Patients of different ages sometimes suffer from pain, heat and inflammation. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs quickly eliminate these symptoms. For example, Ibuprofen is taken - a syrup or suspension for several days to alleviate the condition during the illness.

Release form, composition

The drug "Ibuprofen" is available in the form of tablets and a syrupy liquid. The second dosage form is called a suspension. Ibuprofen is an active ingredient in the composition, which is an NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug).

Ibuprofen has an antipyretic and analgesic effect.

Every 5 ml of suspension contains 100 mg of the active component (20 mg in 1 ml). Auxiliary ingredients of a liquid preparation produced in Russia are sorbitol, glycerol, orange flavoring and other substances. The volumes of the bottles vary from 100 to 200 ml from different manufacturers. The package comes with a measuring spoon or a plastic cup with the printed divisions.

Pharmacological action and indications for use

Ibuprofen is a syrupy drug from the group of analgesics and antipyretics. The active ingredient prevents the formation of substances in the body that contribute to the development of inflammation and related phenomena. The medicine eliminates fever, has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

Neurologists believe that Ibuprofen in a dosage of 10-15 mg per 1 kg of weight should be prescribed for tension headache, in the acute phase of migraine in children and adults.

Indications for Ibuprofen Syrup:

  • mild to moderate pain in diseases of the spine and joints;
  • damage and inflammation of soft tissues, joints, bones;
  • inflammatory process in the pelvic organs;
  • dislocations, sprain;
  • postoperative pain;
  • neuralgia and neuritis;
  • toothache;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • hematomas.

The fight against infection and the development of the pathological process is accompanied by fever, pain, redness and swelling of the affected area. Reception of the ibuprofen syrup helps to eliminate these manifestations of the inflammatory process. NSAIDs do not have an antimicrobial effect, it is used as part of the complex treatment of infectious diseases.

Symptomatic use of ibuprofen syrup:

  • acute sore throat and fever with viral and bacterial infections;
  • fever with chills as a result of a cold;
  • condition after vaccination;
  • pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis;
  • tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia.

If within 3 days of taking the analgesic and antipyretic syrup did not help, and the symptoms worsen, then you should seek medical help. Pain should not be tolerated, but without treatment for the underlying disease, the condition will not improve, and recovery will not occur.

Analgesics are not recommended for use in cases of suspected “acute abdomen” before being examined by a surgeon. An anesthetic can change the picture of a life-threatening disease of the internal organs.

At what age can children be given

The tool is approved by pediatricians for the treatment of pain and heat in acute respiratory viral infections, classic childhood infections. Instructions for use for children suggest giving Ibuprofen syrup to patients from 3 months to 12 years.

The medicine has age restrictions.

The medicine is given to a child older than 3 months with toothache, headache, muscle, joint pain. The drug with the same active substance, but in the form of granules for the preparation of syrup and tablets, can be taken by patients older than 6 years.

How long does the antipyretic begin to act?

In 15 - 20 minutes after the use of the ibuprofen syrup, the temperature decreases and the pain passes. The effect persists for 6 to 8 hours. If the temperature rises again, the pain intensifies, then you will need to take another dose of the medicine.

The onset of the drug is quite fast.

The high analgesic and antipyretic efficacy of the active substance "Ibuprofen" has been confirmed in numerous studies. The German Medical Journal presents the results of testing NSAIDs in pediatric practice. 180 children with febrile syndrome participated in the study. The treating doctors gave Nurofen syrup with ibuprofen, the active substance, to small patients. The fever in the children who received the medicine passed after 36 hours.

Experts believe that ibuprofen is superior in therapeutic properties to paracetamol - the first choice for the treatment of fever and pain in children. The risk of paracetamol overdose is high, as is the likelihood of liver damage.

"Ibuprofen": instructions for use and dosage

Doctors try to select doses individually, in accordance with the disease, its stage and severity. Be sure to take into account the age of the patient.

Take Ibuprofen syrup after meals. Shake the contents of the vial thoroughly and measure the right amount of liquid with a measuring spoon or a special syringe.

For children

The daily dose for oral administration is approximately 20 to 40 mg of active substance per 1 kg of the body weight of the child (1 - 2 ml of syrup / kg). The calculated amount of the drug is recommended to be used in several doses.

The amount of the drug depends on the body weight of the child.
  • Babies aged 3 to 12 months are given 2.5 ml of syrup 3 times a day.
  • A child from 1 year to 2 years old - 2.5 ml 3-4 times a day.
  • Preschoolers aged 3 to 7 years are supposed to take 5 ml of the drug 3-4 times a day.
  • Children over 8 years old can take 5 - 10 ml of the drug 3-4 times a day.

For adults

The drug "Ibuprofen" must be correctly dosed, based on its own weight. A single dose of the drug when taken orally is 200 mg of the active substance (10 ml). Take syrup 3-4 times a day. If necessary, a single dose can be increased to 40 ml.

Drug Interactions with Other Drugs

“Ibuprofen” should be used with caution with other NSAIDs, as well as with hormonal drugs, since there is a risk of bleeding in the stomach. It is recommended to avoid co-administration with aspirin and cardiac glycosides.

Ibuprofen is not always compatible with other drugs.

Ibuprofen reduces the diuretic effect of Furosemide, and a diuretic increases the nephrotoxicity of NSAIDs. Reception of "Ibuprofen" with "Warfarin" and thrombolytic drugs leads to increased effects of these drugs.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

Sometimes Ibuprofen can not be used for treatment. Contraindications are hypersensitivity to the components, exacerbation of peptic ulcer, cirrhosis of the liver, color vision disorders. It is also forbidden to use the remedy for those who are diagnosed with aspirin asthma. This condition occurs when poisoning with aspirin or other NSAIDs.

Do not take Ibuprofen Syrup / Suspension in pregnant women in the third trimester.

Other contraindications:

  • high pressure;
  • swelling
  • heart failure;
  • hemophilia;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis.

The use of the ibuprofen syrup / suspension negatively affects the condition of people with pathologies of the hearing organ and vestibular apparatus.

With caution, NSAIDs should be taken with gastritis, enterocolitis, in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy, with breastfeeding, diseases of the liver, kidneys and blood.

Side effects of treatment with the syrup / suspension "Ibuprofen" are most often observed from the gastrointestinal tract:

  • pain
  • heartburn;
  • nausea;
  • flatulence;
  • loose stools.

The reaction of the nervous system and heart to the use of NSAIDs is manifested:

  • dizziness
  • tachycardia;
  • pressure surges;
  • insomnia.

Perhaps the appearance of skin itching and rash, Quincke's edema, disturbances in the blood picture.

Overdose symptoms appear more often in children than in schoolchildren and adults. After taking a high dose of syrup / suspension, the child will feel abdominal pain, headache. The kid becomes inhibited, drowsy. Convulsions, acute renal failure, and apnea may develop. In all cases of an overdose, self-treatment should be discontinued and a doctor should be consulted.

Analogs of antipyretic syrup

Bottom medications based on ibuprofen and paracetamol have an antipyretic effect. These active substances may be part of a liquid preparation for oral administration, rectal suppositories or tablets.

Analogs of the syrup / suspension "Ibuprofen" for the active component:

  • Nurofen
  • "Moment";
  • Ibufen.

A similar therapeutic effect is possessed by the children's syrup Panadol and Efferalgan for adults.

The choice of drug often depends on the preferences of the doctor and patient. You should carefully read the instructions for use, pay attention to the listed indications, a list of contraindications and possible side effects. It is important to follow the dosage and take the medicine correctly in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer and your doctor.