Useful properties and contraindications for cloves are described in treatises of traditional medicine in Asia and the Middle East. In many modern European countries, the plant is considered pharmacopoeial, i.e. officially recognized as medicinal. Clove is a source of valuable essential oil, which has painkillers, antimicrobials, and many other medicinal properties.
Material Content:
Useful properties of cloves
Seasoning cloves are unblown buds of cloves dried in the sun. They are collected twice a year, dried up to a certain condition. Quality spice should be oily, leave a mark on paper and drown in water.
The main healing power of cloves is in essential oil.
It is 70-95% composed of the volatile substance eugenol. A smaller proportion is accounted for by karyofillen, furfural, methyl benzoate. The seasoning contains vitamins: A, B1, B2, nicotinic and ascorbic acids. In ash - minerals: calcium, sodium, iron, phosphorus.
Essential oils protect plants from harmful bacteria, fungal rot. Fumigation helps to get rid of unwanted insects. Products from volatile compounds are used in medicine.
Clove is used as:
- painkiller;
- antiseptic;
- wound healing;
- stimulating nervous system;
- pressure boosting agent;
- stimulating appetite;
- normal digestion;
- reinforcing uterine contractions during contractions;
- antitumor;
- anthelmintic.
Cloves are taken orally. Teas insist on seasoning. Drops of oil are added to drinks. For external use, infusions and extracts are dissolved in water for bathing. Compresses are made from broths. Clove essential oil is used for massages and rubbing.
When applied to the skin, seasoning products irritate external receptors. As a result of local action, blood circulation and lymph movement are enhanced. The severity of inflammation decreases, pain is suppressed. Rubbing from cloves is effective for arthrosis, arthritis, sprains, neuralgia, rheumatism.
The antiseptic effect of agents based on clove oil is used in the treatment of skin diseases and erosive lesions of the mucous membranes. Eugenol prevents the spread of infection to healthy areas, kills pathogenic bacteria, and helps to heal small wounds. It treats rashes of various kinds: herpes, furunculosis, acne.
In case of bad breath, stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease carry out irrigation. During colds, gargle, rinse nose.
Seasoning is used in aromatherapy as a tonic. It improves brain function, raises blood pressure, and increases working capacity. Acts as an aphrodisiac - stimulates sex drive.
Drops and infusions heal wounds of the stomach and intestines. Normalize the appetite and work of the entire digestive tract.
Carnation tones the uterine muscles, straightens the menstrual cycle. Strengthen efforts and contribute to delivery.
Cloves are used against parasites in humans and animals. Parasitizes the worm to Ascaris and helps to eliminate it. It has a bacteriostatic effect on tubercle bacillus, the causative agent of diphtheria and anthrax, Staphylococcus aureus. Stops the replication of the flu virus.
Recently, it turned out that seasoning has antitumor properties and can inhibit the development of cancer.
The use of cloves:
Spice clove for headaches
Clove tones and relaxes at the same time. It strengthens the blood vessels of the brain, stimulates the heart, increases blood pressure. Clove oil is effective for headaches associated with impaired cerebral circulation or a drop in blood pressure.
Grind 5 g of seasoning. Mix the powder with a few drops of camphor alcohol. Stir to a pasty state and apply gruel to the whiskey. Inhalation of essential oil vapors also helps to cope with pain.
Use in Dentistry
Clove oil is a powerful antiseptic and analgesic. Due to these properties, it has found application in therapeutic dentistry and dental prosthetics. The tool is added to the hardening materials for the manufacture of temporary fillings, partitions, impressions and other orthodontic structures.
Clove oil promotes the rapid healing of damaged tissues, prevents the development of infections, has a local calming effect and relieves toothache. At home, to suppress unpleasant sensations, you need to lubricate the gum with a cotton swab dipped in diluted clove oil. The seasoning essence is diluted with any cosmetic or edible vegetable fat in a ratio of 1: 3, where clove is a smaller proportion.
Clove Spice in Gynecology
Cloves are good for women's health. Spice improves uterine contractility. Helps establish the menstrual cycle. Reduces the severity of unpleasant symptoms in painful periods, premenstrual syndrome, menopause.
Used in gynecological diseases as a hemostatic agent. Strengthens patrimonial activity.
To increase the tone of the uterus, an herbal infusion is prepared. A seasoning spoon is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for 2 hours.The prepared drink is consumed three times a day before meals in a tablespoon. The duration of treatment depends on the health status of the woman.
