Vilia Vitkute, A 26-year-old talented artist, mostly known as an artist in the field of body art, living in two countries at once: Lithuania and Sweden. She became famous all over the world for her works, because she devoted her whole life, uniting with her creativity art and nature.
Vilia is inspired by nature Scandinavian and Alps. Her works tell about human relationship from nature and becoming with her as a whole. The man in the masterpieces of Vilia soluble in the environment.
The artist believes that the time has come thank nature for all that she did and gave to us. We need more care about her and her colorful the future. We must be more close with the world, especially now, during climate change. Because we are part of nature.
The phrase we often use "people and nature", Is wrong, according to the artist, since we are one. And this is exactly that thinkwhich she wants to convey to people with her work. Vilia wants to make people realize the full power of art.
Vilia Vitkute comments on her activities: “For me, the greatest artist of all time is nature. I recreate the world around us on a human body, which from a certain point of view allows people to dissolve in this environment ”.
“My work requires me to be fully focused and flawlessly research the right place, person, light, wind and time. The selection of colors and textures requires a lot of attention "- says Vilia.
In addition, the artist must paint highly quicklybecause models cannot stay in the same position too longespecially when the artist is working in harsh conditions.
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