If you would like to give someone from your loved ones a pleasant massage - in this article you will find all the necessary tips. After all, what could be better than a relaxing touch? Of course, any massage has contraindications that must be considered. We will also talk about them. And at the end of the article a small bonus will await you.
So, let's look at a few basic recommendations to turn a massage procedure intounearthly pleasure.
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Create a relaxing atmosphere.
One of the most important components of a good massage is peace. Disconnect the phones and anything else that might bother you.
Prepare a place to perform a massage that is convenient for both you and your partner. Calm music, candles, massage oil and a couple of towels - this will be enough.
You should also take care of the room temperature. The room should not be too hot or too cold.
Start with your feet
Our legs literally absorb tension. Therefore, it is worth starting with them. The movements should be soft, accurate.
Gradually, you can move to the areas above, avoiding the popliteal cup. When you finish massaging one leg, wrap it in a towel. And then move on to the second.
Massage your back and shoulders
After the legs, you can go to the lower back. Remember that here also too much pressure is not allowed.
Work your back muscles with light movements, moving on both sides to your shoulders. Try to keep your palms perpendicular to each other.
Do not forget about the hands
Put your partner's hands along your back and massage them along the entire surface.Then you can process and palms. Remember to massage each finger.
Work your head to a close.
Ask your partner to roll over. Do a gentle forehead massage, making movements only with fingers. You can also massage the base of the ears - approximately 30 seconds each.
And also do not forget about contraindications
Contraindications to massage are the following features.
- Skin lesions, moles.
- Back and back problems.
- Inflammation.
- Osteoporosis, oncology, diabetes and other serious diseases.
- High body temperature.
- Thrombosis.
- Blood diseases.
- Heart failure.
- Osteomyelitis.
- Mental disorders.
Bonus: techniques that will make your massage unforgettable
Now consider the main ways to conduct a relaxing procedure at the highest level.
- Before starting the massage, rub the oil in the palms of your hands. Do not pour it directly on the partner’s body. In your hands it will warm up, and the touch will be more pleasant.
- Perform massage directly with your palms. To process the most sensitive places, use fingertips.
- Do not press on the bones. Massage only muscles.
- Take your time.
- Pay enough attention to every part of the body.
Do you know interesting massage techniques? Share in the comments.