In cosmetology
For face and neck skin care, diluted essential oil is used. 3-5 drops are dissolved in 10 ml of any cosmetic product. You can grow cloves in other oils intended for external use: peach, sesame, jojoba, etc.
The prepared product is applied with massage movements to aging skin. After light stroking it is washed off with warm water.
For the treatment of acne, redness and other skin defects, the problem area is lubricated with undiluted clove oil. It has an antiseptic and drying effect. During the procedure, they try not to touch healthy skin.
In combination with burdock oil, the aromatic essence of cloves enhances the nutrition of hair roots. It can be used as a firming and healing agent.
The mask is prepared on the basis of burdock oil. A few drops of clove ether are added to it. The tool is rubbed into the roots. The scalp is insulated with a towel for 20-30 minutes. After the procedure, the hair is washed with ordinary shampoo. Actions must be repeated regularly 1-2 times a week for a month.
In cooking
Clove is a popular spice whose burning sweet taste combines with most dishes. Mainly laid in marinades. It is used in the preparation of meat, poultry, fish, minced meat, broths, soups and confectionery.
The bitterness of cloves is hidden in the leg, and the sweetness in the hat. For the manufacture of confectionery products, it is recommended to use the top of the spice in combination with cinnamon.
The longer the clove is processed at high temperatures, the more bitterness it transfers to the dish.
Therefore, to obtain a delicate aroma, it must be laid as close as possible to the time of preparation.
Clove treatment in traditional medicine
Infusion buds are used as an internal and external remedy. It is drunk to increase pressure, strengthen immunity during colds, fight diarrhea, and parasitic diseases. The broth is added to the bath. They treat the skin with mycoses, acne, herpes, ulcerative erosive lesions.
Infusion is prepared in boiling water. A small portion of cloves (half a teaspoon of buds) is poured into a glass. The mixture is infused for an hour.
The infusion is taken orally by half a teaspoon three times a day before meals. The duration of admission is determined by the doctor. A filtered solution can gargle, rinse your nose up to three times a day. With the same regularity, lotions are applied to the skin during the treatment of the rash.
Alcohol tincture clove buds are used to make compresses to combat rheumatism, neuralgia, joint pain. 25 buds with a glass of vodka are infused for a week in a dark place.
The resulting product is used as an anesthetic. They are lubricated by disturbing places. The skin is insulated with insulating material. Maintain a compress for 30 minutes - 1 hour.
Tea with cloves and its beneficial properties
Clove tea has general strengthening properties. It is good for hypotonics. Helps maintain pressure in a normal range.
Stimulates mental abilities. Improves brain perception of information.
Tea is used as an invigorating remedy for chronic emotional fatigue and decreased performance. Add 1-2 buds of spice to a glass of hot drink. After 2-3 minutes, they pull it out.
The bitterness of spices is removed with honey and lemon. Tea can be consumed a cup a day as a strengthening agent for the prevention of SARS.
How to cook and use essential clove oil?
Clove oil is obtained by chemical extraction or water distillation. It is pulled from different parts of the plant: shoots, leaves, buds and buds.
At home, you can prepare a medicine from ordinary seasoning and any cosmetic oil, for example, sesame. On a tablespoon of liquid base, lay 5 buds of spice. Oil is heated in a water bath for an hour. Allow it to cool completely. Cloves are not removed.
Cold compresses are prepared with oil. Dissolve a few drops of the product in a glass of water. They moisten the tissue and apply it to the projection of the diseased organ. Hold up to 20 minutes.
Mix with cosmetic oil in a proportion of 3 drops per tablespoon of the base. Using the product, a massage is done to relieve pain in arthritis, neuralgia, osteochondrosis, rheumatism. Rub the chest with bronchitis. Rub the skin with frostbite.
To take baths add 6-7 drops of concentrated funds. Water procedures increase muscle tone, help to find good spirits and consciousness.
Contraindications for use inside
Spice is a strong stimulant, so it is better not to give it to children under 2 years old. Women in a position until the very end of pregnancy should refrain from any funds prepared on the basis of cloves. Seasoning has abortive properties and can cause unwanted effects.
Hypertensive patients are contraindicated in consuming infusions and drinks with the use of cloves, as it raises blood pressure. Individual intolerance is also a contraindication for people with high susceptibility.
The healing properties of cloves are proven by scientific methods. Seasoning is included in the list of medicinal plants in many countries of Europe and Asia. Fragrant spice is actively used in folk medicine and helps to heal the body both outside and inside.