Ingavirin is an antiviral drug that is prescribed to patients not only to fight a developing infection, but also as a prophylactic. Interestingly, scientists were able to create it when developing a completely different drug, the action of which is directed against allergic reactions.
Material Content:
- 1 Release form, composition
- 2 Pharmacological properties and indications for use
- 3 At what age can Ingavirin 60 be given to children
- 4 Instructions for use for children and adults
- 5 Use during pregnancy and lactation
- 6 Can I drink alcohol while taking an antiviral drug?
- 7 Drug Interactions with Other Drugs
- 8 Contraindications, side effects
- 9 Analogs
Release form, composition
To date, the drug under discussion is presented only in one form of release - in the form of miniature bright capsules that are taken orally. They are produced in three dosage options - 30, 60, 90. Numbers indicate the amount in which the main active substance is contained in capsules. Ingavirin 90 is most often prescribed for adults.
Interestingly, the "pills" are painted in different colors depending on the dosage of the main active ingredient.
This avoids confusion when they are received. The variant with the minimum dosage is marked in blue, with the middle - yellow-orange, with the maximum - red.
Capsules are packaged in cell packs during production. 7 pieces each.
The main active substance in Ingavirin was vitaglutam. It was he who was unexpectedly created when developing drugs to combat allergies.
Among the additional components of the drug can be called magnesium stearate and lactose. The presence of the latter substance is especially important for allergy sufferers. The capsule shell contains gelatin and a special dye of a certain color.
Pharmacological properties and indications for use
The drug in question is characterized by a powerful antiviral effect. Its main active ingredient effectively fights various flu viruses. It is important to use the drug even with swine flu and parainfluenza. It is often prescribed for adenovirus infection.
As soon as the constituent drugs enter the body of an adult or child, the production of interferons is accelerated.
As a result, the body's defenses increase.
The active substance of the drug affects the patient as follows:
- reduces the inflammatory process;
- relieves head / muscle pain, aching joints and generally reduces intoxication of the body (this is especially true when dealing with influenza viruses, because their toxicity is higher than, for example, in SARS pathogens);
- invigorates and eliminates weakness;
- struggles with nasal congestion and sneezing attacks.
In addition, when taking such a drug, the febrile period and the duration of the disease as a whole are significantly reduced. It also helps to reduce the number of complications.
Often this multifunctional drug is prescribed even to healthy children and adults as a prophylactic. This is especially true during the off-season, when viral infections are activated.
At what age can Ingavirin 60 be given to children
Children's Ingavirin 60 is a powerful medicine, which is prescribed even with an infection developing in the body. For prevention, it is used only in rare cases. To prevent infection, it is better to take a lower dosage. Medication is recommended for small patients of school age (after 7 years).
It is strictly forbidden to divide an adult capsule (with a dosage of the active substance 90) into several parts to give the child. Only suitable children's forms specially designed for them are suitable for kids.
Instructions for use for children and adults
Before using such a medicine in any dosage, you will need to carefully study the instructions.
The drug is dispensed from pharmacy points without a doctor's prescription. But if you plan to give it to a child under 10 years old, then you should first consult with a specialist.
Capsules need to be consumed whole inside, gently swallowing (without cutting, without biting and without extracting their contents in any other way). It is necessary to wash the product with a slightly warm liquid. For one "serving" 1/2 cup of boiled water is enough.
Conveniently, capsule intake is independent of meals. Therefore, you can drink them at any time convenient for the patient.
With influenza and SARS, an adult takes one capsule with a maximum dosage of the active substance or three with a minimum dosage per day. Depending on the severity of the patient's condition, the treatment period will last 5-7 days.
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It is important that the start of the intake should occur at the time the first symptoms occur. In this case, you will probably be able to avoid the development of the disease. If it was not possible to drink the capsule as soon as the patient felt unwell, this should be done in the next 1.5 days. If this period has expired, then the use of the drug is still allowed, however, its effectiveness will be significantly reduced.
If it is decided to use the drug for prophylactic purposes immediately after contact with already ill adults and children, then you will need to take it 1 capsule (90 mg) for a full week.
And how to take Ingavirin to small patients? Children need to be given the drug in the same way, but for treatment, a variant of the drug with a dosage of 60 mg is used.For the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, the child should be given 1 capsule of Ingavirin 30 per day for 1 week.
