Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder. Disease in one form or another occurs in 10% of the world's population, mainly in women. In this case, the outflow of bile is disturbed in the patient, which leads to disruptions in the digestion process. The treatment and symptoms of adult cholecystitis are discussed in detail in our article.
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Causes of cholecystitis
There are many causes of inflammation. The most popular are stagnation of bile and irrational nutrition. Stagnation of bile can develop due to a sedentary lifestyle, increased body weight, the presence of stones in the bladder and biliary tract. Poor nutrition, in turn, leads to increased secretion of bile, which can also become the cause of the disease.
In addition to the above, cholecystitis develops for reasons such as:
- Organ infection - an infection can be brought in by the hematogenous route from any sources of infection available in the body (bad tooth, tonsillitis).
- Food poisoning and intoxication - poisonous substances that enter the body through the intestines primarily damage the liver and gall bladder. They provoke destructive processes in the tissues, affect the tone and function of the organ.
- Helminthiasis - the disease can be the result of invasion by parasites or protozoa that can affect the digestive system. These include roundworms, giardia.
- Poor nutrition - most often, disorders in the functioning of the hepatobiliary system occur with the abuse of alcohol, flour and other high-calorie foods.This effect is stronger if the patient’s diet lacks fruits and vegetables.
- Mechanical injuries of the abdomen in the projection of the gallbladder.
- Extensive burns (intoxication, developing as a result of thermal injury).
In addition to all the above, a hereditary predisposition plays a role in the development of the disease. This factor cannot be regarded as fundamental, but it is also unacceptable to discard it. Existing studies make it clear that the relationship between the appearance of cholecystitis and their presence in the immediate blood relatives of the patient really exists.
It is interesting to know: there is a direct correlation of a person’s age and the likelihood of cholecystitis. In older people, the disease develops more often, but it proceeds in a milder form. Young people with cholecystitis usually have a much harder illness.
Symptoms of adult cholecystitis
There are acute and chronic forms of the disease. Acute cholecystitis occurs with severe symptoms, however, significant organic changes do not occur. If the pathology proceeds without complications, the patient has a chance for a full recovery. The period required for recovery varies from 2 weeks to 2-3 months. The chronic form can occur for several years. It is usually cured by cholecystectomy - removal of the gallbladder.
Manifestations in acute
An acute form of the disease can develop suddenly, usually in the form of an overnight attack of pain. However, more often this is preceded by some preliminary symptoms. 3-4 days before the onset of inflammation, the patient develops slight nausea, bitterness in the mouth, and a feeling of heaviness on the right side.
The attack itself begins acutely, with the appearance of the following symptoms:
- general deterioration in well-being;
- hyperthermia up to 38 ° C;
- intense pain in the right side, which is paroxysmal in nature;
- irradiation of pain in the right scapula, collarbone, lower jaw;
- vomiting that does not bring relief;
- jaundice.
As a rule, an attack of the disease develops after heavy intake of fatty foods, alcohol, irritating substances. In addition, the onset can be triggered by mental stress or significant physical exertion.
In chronic
Chronic is considered a disease that lasts more than six months and is characterized by periods of remission and exacerbation. As a rule, exacerbations of cholecystitis occur after ingestion of fatty foods, alcohol, mental stress. In this case, the patient develops a vivid clinical picture of the pathology. After the medical assistance provided, the attack stops, the symptoms partially subside, and the disease goes on to the stage of subsiding exacerbation. What follows is a remission when the patient feels completely healthy.
An exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis is diagnosed on the basis of the following clinical signs:
- hyperthermia;
- itchy skin;
- general toxic syndrome;
- constipation
- pain in the right hypochondrium;
- dyspeptic disorders (nausea, vomiting, belching).
It is important to remember that the intensity of pain can be different. In some people, cholecystitis is the cause of intolerable sensations requiring the use of strong painkillers, in others, the symptoms of cholecystitis appear only in the form of severity in the side and dyspeptic disorders.
What types of acute and chronic cholecystitis are divided into?
Acute cholecystitis is usually divided into a complicated and uncomplicated form. Uncomplicated disease has no secondary pathology and disappears completely after appropriate treatment. A disease is considered to be complicated, due to which the patient has developed pancreatitis, cholangitis, empyema of the bladder or its perforation with the development of biliary peritonitis.
Chronic cholecystitis is divided into calculous and non-calculous.The calculous variety implies the presence of calculi (stones) that violate the outflow of bile. The noncalculous form proceeds without the participation of solid elements. In addition to the above, during an exacerbation, the disease is divided into a complicated and uncomplicated form.
