A year ago, aspiring artist Felice House moved from Massachusetts to Texas. The girl immediately fell in love with the culture of the Western States.
Felis is engaged in painting and design. She moved to Austin and enrolled at Texas A&M University with the goal of obtaining a master's degree. Features of Western culture immediately captivated the girl. She liked everything: from traditional costumes to humor and accent.
“When I decided to review all the popular western films, I noticed that only men play the main roles. Then the idea came to my mind to create female images. I started looking for models that would agree to temporarily change their style and help me in creating paintings. ”
Felice House noted that many girls knew in advance what image of the popular cowboy they would like to present.
Virginia Smith became Virginia Eastwood:
An alternate look for the Marlboro cowboy looks amazing:
Rebecca Wayne is even cooler than John Wayne:
The artist first took photos of the girls in images, and then began to draw pictures based on the finished pictures.
The author of the idea noted that the most difficult thing was to convey the emotional state of the hero and copy the atmosphere of the film.
The pictures were 3 times larger than the original pictures and the artist took a year to create them.
The idea of Felice House was appreciated at the Houston Museum of Modern Art. You can look at the original paintings in the hall, which is dedicated to cinema.