Among the pathologies to which the organs of the respiratory system are subject, obstructive lesions stand apart, due to the specifics of the clinical manifestations. For this reason, such diseases are little known, and patients are often scared, and it is not unreasonable when they are diagnosed with COPD. What is it and how is it treated, our experts will tell.
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What is COPD and who is at risk of getting sick?
An obscure abbreviation of COPD hides chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - a progressive disease characterized by irreversible processes in the tissues of all parts of the respiratory system.
According to the standards of the World Health Organization, the COPD code according to ICD 10 means that according to the International Classification of Diseases of the tenth revision, the disease belongs to the category of respiratory organs.
Activities to reduce the number of factors that reduce the risk of developing COPD, WHO experts consider a priority.
To understand how serious such lung lesions are to health, it is not necessary to delve into the underlying processes that arise with the development of COPD. What kind of disease it is becomes clear from his prognosis - there is practically no chance of recovery.
Clinical picture
A characteristic feature of COPD is a modification of the structure of the bronchi, as well as pulmonary tissues and blood vessels. As a result of the influence of irritating factors, inflammatory processes occur on the bronchial mucosa that reduce local immunity.
Against the background of inflammation, the production of bronchial mucus becomes more intense, but its viscosity increases, making it difficult to withdraw secretion naturally. For bacteria, such stagnant phenomena are the best stimulant for development and reproduction.
Due to bacterial activity, the patency of bronchial communications connecting the alveoli with air, the structure of the trachea and lung tissue is gradually disrupted.
Further progress of the disease leads to irreversible processes, causing the development of fibrosis and emphysema:
- swelling of the mucous membrane of the bronchi;
- spasms of smooth pulmonary muscles;
- increase the viscosity of secretion.
These pathologies are characterized by proliferation of connective tissue and abnormal expansion of distal sections filled with air.
Provocative factors
Malicious factors are the basis for COPD. One of the main factors causing irreversible obstruction of the lungs is smoking. In vain, smokers think that for many years a commitment to a bad habit, their health remains the same. The prerequisites for the development of the disease are formed more than one day, and not even a year - most often, a disappointing diagnosis is given to those over 40.
Passive smokers are also at risk.
Inhalation of tobacco smoke not only irritates the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, but also gradually destroys their tissues. Loss of elasticity of alveolar fibers is one of the first signs of developing obstruction. However, at this stage, the symptoms of the disease are not pronounced enough for a sick person to seek medical help.
Additional provoking factors of COPD:
- infectious lesions of the respiratory tract;
- inhalation of harmful substances or gases;
- pathogenic effects of the professional environment;
- genetic predisposition to damage to the lung tissue by elastase due to protein deficiency alpha-1-atripsin.
The emergence and development of COPD is not associated with the course of other chronic processes in the organs of the respiratory system. But it belongs to a number of professional pathologies that affect metallurgists, builders, miners, railway workers, workers in pulp and processing enterprises, as well as agricultural workers involved in the processing of grain and cotton.
In terms of the number of deaths, COPD is the fourth among the main pathologies of the able-bodied population.
Classification Features
Classification of COPD provides four stages of the development of pathology, determined by the level of complexity of its course. The main criteria for stratification are the presence of characteristic symptoms, as well as the volume of forced expiration in the first second (FEV1) and forced vital capacity of the lungs (FVC), fixed after inhalation with a bronchodilator.
The main stages of the COPD:
- easy. The functionality of external respiration is normal. The ratio between FEV1 and FVC is less than 70% of the norm, which is regarded as a sign of early development of bronchial obstruction. Chronic symptoms may not be observed;
- average. The indices of the functions of external respiration are less than 80%. The ratio between FEV1 and FVC is less than 70% of the norm, which confirms the progress of obstruction. Cough worse. Other characteristic symptoms of the disease are present;
- heavy. OVF1 indicators are less than 50% of the norm. The ratio of FEV1 and FVC is less than 70% of the norm. It is accompanied by a strong cough, profuse sputum production and significant shortness of breath. There are attacks of exacerbations;
- extremely heavy. The functionality of external respiration is provided by less than 30%. It is characterized by the appearance of respiratory failure and the development of the pulmonary heart with an abnormal expansion of the right heart.
The only thing that a sick person can do is to carefully follow all the recommendations of doctors to slow the progress of the disease and improve overall health.The best thing a healthy person can and should do is to prevent the onset of the disease by making efforts to provide preventive measures.
Symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Characteristic signs of the development of COPD appear at the stage of moderate severity. Before the onset of the late stages, the disease proceeds in a latent form and may be accompanied by a small episodically appearing cough. As the pathology develops, sputum mucus joins the cough.
