Ginger, whose beneficial properties and contraindications have been known for a very long time, has firmly established itself both in medicine and in the cooking of modern man.

Thanks to 400 unique compounds, ginger has acquired an unlimited number of healing qualities.

The presence of essential oils provides a special aroma of the root, and generol gives the culinary works a piquant burning.

Only in ginger you will find the whole group of vitamins B, amino acids and unique acids:

  • nicotine;
  • oleic;
  • caprylic;
  • linoleic.

Who is ginger good for?

The healing properties of ginger root benefit both men and women.

  • Traditional medicine uses ginger as an immunostimulant and antiviral agent.
  • Deficiency of magnesium and potassium in the body of every person leads to a malfunction of the cardiovascular system, a complex of microelements, which ginger is rich in, can counter this. Ginger tea will help improve cerebral circulation, thereby strengthening memory, and focusing.
  • Stressful situations await us at every turn. The regular use of antioxidants contained in the ginger root can protect against lethargy, irritation and fatigue, invigorates and tones.

For women Ginger is a real gift of nature.

Ginger tea is capable of:

  • reduce pain during menstruation;
  • reduce headache and irritability with menopause;
  • normalize hormonal metabolism, which is very important for infertility;
  • tone the uterus during preparation for pregnancy.

Ginger root helps maintain beauty and youth due to the content of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and acids in it.

For men the magic root can be a source of vivacity, energy and masculine power.

  • Increased immunity due to the unique properties of ginger helps to prevent diseases of the urinary and reproductive system.
  • Sex hormone is fully produced in the presence of zinc in the body, which is rich in ginger.
  • With a hangover, tea from the magic root comes to the rescue.
  • Regular intake of ginger tea within reasonable limits will increase potency.
  • The best aphrodisiac, a natural sex drive, is hard to find.

Remember! Everything is good in moderation, take ginger according to the proposed recipe.

Treat Ginger Disease

Using ginger as a folk remedy for treatment, be careful when preparing teas, tinctures and all kinds of dishes.

Ginger root is supplied mainly from China, so for safety reasons, the plant should be soaked in water for several hours immediately before use.

You can buy ginger root, while choosing a strong plant with a dense structure. White ginger belongs to the highest grade.

When buying ginger in powder, pay attention to its color. You should buy ginger powder of sand or light brown color, but not gray.

Sore throat? Take ginger

At the first sign of a cold, try taking ginger tea by adding lemon or juice to it.

A sore throat will relieve a thin ginger plate, which can be an alternative to a pharmaceutical candy. After eating, chew a piece of ginger twice a day; swallowing it is not necessary. Try not to drink anything after this 30 minutes.

The anti-inflammatory effect is exerted by hot ginger tea for bronchitis, tonsillitis, and coughing.

Help hypertensive?

Ginger is not recommended for use with antihypertensive drugs, therefore hypertensive patients taking medication constantly should be careful about this root.

There is no consensus among doctors about taking ginger tea with hypertension. The unique components of ginger thin the blood, and this ensures the normalization of blood pressure.

The ability to increase pressure in some cases limits the use of ginger after a stroke or with cardiac ischemia.

Unique ginger tincture recipes

The easiest and easiest recipe for making tea with ginger:

  • cut 2-3 cm of ginger;
  • grate;
  • pour boiling water;
  • insist a quarter of an hour;
  • add honey and lemon if desired.

Do not forget that ginger is an invigorating tonic, so give it preference in the first half of the day.

For lovers of oriental drinks There is a unique recipe for a ginger drink called love.

Mix 1 tbsp. ginger and licorice, you can take in dry form, and 1 tsp. ground cinnamon. Pour a mixture of 2 liters of boiling water, bring to a boil, let cool and take 50-70 ml 1-2 times a day.

Is ginger tea good for everyone?

There are no plants on the planet whose use has no contraindications.

Caution to the unique root should be given to people suffering from:

  • cholelithiasis;
  • the presence of kidney stones;
  • gastrointestinal ulcer;
  • allergic to ginger;
  • blood thinning.

This also applies to people with diabetes and arrhythmias.

If you have surgery with anesthesia, give up ginger for a while.

For colds, ginger tea is recommended as an anti-inflammatory agent, but with flu with a high temperature, its use is contraindicated.

Is pregnancy a contraindication for ginger?

Ginger copes with the manifestations of toxicosis, severe migraine pain during pregnancy. It is enough to put a ginger plate in your mouth so as not to feel morning sickness.

Drinks and dishes with the addition of ginger saturate the body with vitamins and useful substances necessary for mom and baby.

Remember that there are contraindications for women, whose pregnancy exceeded the second trimester. Ginger tones the uterus and can increase blood pressure during pregnancy.

Enjoy the action of ginger in the first half of pregnancy.

Lose weight with ginger

The ability of ginger to regulate cholesterol and fat metabolism with the help of unique amino acids makes its use necessary in the diet of those who want to lose weight.

Read also: the norm of cholesterol in women by age in the table

An accelerated metabolism due to improved blood supply contributes to the rapid burning of calories, which is necessary when fighting for weight loss.
Ginger root regulates the intestines, stimulating its peristalsis.

Add ginger to your diet - increase the digestibility of foods.

Cooking Highlight - Ginger

Ginger allows you to diversify the taste of familiar dishes:

  • meat;
  • vegetables;
  • of bread;
  • desserts.

In Asia, ginger is the most popular cooking product.

The benefits of pickled ginger

It is hard to imagine sushi without pickled ginger, which contains all the unique qualities of a fresh root, but tastes much better.

  • The daily addition of pickled ginger root in regular meals guarantees weight loss after 1 month.
  • In the absence of contraindications, pickled ginger has a positive effect on asthma and bronchitis.
  • Tasteful, pickled root is an excellent antiviral agent during the period of influenza epidemics.
  • For migraines and headaches from stress, pickled ginger acts as an analgesic.

Cosmetic problems are subject to ginger

Want to smooth your skin, restore its former elasticity, seek help from ginger.

Thanks to antioxidant and antiseptic properties, the magic root will help to remove wrinkles and reduce pigmentation.

Ginger is a necessary supplement in cosmetics, such as:

  • creams;
  • masks;
  • balms;
  • lotions.

Regular ginger wraps guarantee a quick cure for cellulite.

Not every spice can boast useful properties of ginger; at any time of the year, ginger root is a universal medicine and a fantastic seasoning.