In the arsenal of folk healers, there are many recipes for preparing horseradish with honey, the benefits and contraindications of which will be discussed in this material. These products are quite accessible to each of us, and the preparation of a medicinal composition does not take much time, money and effort.
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The benefits of horseradish with honey
Many people know about the beneficial properties of honey, so let us dwell on a plant called horseradish. He can offer us many medicinal qualities - restorative and tonic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, thinning and expectorant, anthelmintic and antiviral.
Another plant effectively eliminates the ailments of the kidneys and urinary system, thanks to a pronounced diuretic effect. For the purposes of treatment and prevention, all parts of horseradish are used - both leaves and roots, because they contain many vitamins and minerals with a complete absence of fats:
- B vitamins (folates, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine and pantothenic acid), as well as C and carotene;
- the mineral complex is represented by calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper and other elements;
- flavonoids and essential oil;
- carbohydrates, nitrogenous substances and resins.
The plant has elements that act like an antibiotic, but of natural origin. Regular and competent use of the combination of these two products has a positive effect on blood flow and prevents the development of CVD diseases.
What diseases is used
In any case, you are provided with an improvement in overall health when taking a mixture of honey with horseradish.
In addition, this composition will help to cope with various health problems:
- Colds and high blood pressure.
- Ischemia.
- Sinusitis and rhinitis.
- Cough and herpes.
- Poor digestion and lack of appetite.
- Inflammation of the joints and rheumatic pains.
- Migraine and skin ailments.
If you are poisoned by food (not fresh), just eat a little horseradish, which will prevent or reduce irritation of the digestive tract, nausea and further development of inflammation.
The composition acts as an accelerator of metabolism in the body, contributing to the burning of excess fat reserves. This quality of the plant has been successfully used to get rid of unnecessary kilograms.
Horseradish tincture with honey
Horseradish in combination with honey and vodka is called the people horseradish. She copes with all sorts of ailments perfectly and improves well-being, giving vigor and optimism.
Indications for use
The tincture is recommended for use in rheumatism with gout, caries and other oral problems, diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastritis and low gastric acidity, with small wounds, contributing to their rapid healing.
If the composition is prepared correctly, then the finished tincture will not burn in the mouth, and will leave a pleasant aftertaste.
There are no other ingredients in the original recipe, but dill, mustard, garlic or lemon may be added to give the drink its original taste and aroma.
The correct tincture contains only vodka, horseradish and honey, correctly mixed. At the same time, any seasoning can be added to the non-classical recipe, which gives an additional aroma to the drink. It can be dill, ginger, mustard, garlic and other components.
They even make cocktails from horseradish, for example, the well-known Bloody Mary drink is prepared on its basis.
Tincture Recipes
You can prepare a drink in different ways, here are a few of the most used recipes:
- clean the previously washed horseradish (root) from dirt and finely chop (with a knife), put in a 3-liter glass container, adding honey (4 small spoons), cloves (10 peas), ginger, nutmeg and cinnamon (ground) in half a teaspoon spoons. Now fill the composition to the top with an alcohol composition and put in the dark and cool for 5 days, stirring from time to time. After the specified period, pass the mixture through cheesecloth and pour into the same jar, adding an alcohol solution and leaving it alone for another 4 days. This tincture will retain its beneficial properties for 1 year, allowing it to be used for problems with potency, joints, hypertension, sugar sickness and the common cold;
- process, as in the previous recipe, horseradish root (200 g), but, without cutting, but grinding in a meat grinder or blender, add honey (2 tablespoons), put in a jar and pour vodka (750 g), removing for brewing in for 2 days in the refrigerator. Such a composition is used as prescribed by a doctor or simply as a strong drink;
- grated root of the plant (50 g) combine with sugar (50 g) and refrigerate for 12 hours. After the specified time, squeeze the juice from the resulting slurry and add the juice of 1 lemon, placing everything in a glass container. Pour in half a liter of vodka and leave it alone for 3 days, then strain and drink 20 ml against the common cold three times a day. It is advisable to replace sugar with honey, which will be much more useful. The tincture is good in the form of a compress if it is tormented by a strong cough, as well as as an application for sore joints.
It is interesting: cough does not go away - effective cough suppressant
With all the positive properties of the tincture, it is still not recommended for people with individual intolerance to components or allergies, pregnant and lactating women, as well as children.
Caution should be exercised when drinking the drink for those who have a history of thyroid disorders and gastrointestinal diseases in a chronic form.
Important: a doctor’s consultation is mandatory for kidney and liver ailments in order to avoid undesirable consequences.
The drink is good as a strong drink during feasts, as it does not cause heaviness in the stomach or hangover the next day.
Horseradish with honey in folk medicine
Traditional healers have long and successfully used these 2 ingredients together to treat many ailments.
Here are some recipes for getting rid of specific diseases:
- Joint pain with salt deposits - using a meat grinder, grind a kilogram of the roots of the plant, pour 4 liters of water, boil for five minutes on the stove. Now strain and let cool (room temperature) by adding 0.5 kg of honey. Course treatment - twice a year (spring and autumn), 1 glass per day until the dishes are completely empty.
- Radiculitis it is treated with compresses from horseradish leaves, previously dipped in hot water, located there until the characteristic smell of the plant appears. The leaves are coated with honey and applied to the joint, wrapped on top with a scarf or wool scarf.
- Bronchitis with asthma - combine the juice of the plant and honey in a ratio of 1/1, taking 1 large spoon twice a day. If bronchitis is purulent, rub the horseradish root and mix it with honey (4/5, respectively), using the mixture before meals in a large spoon from 3 to 4 times. Even with coughing attacks, compresses from horseradish root in rubbed form are very effective.
An asthmatic cough is treated by applying a compress of horseradish, just finely grated, to the chest. And if the disease is accompanied by fever, it is recommended to soak a cloth or gauze with the same composition and put it on the throat for 15 minutes, no more.
About contraindications
The use of horseradish with honey is not indicated for people who have allergic reactions to the components of these products and individual intolerance.
You should not use the composition for gastritis, especially with high acidity and in the acute period, as well as kidney disease and a tendency to hypertensive crises.
In any case, before you start using the mixture for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes, do not forget to consult a specialist, which will allow you to avoid undesirable consequences. After all, you may not be aware of possible ailments in the body, and improper use can adversely affect health and well-being. Health to you and your loved ones!