Treatment of cholecystitis
Treatment of chronic cholecystitis outside the acute stage is carried out on an outpatient basis. Exacerbations, accompanied by significant pain, as well as primary acute forms of the disease require hospitalization in the surgical department to remove the bladder. Conservative therapy is subject to mild varieties of pathology. In order to stop exacerbations, medicines, diet, and some folk remedies are used.
Drug treatment
The treatment regimen for cholecystitis includes the following drug groups:
- antibiotics (ceftriaxone per 1 gram, IM, 2 times a day);
- choleretic drugs (allochol, 1 tablet after a meal, 3 times a day);
- antispasmodics (papaverine 2 ml / m, 2 times a day);
- funds for the restoration of the motor tasks of the bladder (dyspatalin 1 tablet three times a day, before meals);
- analgesics (ketorol 1 tablet 2-3 times a day).
Drug therapy using injection forms of drugs is carried out exclusively in a hospital. The use of tablets is possible at home, however, the attending physician should be regularly informed of the existing changes in the condition (increased pain, signs of atony of the walls of the bladder and biliary tract).
Mode and proper nutrition
Proper nutrition for inflammation of the gallbladder plays a role almost greater than drug therapy.
Compliance with the necessary rules can reduce the period of exacerbation, reduce pain, reduce the risk of complications.
It is necessary to adhere to the following meal schedule:
- The first 2 days are hunger. You can drink 50:50 diluted mineral water (ordinary water is used for breeding), fruit drinks, broths of wild rose.
- From the 3rd day - mashed and gentle food - soups of mucous consistency, mashed cereals, drink, boiled fish and minced meat.
- From 5-6 days - diet No. 5A: restriction of fat to 50 grams, protein to 80 grams, carbohydrates to 300 grams per day. Food is made in small portions, 5-6 times a day. From the diet exclude all smoked, salty, spicy, sour, alcohol. Steamed dishes and boiled foods are preferred.
The principles of therapeutic nutrition, the patient is forced to observe the rest of his life. Even small errors can interrupt remission and lead to an exacerbation of the disease.
Folk remedies
Folk remedies can be used for the gentle removal of small stones, as well as for the prevention of exacerbations of cholecystitis. Herbal recipes are used both as part of classical medicine and as part of homeopathic medicines. The latter are more preferred.
With inflammation of the gallbladder, apply:
- Barberry tincture - the leaves of the plant are mixed with vodka in a ratio of 1: 5. Insist the drug should be 15 days. After that, it is filtered and taken 3 times a day for 25 drops. Before taking the desired dose of the drug should be diluted with a glass of drinking water. The course of therapy is ½ month.
- Infusion of dandelion, celandine and peppermint - these components are dried, ground to a powder and take 1 tablespoon of each of them. The herbs are mixed, pour a glass of boiling water and insist 40 minutes. Before use, the product is filtered and taken in ¼ cup (50 ml) before each meal. The course is 10-15 days.
- A broth of white step - 10 grams of the root of the plant must be crushed, pour 200 ml of water and boil for 15 minutes. After this, the medicine is cooled and filtered. You need to drink a decoction of 50 ml per day, before meals. The course of therapy is 15-20 days.
Using folk recipes, you need to understand that these funds have not passed clinical trials.Therefore, it is not known for certain how they affect the body, and what side effects they have. Medicinal plants should only be used as an adjuvant, after consulting a specialist. If the condition worsens, therapy using such drugs is canceled.
Cholecystitis in pregnancy
Treatment of the disease in pregnant women requires special care from the doctor. As a rule, specialists try not to use industrial medicines, the intake of which can negatively affect the development of the fetus. Relief of exacerbations of the disease is carried out by prescribing a strict diet and using plant-based choleretic drugs. In addition, natural antiseptic drugs (decoction of chamomile field) can be used.
Prevention of cholecystitis
Prevention of cholecystitis comes down to eliminating the factors that cause the disease. So, it is recommended to avoid a sedentary regimen, play sports, fight obesity. In addition, it is necessary to limit the intake of fats with food, sanitize foci of chronic infection, and regularly carry out the prevention of helminthiases (a single dose of drugs such as pyrantel and albendazole).
Cholecystitis is a pathology that extremely negatively affects the course of the digestive process. Even worse in patients undergoing cholecystectomy. It is impossible to achieve normal processing of food without bile. To avoid this, you must carefully monitor your health, observe all preventive measures, and at the first signs of the disease seek medical help.