About ten years after the onset of early symptoms, shortness of breath develops - a feeling of lack of air accompanies exercise. Over the years, the intensity of shortness of breath increases. In severe COPD, shortness of breath causes a person to stop every hundred meters. With an extremely severe form of the disease, the patient is not only able to leave the house on his own, but also to change clothes.
Severe symptoms of COPD occur when the development of the pathology reaches the severe phase:
- coughing fits become long and regular;
- the volume of secreted sputum mucosa increases significantly, with the onset of an extremely severe stage, pus appears in the sputum;
- shortness of breath occurs even at rest.
Pathological processes characteristic of the course of COPD lead to pathophysiological changes in all parts of the respiratory system and are accompanied by systemic manifestations in the form of skeletal muscle dysfunction and loss of muscle mass.
Clinical forms
Depending on the intensity of expression of the symptoms of the disease and their characteristics, two clinical forms of COPD are distinguished - bronchial and emphysema.
The main criteria for determining the clinical form are applicable only at the last stages of the development of pathology:
- the predominance of cough, shortness of breath;
- severity of obstruction of the bronchi;
- severity of pulmonary hyperventilation - weak or strong;
- cyanosis color - blue or pinkish-gray;
- period of pulmonary heart formation;
- the presence of polycythemia;
- severity of cachexia;
- age at which death is possible.
Loss of physical performance, as well as disability, is an inevitable consequence of COPD progress.
Treatment of chronic obstructive disease:
Due to the fact that timely diagnosis is not possible, treatment of COPD most often begins when the onset of moderate or severe stage. The history collection provides for the identification of individual risk factors - determining the smoker's index, the presence of infections.
For differential diagnosis with asthma, the parameters characterizing shortness of breath when exposed to a provoking irritant are studied.
To confirm the diagnosis, spirometry is performed - the measurement of volumetric and velocity characteristics of respiration to determine its functionality.
As additional diagnostic measures, apply:
- sputum cytology,
- blood test for polycythemia;
- study of the gas composition of the blood;
- radiography of the lungs;
- ECG;
- bronchoscopy.
Only after clarifying the diagnosis and determining the stage and form of the disease, treatment is prescribed.
In remission phase
During periods of decline in acute manifestations of COPD, patients are advised to use bronchodilators that increase the lumen of the bronchi, mucolytics, thinning sputum, and inhaled glucocorticosteroids.
With exacerbations
The exacerbation phase of COPD is characterized by a sharp and significant deterioration in the patient’s well-being and lasts about two days. To reduce the intensity of the manifestations of the disease, pulmonologists prescribe antibiotic therapy.
The choice of antibiotic preparations is carried out taking into account the type of bacterial flora that inhabits the lungs. Preference is given to drugs that combine penicillins and clavulanic acid, respiratory fluoroquinolones, as well as second-generation cephalosporins.
In the elderly
The treatment of COPD in elderly people consists not only in the use of drug therapy, but also in the use of folk remedies, providing aerobic exercise and preventive measures, including quitting smoking and correcting respiratory failure.
Traditional methods and means of treating COPD
The use of traditional medicine recommendations for COPD has several goals:
- relieving symptoms;
- slowdown of pathological progress;
- launch of regeneration mechanisms;
- restoration of vitality of the patient.
Inhalations based on plant materials such as oregano, mint, calendula, chamomile, and also essential oils of pine and eucalyptus are considered the most effective way of influencing tissues affected by COPD.
To enhance the therapeutic effect, infusions of anise seeds, pansies, marshmallow, lunatic, plantain, heather, Icelandic moss, thyme and sage are used.
To strengthen the lungs, traditional healers recommend drinking birch sap.
Breathing exercises
Aerobic exercise and a set of exercises of respiratory gymnastics form the basis of rehabilitation of patients with COPD. Thanks to breathing exercises, weakened intercostal muscles are included in the breathing process, smooth muscles of the lungs are strengthened, and at the same time, the patient’s psychological state is improved.
One of the exercises: inhale with your nose and at the same time raise your hands up, bend your back and take your leg back. Then exhale with your mouth and return to the starting position. When repeating the exercise, they move away the left and right legs alternately.
Exercise is allowed only during the period of remission.
COPD Prevention
The basis for the prevention of COPD is smoking cessation, since it is tobacco smoke that provokes the appearance of destructive processes in the lungs.
In addition, the following measures will help eliminate the likelihood of developing COPD:
- compliance with labor protection requirements during hazardous work;
- respiratory protection from contact with hazardous substances;
- strengthening immunity - physical activity, hardening, observing the regime of the day;
- healthy eating.
To prevent COPD, the World Health Organization has developed a convention to combat the globalization of tobacco distribution. The agreement was signed by representatives of 180 countries.
A conscious attitude to the needs of your body is the only right choice of healthy people.