Lemon, honey and ginger are often used to relieve symptoms of the common cold and flu. Each of the ingredients has unique natural healing properties, and when they are combined, they effectively enhance the immune system. In addition, ginger with lemon and honey is a recipe for health for everyone who wants to get rid of toxins, lose weight, tone up and lower cholesterol.
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Useful properties of ginger with lemon and honey
These foods are believed to be a good aid to digestion due to the inherent properties of ginger. In addition, both ginger and honey have antioxidant properties and increase the strength of the body's immune system.
The regular use of even a small amount of ginger, lemon and honey will be beneficial for people with a weak digestive system.
A traditional drink made from ginger and lemon not only helps in the digestive process, but also stimulates the secretion of bile, which dissolves fat. In addition, it stimulates the growth of the intestinal flora, which speeds up the digestion process and facilitates proper movement inside the intestines. Finally, the drink gives the body the ability to increase the absorption of healthy nutrients from food.
For children, it has traditionally been used to alleviate stomach irritation.
Consider all three ingredients in more detail.
What do we know about lemon? Lemon contains powerful antioxidants, fights bacteria, detoxifies and is rich in vitamins. Lemon juice is a source of vitamin C, which is vital for a strong immune system. When added to tea, lemon juice provides the immune system with a powerful boost. Vitamin C helps to neutralize the activity of waste in the body, called free radicals, reduces inflammation and swelling caused by them. This action of vitamin C reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer.
Ginger has traditionally been used to alleviate nausea, indigestion and digestive tract. However, this root plant also has other therapeutic properties as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. Ginger promotes healthy sweating, which helps in detoxifying the body, which is often necessary for colds or flu. Useful for calming the stomach, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and cold sweating, which can accompany digestive problems.
Read also: ginger - home growing
Honey has a calming effect on sore throat, which makes it an effective and natural remedy for suppressing cough. Boosts the immune system, helping in the production of white blood cells. Improves the ability to fight infection and helps reduce fever. The natural sweetness of honey balances the astringency of lemon and the spice of ginger, giving the final dish a pleasant aroma.
Recipes for boosting immunity
As we can see, each of the products contains some advantages in itself and will be a good solution in the cold season, as well as a preventive medicine and a way to increase immunity.
Immune Ginger Smoothie
You will need fresh ginger, a tablespoon of honey, juice of one lemon (to increase its effectiveness, add lemon zest) and four glasses of water. Mix it all in a blender until you get a homogeneous mass. Store unused mixture in the refrigerator, taking a glass a day in the morning. Lemon perfectly invigorates and this replaces coffee. Let this drink help you wake up in the morning.
Ginger tea
The second option is brewing like tea, by chopping ginger and boiling small pieces in water for 5 minutes. Remove from heat, add lemon juice and a tablespoon of honey.
Ginger jam
If you are looking for a means to quickly raise immunity, which is always at hand, then you can prepare ginger jam in a sealed glass jar. Grind ginger and lemon zest on a fine grater, add honey to taste. Consume a tablespoon when you feel unwell or suspect you are ill. The dish can be stored for up to three months in winter, subject to tightness.
Cold drink: ginger, lemon and honey
Lemon-ginger tea is, of course, not real tea, but lemon juice and ginger root brewed in boiling water. The pleasant citrus smell of lemon combined with the spicy and spicy aroma of ginger relaxes the senses and energizes.
Memo: The longer you cook ginger, the more of its properties it gives. This increases the benefit of the drink, but remember, when opened, the drink will become very spicy, so control the cooking time depending on the effect that you want to achieve.
With the regular use of such tea, the body strengthens and better resists negative environmental factors, skin regeneration increases, bones and teeth are restored and maintained in good condition. Tea provides resistance to free radicals that damage DNA and contribute to health problems, including cancer, arthritis, and heart disease. Lemons contain bioflavonoids that help maintain adequate levels of vitamin C in every cell in your body.
With high cholesterol
Like any powerful source of antioxidant, a drink based on ginger, lemon and honey is a natural way to lower cholesterol. It slows the oxidation of harmful cholesterol, increases the level of beneficial, improves the quality and composition of blood, increases endurance, prevents clogging of blood vessels and slows the aging of arteries. Natural antioxidants found in all three foods burn cholesterol in the body and improve blood circulation.
