A popular plant of medium latitudes - Ivan - tea, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which need to be known to everyone who wants to maintain their health. This plant, rich in active substances, is easy to find in the vast expanses of our country.
Material Content:
- 1 Cyprus: chemical composition
- 2 Ivan tea: useful and healing properties
- 3 The benefits of narrow-leaved and broad-leaved fireweed
- 4 Diseases in which Ivan tea is used
- 5 What is the benefit and harm of fermented willow tea?
- 6 How to brew grass for health benefits?
- 7 Thyme Ivan Tea - useful properties
- 8 How to apply grass for weight loss
- 9 Are there any contraindications for ivan tea during pregnancy?
- 10 The use of herbs during breastfeeding
- 11 How to collect, dry and ferment Ivan tea?
- 12 Contraindications and possible harm from use
Cyprus: chemical composition
Fireweed, Ivan-tea, whose healing properties are determined by the composition of the herb, contains several active ingredients:
- fiber - its presence is due to the composition of the cell wall of plants;
- slimes are sugars that are easily decomposed into components by hydrolysis;
- proteins - have dozens of amino acids in their composition, including essential ones;
- tannins - especially tannin, which has a detoxifying and anti-inflammatory effect;
- carotene - is involved in the formation of vitamin A inside the body;
- Vitamin C - strengthens the immune system;
- flavonoids - prevent aging and the occurrence of vascular pathologies;
- phytosterols - are especially useful for maintaining the tone of the heart and reproductive system;
- coumarins - have a calming effect;
- iron - affects the amount of hemoglobin in the blood;
- potassium - is responsible for the proper functioning of the heart;
- calcium - supports the state of the skeletal system;
- Sodium - is involved in maintaining the body in a state of ionic equilibrium.
The highest concentration of nutrients occurs in the leaves of the plant. This is due to exposure to sunlight, under the influence of which the synthesis of most compounds occurs.
Ivan tea: useful and healing properties
For the beneficial properties of Ivan tea are responsible not only vitamins and groups of active substances, but also amino acids in the composition of proteins. They affect all organ systems, allowing delicately adjusting their work.
The most active include:
- histidine - stimulates enzyme formation and tissue repair, suitable for people with gastrointestinal diseases;
- aspartic acid - ensures the normal functioning of the central nervous system and the absorption of minerals;
- tretionin - support the cardiovascular and immune system, as well as the functioning of the liver and kidneys;
- tyrosine - helps to transmit nerve impulses, which improves brain function;
- leucine - allows muscle tissue to recover faster after damage, which is especially important for injured people or patients after surgical treatment;
- phenylalanine - stimulates blood circulation in the brain, which improves well-being and mood;
- methionine - acts on internal organs, improving the functioning of the kidneys and liver.
In addition to the general strengthening effect, the healing properties of Ivan tea are no less interesting.
They are due to the action of active substances in the composition of the plant:
- tannin - has a cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect, allows you to stop diarrhea and has a positive effect on the digestive tract;
- mucus - replenish the energy resources of the body, which ensures vigor and activity of a person;
- fiber - helps to remove undigested food residues from the body, improves the functioning of the digestive tract.
Grass Ivan tea also has beneficial substances that affect the human body in different ways depending on gender.
For women
The main female weapon from ancient times is beauty and wisdom. With regular use of drugs based on plant leaves, both of these qualities will become indispensable companions for girls.
This effect is provided due to the amino acids that make up the plant:
- lysine - helps maintain a normal level of calcium in the body, which ensures good condition of the hair, claws and skeletal system, and also participates in the formation of collagen and some hormones that help to maintain youth;
- glutamic acid - regulates redox processes, and is also responsible for metabolism, making it easy to maintain harmony;
- glycine - helps maintain the nervous system in balance, reduces irritability, improves sleep;
- cysteine - accelerates the healing of wounds, makes traces of them less noticeable, supports the condition of hair and nails;
- Proline - is responsible for the synthesis of collagen in the body, which provides elasticity to the skin, and also supports the work of the heart muscle.
