A sudden change in the consistency, color or smell of seminal fluid is a serious reason to pay attention to your health and be examined by a doctor. However, if the sperm is thick, but other disturbing symptoms are not observed, this does not always indicate pathology. Every man needs to figure out what changes are the norm, and in which cases you need to urgently contact a urologist.
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What consistency should be sperm
Doctors recommend that everyone who cares about their health carefully monitor the change in the consistency of the ejaculate. Normally, sperm is always quite thick, while small lumps may be present in the total mass.
In addition to consistency, it is important to pay attention to the color and smell of seminal fluid. The sperm of a healthy man may have a yellowish or grayish tint, but usually has a cloudy white color. The appearance of blood clots or a change in color to green is an alarming symptom, the appearance of which urgently needs to be examined.
Causes of Seed Density
The density of the ejaculate can vary under the influence of several factors. The most common reasons for these changes are:
- prolonged abstinence;
- taking anabolic steroids by athletes;
- bad habits;
- unbalanced diet, as a result - overweight;
- infectious diseases.
Most often, the reason lies in the prolonged absence of sexual intercourse and masturbation. Moreover, the thickening in this case is explained not by a change in the seminal fluid itself, but by stagnation of the secretion of the prostate gland, which makes up more than a third of the total ejaculate volume. For a healthy man, this phenomenon is generally not dangerous.Normalizing the frequency of sexual intercourse leads to an improvement in the consistency of sperm. But men over 40 need to think about their health, because stagnation of prostate secretion at this age potentially threatens the development of prostatitis.
- In men with an active sex life, sperm is usually more liquid and spreads faster, compared with people whose sex is not more than twice a week. However, too thin sperm is not an indicator of health, and the optimal frequency of sexual intercourse for an adult male is 3-4 times a week.
Anabolic steroids lead to a change in the work of the testes. The result is too thick sperm and a series of changes in mood and well-being. In general, such side effects are reversible, and a few months after the end of the steroid course, the density of the ejaculate returns to normal.
Bad habits, lack of exercise, the presence of excess weight and a lack of vitamins from the diet - all this leads to serious disorders in the functioning of the genitourinary system, one of the symptoms of which can be sperm thickening.
Thick ejaculate and painful ejaculation can be a sign of inflammatory processes in the testicles (epididymitis, vesiculitis) or the prostate gland (prostatitis). To diagnose these pathologies, you need to contact a urologist or andrologist and start therapy in a timely manner.
Norm or pathology
Having understood why the sperm is thick, you should pay attention to temporary changes in the consistency of the ejaculate, which are a variant of the norm.
Very thick sperm after visiting the bath is a normal phenomenon that generally does not require treatment. This is due to a change in the composition of the seminal fluid during overheating of the testicles. At the same time, sperm motility worsens, so men who abuse the bath may experience problems with conception (usually reversible).
The viscosity of the seminal fluid may change due to dehydration. Any man may encounter this phenomenon in the hot season, not paying enough attention to maintaining an optimal water balance.
Another reason enough harmless is to wear too tight underwear. This can be called “harmless” if it is an isolated case, but men who purposefully choose too narrow swimming trunks are at risk of developing testicular diseases that are potentially dangerous by infertility.
In this way, the norm can be considered a short-term increase in sperm density against the background of abstinence, overheating, dehydration.
When to see a doctor
The first alarming symptom that you need to pay attention to is a sudden change in the consistency, color and smell of the ejaculate.
- Very thick sperm, pain during ejaculation and discomfort in the genitals - all this may indicate an inflammatory disease or infection with sexually transmitted infections.
A man needs to contact a urologist or andrologist. The doctor will conduct a survey and prescribe examinations, including prostate palpation, ultrasound of the testicles, a smear on the microflora from the urethra and a spermogram. Based on the results of examinations, a diagnosis is made, treatment is prescribed.
Can I get pregnant if the sperm is thick
Thick sperm is not an obstacle to conception. Normally, its consistency is quite dense and viscous. Semen fluid changes and acquires strong fluidity a few seconds after ejaculation. This mechanism is conceived by nature specifically in order to facilitate the passage of the sperm to the egg in an aggressive environment, which is the female vagina. Thus, if in addition to thick sperm the man is not bothered by other symptoms, and the doctor has not revealed any pathologies during the examination, there is no reason for concern.
An exception is chronic prostatitis.In this case, the number of lecithin grains in the secretion of the prostate decreases, it thickens and changes the consistency of seminal fluid. Advanced prostatitis can lead to male infertility.
How to change seed density
Any drugs that affect the consistency of seminal fluid should be prescribed only by a doctor and strictly if indicated. If a man is only concerned about the density of the ejaculate, and other health problems have not been identified, you can use the following tips:
- have sex regularly - with frequent ejaculation, sperm becomes thinner;
- drink more pure water - at least 2 liters per day;
- adhere to a balanced diet, eat fruits and vegetables;
- give up bad habits - they disrupt metabolic processes throughout the body, which leads to prostate diseases;
- play sports, lead an active lifestyle.
It is not allowed to take any medications or folk remedies that affect the composition of the seed on their own. Men are recommended to focus on a healthy lifestyle and regularly undergo a routine examination by a urologist, then you will not have to worry about the consistency of the seed.