The birthplace of khachapuri is Georgia. This is a traditional dish of the country, made from dough and filling (cheese, cottage cheese). There are a large number of recipes - with different fillings, dough, cooking methods. Puff pastry khachapuri recipe is one of the simplest, and the result is a delicious airy dish.

Its name comes from two words - "hacho" (cottage cheese) and "puri" (bread). Georgians say that to make a real khachapuri, you need not only flour, eggs and cheese, but also the warm heart of the cook. In different regions of Georgia, this dish is prepared in its own way. In Adzharia, there are boats filled with cheese and raw eggs inside, in Megrelia there is a cake with cheese filling in the middle, and in Imereti there is a closed cake filled with cheese. Khachapuri is loved not only in Georgia. Recipes of Ossetian khachapuri are known, they can also be tasted in Abkhazia and Sochi (until 1919 the city belonged to the territory of Georgia).

The dough for classic khachapuri is yeast. However, there are many recipes from puff pastry. It takes longer to prepare than a regular yeast dough, but is far superior in taste.

Therefore, many housewives choose puff khachapuri. By the way, they are also being prepared in Adjara (a region of Georgia), but they are called “Achma”. The principle of cooking resembles lasagna. Cheese filling is spread on the oiled sheets of dough and baked in the oven. It turns out a very tender cake.

The classic filling for khachapuri is Imereti cheese. However, it is difficult to find in stores, so resourceful cooks replace it with suluguni, feta cheese, salted cottage cheese, Adyghe cheese and other fillings. The article offers recipes on how to cook khachapuri from puff pastry with different available fillings.

General rules for making khachapuri

  1. The amount of filling should correspond to the volume of the test. Only in this case you get khachapuri with a rich cheese flavor. Cheese for the dish should be salty. Georgians use Imereti cheese. Before cooking, it is soaked in water for 5-6 hours, so that it becomes less salty. It is also necessary to do with alternative salted cheeses, for example, feta cheese.
  2. Bake only in the oven! A quick recipe for cooking khachapuri without an oven, for example, in a pan, is offered. But this will not work out, the dish that is served in Georgia. In addition, there are types of khachapuri that can only be baked in the oven. For example, Adjarian khachapuri with puff pastry suluguni, or Megrelian (with cheese filling on top).
  3. There is only hot! Another feature of khachapuri is its airiness. The dough should be soft, melting in your mouth, and the filling (cheese) should melt under the influence of high temperatures and soak the mass. After cooling, it coarsens, and the filling becomes hard. Of course, you can heat the cooled khachapuri in the microwave or in a pan with a small amount of water, but the taste will be completely different.

Do you dough yourself or buy?

If we are talking about real Georgian khachapuri, then the dough should be freshly prepared. Khachapuri from the finished puff pastry will turn out less greasy, not so airy.

There are several recipes for making puff pastry for this dish. Khachapuri from puff yeast dough is prepared longer. The dough and the dough itself should be kept warm for a while. The yeast-free dough cooks faster, but it is not as airy as the yeast mass.

Khachapuri Yeast Puff Pastry

First of all, you need to make a dough - in a glass of warm milk, dissolve a pinch of sugar (so that the yeast grows better) and 10 grams of dry yeast. Leave to insist 15-20 minutes. After this, pour the dough into a large container, add salt to taste, a raw egg and mix. Gradually add flour, but not all at once, but in portions (total amount about one glass) and mix. Better knead with hands. At the end, when a thick dough is formed, add 100 grams of soft but not melted butter, and knead again. It is important not to put much effort into the process so that the dough does not turn out to be “jammed”. After that, leave it in a warm place, covering it with a paper towel. While it is insisting (about 60 minutes), you can cook the filling. After this time, roll out the dough in the form of a rectangle 1.5-2 cm thick, lay on the edge 100 grams of softened (but not melted) butter, cover 1/3 of the layer. Put another 100 grams of oil on top and cover with the remaining third of the dough. Roll out so that the layers of dough and butter are the same in thickness, fold the layer in half, roll out again. So repeat 3-4 times. The result is a dough with 30-32 layers of butter.

Khachapuri Puff Pastry

To prepare it, you will need 400 grams of flour and 200 grams of soft butter. Mix the ingredients, add half a glass of cold water, a little sugar, a pinch of salt and mix everything thoroughly. Cover the resulting dough with a paper towel and leave in the cold for several hours. After that, roll it into a quadrangle 2 cm thick, fold in half, roll it again. So repeat 3-4 times. Everything, the dough is ready!

Cheese puff pastry khachapuri recipe


Having prepared the dough according to one of the above recipes, you can proceed to the filling. We take Adyghe or ordinary hard cheese, but salty varieties. Grate with small cells. The filling is ready.