In addition to amino acids, flavonoids have an effect on women's health. They maintain vascular elasticity and prevent rapid aging of the skin, which provides an excellent appearance and the absence of heart disease.
For men
Men are no less preoccupied with their health than women. Therefore, it is also important for them to take courses of drinks from Ivan tea.
The amino acids of this plant provide several beneficial effects at once:
- isoleucine - allows you to quickly build muscle mass, improves endurance, helps to achieve great results in sports;
- serine - enters the cycle of protein metabolism, which ensures the synthesis of enzymes;
- arginine - maintains a nitrogen balance, which ensures stable functioning of the nervous and endocrine system, immunity and muscle gain;
- valine - improves metabolism in the muscles, which ensures their nutrition and good condition;
- Alanine - in addition to regulating the metabolism of carbohydrates in the blood, it supports the proper functioning of the prostate, which is responsible for the sexual functions of men.
Not only amino acids are responsible for beneficial properties. Pectin helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, helps to digest, reduce the amount of dangerous cholesterol, which ensures the prevention of vascular and heart diseases.
The benefits of narrow-leaved and broad-leaved fireweed
Despite the similar name, these two plants are very distant relatives. Broadleaf fireweed grows in the mountains, on hard ground, among stones. He is not afraid of the cold temperature. It is used as an anesthetic and is also used for poisoning. In the Netherlands and in the north of Russia, the plant is added to the salad and other dishes of national cuisine.
Narrow-leaved fireweed grows in the middle lane in the summer. He needs the sun and warm air. The climate of severe highlands does not tolerate this species. It is used as a sedative, as well as for the treatment of prostate problems. As a preventive medicine, tea from its leaves is used to help maintain a healthy cardiovascular system and prolong the youthfulness of the skin.
Diseases in which Ivan tea is used
Due to the large number of useful and medicinal properties, the plant has a wide range of applications in the treatment of various diseases.
Most often, the plant and medicines from it are used in the following conditions:
- ARVI, ARI, influenza (antipyretic, detoxification);
- diseases of the nervous system (sleep problems, neurosis, migraine, apathy, epilepsy, alcoholism);
- prostate adenoma, inflammation of the prostate gland, cystitis, pyelonephritis (due to anti-inflammatory action);
- pathology of the heart and blood vessels (coronary heart disease, hypertension);
- peptic ulcer, hepatitis of various etiologies, diarrhea, colitis, hemorrhoids;
- in the field of gynecology, it is used for uterine bleeding, adhesions against chronic inflammation, myoma, cysts, to relieve symptoms of menopause (as a sedative);
- endocrine disorders (diabetes mellitus, hormonal failure, overweight);
- ENT diseases (tonsillitis, tonsillitis, otitis media, pharyngitis, laryngotracheitis);
- skin pathologies (eczema, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, boils, wounds).
Despite the high efficiency of the plant, herbal treatment must be combined with traditional therapy and carried out only under the supervision of a specialist.
What is the benefit and harm of fermented willow tea?
Fermented willow-tea requires a certain approach. A plant treated in this way acquires new properties and substances in its composition. This should be taken into account by people sensitive to certain compounds. Despite the name, there are much fewer enzymes in such a plant than in a fresh one. Since they come out of vacuoles and act outside the sheet, allowing it to acquire new properties.
Under the influence of its own fermentation, the plant digests itself. At the end of the process, lactic acid bacteria are involved. They feed on leaf polysaccharides. Microorganisms stabilize the pH balance, which facilitates absorption.
Raw materials processed in this way are not suitable for those people who need enzymes. But if there are problems with the digestive tract, this will facilitate the assimilation, and therefore, will increase the benefits of the plant.
How to brew grass for health benefits?
A drink from this plant is called Kopor tea. It is cooked according to old recipes, so cooking takes a lot of time. But the taste and benefits of the decoction are worth the effort and time.
