The Monday aura is easy to read on people's faces. Although, according to research, the worst day of the week is not Monday, but Tuesday. As Albert Einstein used to say, “everything is relative.”
We have put together a collection of photos, situations which are suitable except for Monday morning. Of course, these pictures capture moments that occurred on different days of the week. But what can I say, luck in them no more than on Monday morning so unloved by many!
“Do not ask me how this happened. I also hate myself for that. ”
“Take a photo with a cat,” they said. “This is so sweet,” they insisted.
"Why me?.."
This day he will remember for a long time.
Have you met with such a creative toilet seat for the toilet?
“Yesterday I did a manicure. And today, while chatting with her husband and rubbing the salad on a grater, he turned into such a nightmare ... "
Another nail failure: this time, by chance, a manicure was ruined by hand.
“He found a comfortable place to relax.”
"Good morning".
"Bon Appetit!"
Remember the words of Winston Churchill that you should never give up? So, here they are taken too literally.
Merry wedding celebration, you will not say anything. The main thing is not to break your neck during the festivities.
“For twenty minutes I tried to explain to my friend that in this photo she looks like she threw her legs back on the groom - she doesn’t believe it.”
“At the passport control at the airport, along with the documents, she accidentally handed this to the employee ...”
We hope the insurance company will cover all its losses ...
Well, damn it ...
Straight to hell.
“Hey Jimmy! Let's take a selfie! ”
If you poured mud from a puddle of a car, passing by - it does not matter. The main thing is not to become like the heroine of the next photograph.
If you take an umbrella with you, it won’t rain. If you leave him at home, then ...
A crushing wave will not let you relax and enjoy a beach holiday.
“I wanted to make a great photo with the monkey, but the unpredictable happened ...”
“The day started off well until my dog decided to drown me.”
"A very, very bad day!"