In the second half of autumn there is an opportunity to enjoy the unforgettable taste of persimmon. The name of this bright and juicy fruit in translation from the Persian language means "date plum." The berry has gained popularity in many countries, not only due to the excellent taste and aroma, but also because the benefits of persimmon for the body are very great.

Persimmon: composition and calorie content

The beneficial properties of persimmons are provided by a number of microelements necessary for the human body, which this berry contains.

Its consumption in food allows you to saturate the cells with the following substances:

  • vitamins of groups A, B, C, E and PP;
  • organic acids;
  • antioxidants;
  • tannins;
  • tannins;
  • kakhetin;
  • polyphenols;
  • fiber;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium
  • potassium;
  • magnesium
  • sodium;
  • iron.

Did you know? By the concentration of vitamins and other useful substances, persimmon overtook many fruits. For example, fiber in it is almost twice as much as in apples.

At the same time, 100 g of berries contains only 66 kcal, the volume of proteins is 0.5 g, fats 0.38 g, and carbohydrates 15.2 g.

Useful properties for the body of a woman

Given the chemical composition of the berry, the benefits of persimmon for a woman's body are obvious.

Using it in moderation has such a positive effect:

  • the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood decreases;
  • the walls of blood vessels and capillaries are strengthened;
  • indicators of blood pressure are stabilized;
  • the state of the retina improves;
  • the heart muscle is strengthened;
  • blood circulation processes are restored;
  • the activity of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized and metabolic processes are accelerated;
  • the body's resistance to diseases increases;
  • compensates for the lack of iron, which is often observed in women who are of childbearing age;
  • extra kilograms go away;
  • hair and nails are strengthened;
  • slows down the aging process.

On a note. If you include persimmon in the diet on critical days, this will help relieve pain, as well as reduce the number of secretions if they are too plentiful.

Useful properties of different varieties of persimmons

In the process of breeding, about 200 varieties of feed were bred.

The following varieties are most common on the domestic market:

  • Tomato or Bull’s Heart. This berry is distinguished by its large size and lack of seeds. This product allows you to fill the deficiency of magnesium, iron and tannins.
  • Persimmon "Kinglet". Such fruits have gained great popularity in the market because of the pleasant taste, devoid of characteristic astringency. In addition, vitamin A in their composition contains much more than in other varieties.
  • Tangerine Persimmon. This fruit resembles tangerine in shape and has a sweet taste. At the same time, it allows saturating the cells with vitamin C, which has a beneficial effect on the immune system.
  • Sharon. This variety is obtained by crossing an apple tree with Japanese persimmon. It also lacks seeds, and the flesh is tender, tasting, devoid of astringency. This is the lowest calorie type of persimmon, however, sucrose is present in it in large quantities than fructose, which leads to an increase in blood glucose. The variety gained its popularity due to the high content of beta-carotene, which is especially useful for women during pregnancy.

Tip. To enjoy delicious persimmons, you should acquire fruits with a moderately dense and translucent skin that has a smooth structure.

In addition, dark stripes and blotches are necessarily present on ripe berries. The more of them, the sweeter the flesh.

It is also worth examining the stem, it should be dry and clean, without browning and signs of moldiness.

What is the use of dried, dried and frozen persimmons

Enrich cells with vitamins can not only fresh but also dried persimmons. Due to the high concentration of fiber, these fruits help cleanse the intestines, improve vision and make up for iron deficiency. The same properties are inherent in dried persimmon.

Frozen berries retain all the beneficial properties that a fresh product has. In addition, under the influence of low temperatures, tannin is destroyed, which gives the fruit a viscosity. For this reason, it is customary to place unripe persimmons in the freezer - after a while, astringency will disappear, and the fruit will become tasty and sweet.

Attention! Fruits can be in the freezer without compromising quality for no more than six months.

Persimmon strengthens or weakens?

Persimmon can be called in its own way a unique product that can both fix the stomach and have a laxative effect. Why is this happening?

  • The cause of the laxative effect is the ability of tannin contained in persimmons to affect intestinal motility, as well as to help cleanse the body. If you eat fruits in moderation, significant changes with stool will not occur. But as a result of overeating, diarrhea can occur.
  • Constipation as a result of eating persimmons provokes tannins. They, together with tannins, make immature fruits tart to the taste. Once in the body, these components enter into a complex reaction with gastric juice, resulting in difficulties with cleansing the intestines. In some cases, this leads to the formation of fecal stones.

Tip. To avoid the indicated problems, you need to eat only ripened fruits, not more than 2-3 pieces per day.

Pregnancy Benefits

For women during pregnancy, persimmon is not only useful, but also necessary. It helps get rid of edema, removing excess fluid from the body, and also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. In addition, constipation is common in expectant mothers, and persimmon will help eliminate this problem.

The berry has a beneficial effect not only on the mother's body, but also on the baby. Beneficial substances contribute to the normal development of the brain, musculoskeletal system, respiratory system and heart muscles.

With menopause and in old age

Persimmon contains magnesium, which is necessary to maintain a normal hormonal background in the female body.

In addition, the consumption of berries will make up for the lack of calcium. This, in turn, will reduce the risk of fractures, which inevitably occurs during menopause and in old age, when bone strength decreases.

As well as the beneficial substances contained in persimmons, they help maintain muscle tone and maintain mobility and elasticity of cartilage and joints.

Weight loss application

Persimmons are often present in weight loss schemes. This is due to the fact that the berry contains a huge amount of useful substances needed by the cells, due to which the appetite decreases. Moreover, its calorie content is very low.

In addition, the fiber contained in the fruits helps to cleanse the intestines, due to which there is a decrease in body weight, especially noticeable in the first weeks.

Attention! Persimmon eaten on an empty stomach helps increase appetite, so you should not use it as a snack.

It is allowed to eat the berry only after eating, otherwise it will not lead to a decrease, but to weight gain.

Use in cosmetology

Soft orange fruits are also used in cosmetology, since the substances that make up their composition have such a beneficial effect:

  • heal wounds and relieve inflammation;
  • smooth and rejuvenate the skin;
  • layers of the epidermis deeply nourish and saturate with moisture;
  • slow down the aging process.

In addition, using persimmon masks, you can at home fight against oily sheen or excessive dry skin. In the first case, the berry pulp is mixed with egg white, aloe juice and sea buckthorn, honey or glycerin. And to eliminate dryness, it is better to use persimmon in conjunction with carrots and sea buckthorn oil.

The mask is applied to the face for a quarter of an hour, after which it is washed off with warm water. The procedure should be performed at least 10 times, every 2-3 days.

Contraindications and possible harm

There are diseases and conditions in which it is forbidden to use persimmon.

These include:

  • chronic constipation;
  • obesity 3 degrees;
  • thyroid disease;
  • type 1 diabetes mellitus (with type 2 disease, it is permissible to eat no more than 1 fetus per day).

In addition, women should not eat persimmons during breastfeeding. This product will not harm the mother, but the baby may have digestive problems.