But the greatest benefit in this regard is ginger, which activates an enzyme that increases the use of cholesterol in the body and thereby reduces the blood cholesterol, as confirmed by animal studies. You can consume both fresh and dried ginger root, adding it to your usual dishes as seasoning. There is also ginger oil, extract and capsules. Ginger tea will also be indispensable for you. Boil chopped or grated fresh ginger root for 10-20 minutes, then cool slightly and add honey with lemon so that these components do not lose their properties in boiling water.
Weight loss application
Spiced ginger was used as an aid to digestion in ancient Greece. It has thermogenic properties, creating a heating effect that boosts metabolism. According to some, lemons can also burn fat. They increase the absorption of calcium in fat cells, provoking their burning. Lemon juice and lemon zest provide detoxification, which also affects the process of losing weight. Fibrous pectin in lemon peel blocks the absorption of sugar by the stomach, while its fruit acid stimulates gastric juices.
Thus, the use of juice of one lemon with a tablespoon of ginger and honey to taste before each meal effectively helps to lose weight.
Mix with ginger, lemon and honey for children
Instead of relying on medication, many parents prefer more natural methods of getting rid of a child’s illness. However, some caution should be observed and consulted with a pediatrician before giving this remedy to a baby. If the attending physician gave the go-ahead, ginger and honey can be an effective alternative treatment for colds and nausea.
Offer your child hot or warm ginger tea, depending on his age. You can drink from two to three cups a day, but not too much so that allergies do not occur. Use hypoallergenic acacia or linden honey, as all other types of honey are allergenic.
Children tolerate natural products well, and this medicine will help to minimize the use of drugs based on chemical elements.
An example of a baby ginger tea recipe:
- Peel and chop the ginger root the size of an index finger.
- Mix with 2 to 3 tablespoons of honey (more if the child needs sweeter).
- Squeeze the juice of one fresh lemon (or the juice of half a lemon, if the child does not like sour).
- Place in a pan and pour 4 to 6 glasses of water.
- Boil for 15 to 20 minutes, or less, depending on the strength you desire.
Add more honey if your child has a fever.
Contraindications for use
Honey should not be given to a child under 12 months of age. Honey may contain bacteria called Clostridium botulinum, which may be more active than the baby’s immature immune system. If their spores germinate, it can lead to infant botulism - a potentially life-threatening disease. Although honey is relatively safe for children after 12 months of age, you should still consult your pediatrician before giving it to your child. The same thing happens with ginger - while it is relatively safe for babies, you should always consult your pediatrician before starting an alternative form of treatment.
The use of the drink in adults has contraindications only in the form of individual intolerance and allergy to one or more components of ginger tea.
Why else take ginger, lemon and honey
Get to know additional facts about these unique components that you probably didn't know about.
According to studies, ginger kills the Salmonella bacterium and other infections. In combination with the immuno-reducing effect of pectin and limonin in lemon, a powerful impulse can be achieved to fight even severe infections.
The use of lemon juice mixed with honey and hot water every two hours effectively reduces fever, and ginger has a diaphoretic effect, which means that it causes sweating. Sweating releases dermidine, a natural antibiotic that helps strengthen the immune system and fight infections and viruses.
Mood and concentration
The smell of lemon enhances concentration, and if you drink lemon water every few hours, your attention indicators will improve. Sipping warm ginger tea with lemon, you can relieve stress, provide a pleasant break during intensive classes, after a tense workout or before an important presentation at work.
Heart Health Benefits
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, several preliminary studies show that ginger can help prevent blood clotting and lower cholesterol. He fights heart disease in which blood vessels clog and lead to a stroke or heart attack.
Nausea and vomiting
Nausea refers to the sensation of desire to induce vomiting, while vomiting refers to the discharge of stomach contents. These are not diseases, but symptoms of different conditions. Ginger can help prevent or treat vomiting and nausea from chemotherapy for cancer, pregnancy, and motion sickness. It is also used to reduce the pain associated with osteoarthritis and to alleviate indigestion.