Haworthia is a succulent plant, the rosettes of which are particularly decorative. A native of the steppe and desert regions of South Africa looks great on the windowsills of city apartments, and in addition to this, caring for haworthy at home is quite simple.
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Varieties and types of plants
The haworthia genus includes more than 70 species, many of which have significant distinguishing features. From the vast species diversity, many representatives of succulents are adapted to home growing conditions.
Among the most popular types and varieties stand out:
Haworthia striped.
A stemless, most sought-after type in indoor floriculture with a 15 cm diameter outlet consisting of fleshy narrowed leaf plates resembling aloe leaves. The surface of the sheet has a pattern in the form of white stripes.
Haworthia pearl.
A view with dense pointed sheets collected in a tight outlet. The growths on the surface of the leaves, resembling pearls, caused the appearance of the name of the variety.
Haworthia drawn.
It has a certain resemblance to the striped, but does not look so impressive. The leaf plates forming the outlet are strewn with dark green or black specks.
Haworthia is winding.
It is distinguished by foliage of small size, convex from below and covered with warty growths.
Haworthia is sticky.
Succulent, reaching 20 cm in height, with small leafy plates in three rows, which, as the plants grow older, change their structure: there is a concavity at the bottom, and a bend at the top.
Haworthia scaphoid.
A plant with a basal rosette up to 20 cm in diameter, which consists of scaphoid, glossy sheets covered with "windows".
Haworthia is blunt.
A plant with densely growing leaves, acquiring a reddish tint with a lack of lighting.
Important! Haworthia, a mix of species that impresses with its diversity, is greatly appreciated by collectors of succulent plants.
Growing Features
Successful cultivation of haworthia involves compliance with the agrotechnical regulations associated with the peculiarities of its growth in the natural environment:
- the location of the pot on well-lit window sills with the arrangement of protection during periods of peak solar activity;
- watering regime during periods of active growth and dormancy;
- timeliness of the transplant taking into account the correct selection of the pot;
- competent approach to the preparation of the substrate for haworthia, including fine gravel.
Haworthia care at home
An exotic flower with high decorative qualities is very unpretentious in the care, which even a person with a limited amount of free time will be able to do.
Location and lighting
The optimal place to place the flower is the windowsills of the eastern and western windows, which scattered light falls on. When the pot is located on the south side, protection from direct sunlight in the form of a light curtain should be arranged.
Important! Haworthia can also develop on the northern window sills, however, a lack of light leads to a loss of brightness and mottling of the leaf plates.
Depending on the season and phase of development, the temperature regime, the violation of which can lead to the development of rot, changes.
- In summer, the value on the thermometer should not exceed 28 ° C at night. Therefore, it is recommended that the flower is constantly kept outside during this period, but in a place protected from direct sun and rain.
- In winter, a cold-resistant culture can tolerate a drop in temperature to -7 ° C. However, the optimal temperature regime is a range from 5 to 10 ° C, which helps prevent the outlet from being pulled out.
Caution! For variegate forms in winter, temperature drops below 15 ° C are not allowed.
Ground and pot requirements
Succulent prefers neutral soils with good air and water permeability, which can be achieved by making a mixture of leaf and sod soils, as well as fine gravel in a ratio of 3: 3: 1. The haworthia pot is selected wide, but not deep, to avoid the flower growing deeper.
Watering a flower and humidity
Humidification of haworthia is carried out in moderate amounts by standing water, depending on the temperature regime:
- at temperatures above 20 ° C, the substrate is watered as necessary - when the third part of the soil dries;
- at 18–20 ° C, hydration is carried out every 10-14 days;
- at 12 ° C and below, watering is reduced to 1 time per month.
When watering, avoid getting water into the leaf outlet and avoid stagnation of water in the pan, which can trigger the development of rot.
Important! Haworthia does not need additional spraying to increase the level of humidity.
Fertilizer and fertilizer
In the spring-summer period, the succulent needs additional nutrition, which is provided by applying liquid fertilizers for cacti once a month. With the onset of autumn, feeding is stopped.
Attention! When diluting fertilizers in water for irrigation, the concentration decreases by half from that indicated on the package.
Rest period
With the advent of winter, haworthia moves to a well-lit cool room, where there are no sources of heat.
How to transplant?
Young specimens are transplanted annually, and adults - with an interval of 2-3 years as necessary, when the root system completely fills the pot.
The procedure is as follows:
- a drainage layer is placed at the bottom of a new larger tank;
- the pot is filled with a суб substrate, after which a plant and the required amount of new soil mixture are placed in it.
Pest and Disease Control
Population of a flower by pests occurs, as a rule, when it is on the street and in contact with other infected plants.
The most common harmful insects of the culture are the scabbard and mealybug, which should be combated by treating haworthia with an insecticidal preparation. Among the diseases that affect haworthia, rot is noted, which develops in violation of agricultural cultivation techniques. To fix the problem, it is enough to follow the required care rules.
Haworthia breeding
At home, succulent is propagated by vegetative methods.
When choosing a similar method:
- With the advent of spring with a sharp knife, a side outlet with a developed root system is neatly separated.
- Places of cuts are treated with an antiseptic.
- The baby is transplanted into a separate pot with a prepared substrate for succulent.
Haworthia easily propagated by cuttingsfor the success of which the following steps are taken:
- At the base, the most developed sheet plate gets off.
- The cut site is sprinkled with an antiseptic in the form of crushed charcoal.
- After 2 days, during which the leaf stalk dries in the fresh air, it is planted in a small container with sand.
- After a month, during which the sand only sprinkles, the stalk is rooted.
- The young specimen is transplanted into a pot with an “adult” substrate for further growth.
The main problems in growing haworthia
When cultivating a representative of Africa, the following difficulties may arise due to a violation of the rules of detention:
- The elongation of leaf plates and the acquisition of an atypical friability by a socket are a lack of lighting.
- The elongation and bending of the leaf plates, the dullness of the growths are too high temperature conditions in the winter.
- Drying and twisting of the tips of the leaves at rest is an excess of heat and an excessively low level of humidity.
- Changing the shape of the flower (pulling out the socket) is not enough space for the root system in the pot.
- The appearance of brown spots on the leaves - direct sunlight.
- The lethargy of the lower tier of leaves is an overflow of haworthia.
- Change in color of leaf blades - too high concentration of mineral salts.
So, a succulent plant is unpretentious to the conditions of detention. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to ruin such a spectacular decorative flower as haworthia, which is characterized by undemanding care.