Special instructions for use
If after 7 days of use of the drug under discussion there is no desired therapeutic effect, you should immediately consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis and adjust the treatment plan.
It is not forbidden to drive a car while taking the drug. The tool does not affect the central nervous system and does not cause drowsiness. Therefore, in parallel with Ingavirin therapy, you can safely engage in any kind of activity.
Use during pregnancy and lactation
The main active component of the drug does not have toxic or other negative effects on the developing embryo and reproductive function of women. The teratogenic effect is also excluded.
But this issue has not been thoroughly studied by experts. No relevant clinical studies have been conducted.
Therefore, the medicine is prohibited for use by pregnant women and nursing mothers.
If there is a need for treatment with the drug during lactation, then temporarily it will be necessary to switch to feeding the baby with the mixture.
Can I drink alcohol while taking an antiviral drug?
The compatibility of Ingavirin with alcohol is of interest to many readers, since this information is not indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions for use of the drug. It must be remembered that almost all drugs are poorly compatible with alcoholic beverages.
If you drink alcohol and Ingavirin in parallel, then a manifestation of strong allergic reactions is possible. In addition, such a “neighborhood” negatively affects the functioning of the nervous system and the psycho-emotional state of the patient.
The active substance of the drug reacts with ethyl alcohol, which significantly reduces the therapeutic effect of the drug. It also neutralizes the process of neutralizing alcohol in the liver cells. As a result, the toxicity of alcohol for this important organ is enhanced.
The medicine should be washed down exclusively with water. Desirable non-carbonated and sugar free. In rare cases, it is allowed to drink the capsule with unsweetened tea or milk / yogurt. It is strictly forbidden to use even low-alcohol drinks and non-alcoholic beer for this purpose.
To minimize harm, experts advise to refrain from drinking alcohol for at least 3 to 4 days after the end of the course of therapy with Ingavirin.
Drug Interactions with Other Drugs
Taking the capsules discussed in parallel with the cytostatics, it must be remembered that the components of Ingavirin significantly enhance their antitumor effect. Therefore, the combination of drugs must always consult a doctor.
The active ingredient of Ingavirin is able to reduce the toxic effect of combinations of cyclophosphamide with platinum preparations, as well as in its purest form.
You can not use the drug together with other antiviral drugs. This combination will not accelerate recovery, but only worsen the condition of the patient. The combination of drugs leads to too active stimulation of the body's defenses, which can cause the development of autoimmune diseases.
Contraindications, side effects
The drug has some contraindications. First of all, this is the age of the patient under 18 years of age (for a dosage of 90 mg).
In addition, it is forbidden to use the medicine in the following cases:
- With individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
- During pregnancy and lactation.
- With severe ailments of the kidneys / liver.
If previously the patient has already started taking other antiviral drugs, then he will have to refuse to use Ingavirin for at least 3 weeks after completing the first course of therapy. It is also necessary to exclude the remedy if the patient has an allergy to lactose.
If after the first doses of the drug the patient notices changes in the functioning of his body, it is necessary to consult a doctor on this issue.This is true for everyone who has chronic diseases of any organs.
The medicine is characterized by minimal toxicity. This was recorded as a result of numerous experimental studies on animals. The lethal dosage exceeds the therapeutic dosage by several thousand times.
The constituent drugs are quickly excreted from the body, so only rare cases of side effects from taking it are recorded.
- violation of the stool;
- allergic rash;
- nausea;
- pain in the stomach.
The listed side effects are not dangerous for the patient’s body and do not require drug withdrawal. Even with high dosages, the risk of serious complications and death is minimal.
According to the main active ingredient in the antiviral drug under discussion today there are no analogues. Synonymic drugs are found exclusively in therapeutic effects. These are funds that include another active substance, but at the same time have a similar clinical effect. They are also taken both for treatment and for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza.
Among them:
- Amizon and Amiksin tablets.
- "Arbidol" in any form.
- "Hyporamine" (including in the form of a powder for inhalation).
- Ointment for the nose - "Oxolin."
- Kagocel and Lavomax tablets.
The cheapest of the above list is oxolin ointment. To protect yourself from the virus, it can be used not only for adults, but also for babies over two years old.