The burning sensation in the sternum, which occurs periodically after eating, is heartburn. How to get rid of unpleasant symptoms at home during pregnancy is one of the most popular questions among women during the period of bearing a child. The problem is quite common, therefore, there are enough ways to solve it: drug therapy, traditional medicine, diet therapy.

Heartburn: causes. Symptoms and signs

The main cause of unpleasant manifestations is the increased acidity of the stomach. According to statistics, every third person on the planet has experienced symptoms of heartburn. Uncomfortable sensations violate the usual way of life. Burning and pain in the sternum affects the well-being and health status of the patient.

The main causes of heartburn:

  • excess in the diet of foods that increase the acidity of the stomach;
  • taking medications from certain pharmacokinetic groups;
  • unbalanced nutrition;
  • bad habits (alcohol abuse, smoking);
  • frequent use of carbonated drinks, coffee, strong tea;
  • toe tight clothing;
  • exhausting physical activity;
  • overweight;
  • the period of bearing a child;
  • unsatisfactory emotional and mental state (stress, depression, feelings);
  • pathology of the digestive system (ulcer, gastritis, hernia).

Heartburn can occur in completely healthy people.Unpleasant sensations in the esophagus and in the throat appear suddenly, cause a lot of discomfort, if measures are not taken in time to eliminate them. Burning is not the only sign of heartburn. The clinical picture is supplemented by the following symptoms: belching, bitter taste in the mouth, nausea, vomiting (sometimes with spotting), decreased performance, general weakness.

How to get rid of heartburn at home

The pharmacy has a lot of drugs that will help eliminate unpleasant symptoms. If a burning sensation appears after each meal, this may indicate the occurrence of any pathological process in the body. It is necessary to consult a specialist who will determine the causes and prescribe effective therapy. As a rule, treatment is carried out at home.

For heartburn, the following methods are used:

  • drug therapy;
  • traditional medicine;
  • diet therapy.

For the treatment to be successful, you need to reconsider your lifestyle. Mandatory conditions for eliminating unpleasant symptoms are weight correction, normalization of the daily diet, and rejection of bad habits. During pregnancy, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician, because not all drugs and folk remedies are suitable for women who have a baby.

It is interesting:heartburn: causes and consequences

Pills for ailment

The most effective in controlling heartburn are medications. With their help, you can eliminate the symptoms of pathology almost instantly. Tablets are classified by composition and principle of action.

Antacids neutralize hydrochloric acid. A person notices an improvement just a few minutes after taking it. Means from this group are effective, but act only on the symptoms, can cause various adverse reactions. The most popular pills are "Rennie" and "Gaviscon."

Antisecretory drugs reduce the production of stomach acid, provide a lasting positive effect. With regular use of drugs, you can not only eliminate the symptoms, but also the cause of heartburn. Popular drugs: Ranitidine, Orthanol.

Blockers. There are pills that block histamine H2 receptors, which reduces the production of gastric juice. These are Histak, Zantak and others. You can not take them yourself, because the list of side effects is quite large, including sleep disturbance, constipation, headache.

Stimulants. Medicines that activate the motility of the organs of the FSH contribute to the normalization of their contractile function, bringing the sphincter into tone. The best drugs from this category: Domperidone, Motilium.

Before starting a course of treatment, you should read the instructions for use or consult a specialist. Certain drugs have an extensive list of contraindications. Due to non-compliance with the doctor's prescription, after taking the tablets, side effects such as severe dry mouth, thirst, drowsiness, irritability, dizziness, headaches, etc. can occur.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine has developed its arsenal of effective tools.

Decoctions, infusions of medicinal plants contribute to the normalization of the production of stomach acid, improve the functions of the digestive tract, and also have a positive effect on the whole body.

A significant advantage of folk remedies is their safety and effectiveness.

With heartburn, you can use such plants for the preparation of medicines:

  • calamus root;
  • forest angelica (seeds and leaves);
  • chamomile;
  • plantain;
  • St. John's wort
  • yellow gentian;
  • yarrow;
  • fennel;
  • dill;
  • anise.

The recipe for the preparation of medicines is almost the same for all these plants. You can use one or several at once. Shredded grass or flowers, seeds are poured with boiling water, steamed or boiled over low heat for 5-10 minutes.If the broth, just strain and cool. If infusion - leave to insist for 7-10 days in a cool, dark place.

Heartburn Food

Not only medicinal plants, but also some foods help relieve symptoms of heartburn.

The most effective include:

  • potato juice;
  • sunflower or pumpkin seeds;
  • natural honey;
  • buckwheat;
  • fresh and dried peas;
  • viburnum jam.

An indispensable remedy for heartburn is slightly alkaline or alkaline mineral water (for example, Borjomi). It must be drunk heated, in small sips, to remove gases before use. It is recommended to carry water in a thermos, it can be heated only once, because then it will lose its properties.

The fastest and most effective ways to fight

The body reacts differently to those or other remedies for heartburn. The effectiveness of therapy depends on the causes of symptoms, the state of health of the digestive tract.

The most effective way to combat the manifestations of heartburn is the use of drugs, which include such components:

  • magnesium and aluminum hydroxide;
  • magnesium carbonate and calcium;
  • aluminum phosphate.

A popular cure for heartburn is an affordable, effective aqueous solution or pop of baking soda. For the preparation of pops use citric acid or juice, vinegar. The use of this medicine is advisable only in cases where heartburn rarely occurs, there are no other remedies at hand that could alleviate the condition.

With regular use of a solution or pops of baking soda, the condition of the vessels worsens, they become brittle, lose elasticity. Sodium has a negative effect on the kidneys, digestive tract, nervous system.

Pregnancy Heartburn Treatment

Most pregnant women in the last stages are faced with unpleasant manifestations of heartburn. Their occurrence is provoked by a change in the physiological position of internal organs and hormonal imbalance.

Here are some recommendations to help alleviate the condition of the expectant mother:

  • eat often, but in small portions;
  • you need to chew food thoroughly, do not swallow whole pieces;
  • the last meal - no later than three hours before bedtime;
  • do not take a horizontal position immediately after eating;
  • drink enough clean, still water;
  • replace black tea or coffee with drinks prepared on the basis of chamomile, ginger;
  • exclude fried, fatty foods from the diet;
  • Do not use hot seasonings and sauces.

Tablets with heartburn to take only in extreme cases, because they can do much harm. You can use only those medicines that are allowed by the doctor. Usually, this is "Rennie", "Maalox" in the form of a gel, "Gaviscon". Special therapy for heartburn during pregnancy does not require. After giving birth, the symptoms disappear by themselves.

Diet for a person suffering from heartburn

The basis for a successful recovery is a proper, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Smoked meats, salty, fatty, spicy dishes, convenience foods, soda, and sweets must be minimized from the diet. Increase the acidity of the stomach and dairy products, citrus fruits. It is strictly forbidden for people with heartburn to drink alcoholic and caffeinated drinks. It is preferable to cook food “steamed”, bake, cook, stew.

With heartburn, it is recommended to include foods with a sufficient fiber content in the diet. This is a variety of cereals, whole grain bread. Fresh fruits and vegetables, soups, lean meat and fish - the basis of the diet for heartburn. To permanently eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you need to try to develop a culture of nutrition. The diet should consist of a hearty breakfast, a hearty lunch and a light dinner. You can’t eat up, especially before bedtime.It is also necessary to normalize weight, abandon bad habits, eliminate stress, replace tight clothes with comfortable ones. If you adhere to these simple rules, you can protect yourself from unpleasant signs of heartburn.