Let's cook Imereti khachapuri with puff pastry cheese. To do this, roll out the dough into a cake with a thickness of 1.5-2 cm, spread the cheese in the center. We collect its edges in an accordion above the dough, pinch them so that they do not creep.Gently roll the resulting ball so that it again takes the form of a flat cake. We spread on the baking sheet with the top down, bake at a temperature of 200-220 degrees for 5-10 minutes.

Read also: tortillas in a pan kefir recipe

Adjara Boat Recipe


Ajarian style Khachapuri with puff pastry suluguni is the closest recipe to a real Georgian dish. Cook the dough as standard. In this dish, the highlight is the filling.

Roll out the finished mass into a cake and form a boat. To do this, we begin to twist the edges of the cakes into a tube, at the end leaving about a third of the distance between them. Put the filling in the center - finely grated suluguni cheese. The boat is sent to the oven, heated to 200-220 degrees for 10-15 minutes. After that, immerse several pieces of butter in the cheese filling and break one egg on top. Once again, send the boat into the oven for 1-2 minutes, so that the protein curls slightly.

You need to eat Adjarian khachapuri hot, tearing off a piece of dough with cheese and dipping it in the yolk.

Khachapuri with suluguni cheese

We will prepare the Mingrelian khachapuri with suluguni cheese. To do this, we form a cake, put half of the cheese on it, as described in the previous recipe. Put on the baking sheet with the top down. We make a hole in the center with a diameter of 3-5 cm, grease the surface of the cake with raw yolk and spread the second half of the cheese. Send the cake to the oven for 10-15 minutes. It turns out khachapuri with ruddy cheese top.

Khachapuri with cheese puff pastry


Brynza is the most affordable cheese. Khachapuri with feta cheese is prepared as well as with suluguni. Only the filling should not be grated, but knead with a fork and add an egg to hold it together a little.

Brynza itself is very salty, so before cooking it is recommended to soak it in water for about an hour.

The mass is baked in the oven at a temperature of 200-220 degrees for a little less than half an hour.

Khachapuri with cottage cheese on a puff basis

It is better to take cottage cheese for fatty homemade, then it can be mixed with chopped herbs. If the cottage cheese is not fat, then it can be combined with melted butter and sour cream. You do not need to make the filling very liquid, otherwise it will not stay in the test.

Roll out the dough into a cake, put the filling, sprinkle with salt and spices. Cover with another sheet of dough and bake in the oven.

Puff pastry khachapuri recipe with meat


To prepare the meat filling, you need pork and ground beef (300 grams). To it we add finely chopped onions and green onions, sweet peppers, garlic. Mix all the ingredients, salt, add 2 teaspoons of adjika. If the filling is very thick, you can add a little cold water.

Roll out the dough into a cake, put the filling, on top a few small pieces of butter and cover with another sheet of dough. We pinch the edges tightly and make cuts at the top of the cake so that the vapor evaporates. Bake in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes. The dish is served hot.

Khachapuri at home

This is the fastest recipe, but at the same time, khachapuri least of all resemble real Georgian pastries. The dough can be cooked curd. To do this, an egg, salt, cottage cheese, soda, quenched with vinegar or lemon are added to the melted butter or margarine. Everything is mixed and flour is gradually introduced. Kneading a cool dough, leave in the refrigerator.

Cheese is rubbed for the filling, greens and garlic are crushed. The finished dough is rolled into a cake, transferred to a baking sheet. The whole filling is laid out on it, on top one more sheet of dough, the edges are plucked. The surface of the cake is smeared with yolk and baked in the oven for 30 minutes. The finished dish can be eaten the next day, preheating in a pan or in the microwave.

Fast Balkan puff pastry khachapuri

This recipe allows you to use a mixture of cheeses - Adyghe, Feta, mozzarella or suluguni.Cheeses are ground on a fine grater, salt is added (if cheese is unsalted) and a raw egg.

The dough is divided into small pieces, each of which is rolled into a small cake. Spread a tablespoon of the filling on one edge and cover diagonally with the second edge to make a triangular envelope. The surface is greased with an egg and sent to the preheated oven for 15 minutes.

Lazy Georgian Khachapuri Puff

The highlight of these khachapuri is that you do not need to cook the dough. Thin sheets of finished pita bread are used. We spread one sheet on a baking sheet so that the edges hang. Tear the second sheet into small pieces. Put the filling on the baking sheet (any of the cheeses or assorted ones). Wet the torn pieces in kefir with an egg and cover them with the filling on top. Then again a layer of cheese and a layer of soaked pita bread. So do a few layers. After that, cover the khachapuri with the hanging edges of the first sheet of pita bread, grease with a kefir-egg mixture and bake in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

Each of the recipes is good in its own way. Any housewife can choose the cooking method according to their preferences. If you want to virtually be in Georgia and feel the taste of Georgian cuisine, then choose the Adjarian style khachapuri recipe. And someone needs a quick recipe for a tasty and satisfying dish - khachapuri in Balkan or lazy khachapuri will be just right. If someone prefers dishes with meat filling, and for such tastes we will find a recipe. Bon Appetit!