Ginger is a healthy herbaceous plant, with which most are familiar as a spicy root sold in many stores. However, you can plant it in your garden or at home in a flower pot and get an excellent harvest. Ginger, growing at home which is not such a difficult task, will also please with elegant flowering.

How to grow ginger at home?

Having decided to plant a plant, they immediately determine what it is grown for - for flowers or roots. It is also worth deciding whether ginger will always grow in a pot, or in the summer the flower will be planted in open ground. With industrial cultivation, flowering is not allowed, but at home it is worth looking at beautiful elegant flowers. The whole cycle of plant development to obtain high-quality ginger root takes 9 months, and if you plan to plant on the garden, you must first grow it at home.

Tubers taken for planting should be smooth and resilient and have live buds. The root is divided into several parts with a length of 5 to 8 cm. Each piece must have 1-2 kidneys.

Preparing Ginger for Planting

Growing ginger from the root requires competent preparation of planting material. So that the root does not germinate in the store, it is treated with substances that slow down the growth of the culture. For their speedy removal from the root tub, it is kept, half-filled with water, for 2 days.

To prevent the occurrence of infections, it is necessary to add baking soda to the water after 1 day of soaking at the rate of: 1 tsp.baking soda in 1 cup of water; or a little manganese, until a light pink solution is obtained. You can also use phytosporin, focusing on the instructions for the drug. After disinfection, the culture is planted in the ground.

Preparing the pot for planting

Ginger should be planted in a wide, but not deep pot.

It is interesting: ginger - home growing

Drainage is mandatory at the bottom to prevent excessive moisture. Drainage thickness not less than 2 cm.

The soil in which the root will grow should be light. You can take universal land for plants, sold in stores, or high-quality garden soil. Soil prepared from garden earth, wood ash and charcoal will also be good. In this substrate, you can not be afraid of the appearance of root rot, which often occurs in plants with root tubers.


After the pot is prepared for planting ginger, the root is planted. The rhizome is positioned so that all the kidneys look up. Ginger should be filled in no more than 2 cm. The same amount should remain until the edge of the pot. If the planting cup is large enough, then several plants are planted in it at once. After the tubers are embedded in the ground, the ginger is poured with warm water. The land after irrigation should be moist, but not waterlogged.

Root soaking

There is another method of germinating ginger. Rhizomes are strung on a thin wooden stick and placed above the water so that they only reach it a little. The water level must be constantly monitored so that the plant does not remain in the air and does not dry out. When the ginger gives root, it is planted in a pot in the same way as with a normal planting.

The opinions of growers regarding these two methods differ, therefore, choose a method should be at your discretion

Ginger seedlings

To get seedlings, you must provide the culture with appropriate conditions. The temperature for seedlings is needed from +25 C. Humidity is required increased. It is unacceptable to get cold air on the plant, because of which it will quickly turn yellow and die. With the right temperature conditions, ginger after germination, even without getting fertilizer, grows quickly.

Watering is of great importance. When a plant begins to gain above-ground green mass, it needs intensive watering. The soil in the pot must be constantly moist. If it dries, the ginger roots die and the plant withers. For watering, soft water at room temperature is used. The warmer the room in which the crop grows, the more often you will need to moisten the soil. When the temperature drops, watering is significantly reduced and partially replaced by spraying.

Growing Ginger

As the plant grows, it also requires proper care, which will provide ginger with everything necessary. The entire vegetation period of the plant, the soil should be moist, but only 10 minutes after watering. water should not ooze out of it. If you plan to get a plentiful harvest, you will need to fertilize the ginger with organic and mineral fertilizers. Use the compounds optimally in liquid form, which is most convenient for culture. Fertilizers alternate, applying 1 time in 14 days. Ginger formulations are suitable for ornamental plants.

Use them according to the instructions.

  • Applying fertilizers, one should not forget about their features. So, nitrogen will enhance the active growth of greenery. Potash preparations stimulate the laying of flower buds, and phosphorus will accelerate the development of the tuber, increasing the yield of the crop.
  • It is useful to loosen the soil to improve the breathing of the rhizome. Do this a day after watering. Loosen the ground with a small chopper to a depth of not more than 1 cm and very carefully so as not to damage the tuber.

Special conditions: lighting, temperature, watering, top dressing, cultivation

TemperatureLightingWateringTop dressingLoosening
For seedlings +25
For an adult plant from +23
Moderate without direct sunlight that causes burns on leavesAs the soil dries, preventing its complete dryness1 time per month organic fertilizers and 1 time per month mineral fertilizers are applied, alternating, 1 time in 2 weeksAfter each watering to a depth of 1 cm

The plant is not whimsical and after the appearance of the first sprouts actively develops.

Ginger Harvest

Harvested after the aerial part of the plant dies. Ginger begins to dry actively in September, turning yellow and decaying in different directions. At this point, watering the plants is stopped, which allows you to get better tubers. The root tubers are pulled out of the ground, shaken and, having cut the roots, put to dry for 4 days in a warm, ventilated room.

Keep the crop at a temperature of +2 to +4 ° C. Such conditions are available in the refrigerator. You can put ginger in the cellar. Folded medicinal tubers should be in paper bags in which they will not churn and suffocate.

Rules for outdoor cultivation

The growing season of the culture is long, and therefore ginger is grown in open ground, after planting it in pots in the winter.

Strong plants are transplanted to the beds at the moment when the weather is stable and stable. It is optimal to plant them in a greenhouse where they will be protected from direct sunlight. The rest of the care for the crop is no different from that required by ginger in a pot.

How to protect ginger from diseases and pests

Pests and diseases can attack ginger plantings, and the gardener needs to know how to prevent such a problem. From most diseases, disinfecting root tubers before planting will help.

From pests that threaten the plant when it is in the open ground, ginger will protect the following methods:

  • regular weeding;
  • mulching the soil around the plant with wood ash;
  • spring tillage from pests with special preparations before planting.

Ginger brings great health benefits, and therefore this culture should not be neglected, refusing to grow it on your windowsill or garden.