To prepare a drink, take 1 tablespoon of dried leaves of fireweed and pour them with a glass of boiling water. The broth is kept in a water bath for about 15 minutes, then left to infuse for an hour. Tea is filtered before use. This medicine is drunk before meals up to 4 times a day.Diluted broth can be consumed as a drink during the day.
If you need a more concentrated product for application to the skin as a medicine, then take 3 tablespoons of dry grass, and the exposure time is increased to 5 hours. Such an infusion is not used orally due to the high concentration of active substances and astringent taste.
Thyme Ivan Tea - useful properties
To enhance the effect of phytomedicine, you can brew Ivan tea with thyme.
Then the beneficial properties of the drink will expand significantly:
- together herbs give an antidepressant effect, mood improves, heavy thoughts disappear;
- enhanced gas formation is suppressed;
- the number of edema decreases, the appearance improves;
- weight loss due to fluid excretion;
- relief from wet cough;
- an increase in the volume of milk being separated during breastfeeding;
- warming effect.
Drinking a drink of fireweed and thyme has a positive effect not only on well-being, but also on the mood of a person, and also imposes a bright pleasant taste.
How to apply grass for weight loss
Ivan tea helps to establish the work of the digestive tract, rid the body of toxins and normalize the metabolism of carbohydrates. All this affects the pace of weight loss, significantly accelerating the process. To achieve the greatest effect, it is worth adding thyme (thyme) to the drink. This will help remove excess water, relieve swelling, add relief to the body and improve the overall appearance.
During weight loss, it is recommended to replace drinks containing caffeine with Ivan Tea infusion.
It has an invigorating effect, but also helps to maintain the nervous system in order, which is very important during a period of great stress for the body. A weakly concentrated drink is consumed throughout the day in any quantity, and infusion up to 4 times a day before meals.
Are there any contraindications for ivan tea during pregnancy?
Since the plant does not contain caffeine, it is great for drinking during pregnancy. But it must be borne in mind that tannins have a fixing effect. If there are problems with constipation, it is better to refuse the drink before the postpartum period.
The use of herbs during breastfeeding
The substances in the composition of the herb have a calming effect on the nervous system of a woman, which gives strength in the period after childbirth and breastfeeding. A drink based on it makes falling asleep easier, which is very important for a woman who regularly gets up at night with her baby.
Stimulating substances make you feel cheerful even after a sleepless night. And the antidepressant effect facilitates the condition of the woman during the adjustment to a new rhythm of life. In combination with thyme, Ivan tea enhances lactation, which allows mom not to worry about the amount of milk. The absence of caffeine eliminates the effect on the baby, so lactating women are recommended to replace regular tea with herbal.
How to collect, dry and ferment Ivan tea?
To prepare the infusion, only green leaves are taken, which are collected fresh and dried. They are placed on a sheet of clean paper or light tissue with a layer of not more than 5 cm. Leave in this form for 15-22 hours. Periodically, the raw materials are stirred so that the process occurs more uniformly.
For fermentation of the plant, the leaves are twisted until the color changes to darker. They are distributed inside an enameled bowl. A clean cloth dampened with water is placed on the dishes, and then the workpiece is cleaned in a room with room temperature for a period of 6 to 12 hours. Tea should change the smell from herbal to fruity, which is considered the end of processing.
Then the tows are crushed and placed on parchment, which is covered with a baking sheet. Tea is put in the oven for 1 hour at 100 degrees. A well-dried raw material crunches when compressed, but does not turn into dust.
Contraindications and possible harm from use
Contraindications to Ivan tea treatment include only individual reactions.Therefore, the harm from its use lies in the manifestations of allergies. Tea can also exacerbate constipation.
Ivan tea is a highly active medicinal raw material, which should be used only in consultation with the doctor. It goes well with other herbs, enhancing their effect. Fireweed is equally useful for both men and women.