose of the asana is: relaxed muscles and smooth wrinkles.
- "Puppet". Press the nasolabial folds easily with your fingertips. Smile The cheek muscles will go up, and your fingers should resist. Repeat 30 times. The purpose of the asana: getting rid of nasolabial folds.
- "Free language." You need to open your mouth as wide as possible, stick out your tongue as much as possible, and hold the expression for one minute. The exercise is perfect if your eyes are moisturized. Involuntary tears remove toxins. The purpose of the asana: increased blood circulation, rejuvenation of the skin, energy and muscle tone.
- "Smiling fish." Squeeze your lips into a bow, pull it forward. Pull your cheeks, smile, save the expression for 10 seconds. The corners of the mouth should be tight. Repeat 5 times. The purpose of the asana: tone the cheeks and lip rejuvenation.
- "Kiss Merlin." Imagine an exaggerated kiss, stretching out his neck. Tighten all the muscles of the face, with the exception of the forehead, and begin to blow air. Pressing your fingers to your lips, gently push. Repeat - 4 times. The purpose of the asana: elastic lips without purse-string wrinkles.
- "Trumpeter". Puff out your cheeks and move air from one cheek to another. Then the same movements - under the upper and lower lip. Repeat - 3 times each option. The purpose of the asana: lifting of the buccal muscles, the elimination of wrinkles in the mouth.
- "Smile of the Sphinx." Try to smile at the corners of your lips while maintaining a neutral look. Smile only with lips, without the participation of other muscles. Repeat - 4 times. The purpose of the asana: strengthening the skin around the lips, getting rid of purse-string and facial wrinkles.
- "Surprise me". Open your eyes in surprise, controlling the muscles of the forehead: they should remain motionless. In focus - a point directly in front of you. Need a concentration of this point and a ten-second exposure. Repeat at least 4 times. Purpose of the asana: smoothing wrinkles.
The effectiveness of gymnastics
Regular face yoga exercises strengthen muscles, improve blood supply to tissues, and saturate them with oxygen. As a result of an active metabolism, tissues receive an increased volume of useful microelements, and get rid of toxins intensely.
Further effect - wrinkle relief is smoothed, face contour lift, slowing of age-related changes. Thanks to training, ptosis is reduced, the contours of the face are tightened, reducing the "second" chin and sagging neck.
Yoga for a facelift increases the mobility of muscles, relieves cramps. Hypertrophic or asymmetric muscle tension (twisted smile, nervous tic), eye muscle fatigue undergoes a positive effect.
Gymnastics for the face, despite the seeming harmlessness, is sometimes not suitable for those who wish to perform it.
Face yoga restrictions may include:
- chronic or acute skin problems;
- fragility of vessels and capillaries.
There are no age-related obstacles to practice. Very young ladies come to group training to prevent age-related problems, and ladies are strongly in favor. Regardless of the past years and condition of the face, many will appreciate the positive effect of yoga.
Yoga for the face is capable of literally transforming the appearance in a short time, "erasing" a dozen years. In addition to “sculpting” a beautiful face, practice has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, healing the body and healing the soul.