Georgian toasts can be singled out in a special category of congratulations. They, like music, sweeten the ear and bring people together at the same table. Under these toasts comes the realization that all power is in love, and wisdom is in the breadth of the soul. We bring to your attention a collection of toasts for congratulating women, men, friends, relatives and just good people.

Funny and funny Georgian toasts

A comic Georgian congratulation, like a shot, pierces the silence of the evening. This bright moment remains in the memory of the audience for a long time. Mountain people never throw words to the wind, and in every phrase, even seemingly not serious, there is a bit of meaningfulness.

Toasts of the people of Georgia can be peculiar and cutting. Their humor can make you laugh in the stomach or cause a storm of indignation. The mysterious Caucasian soul knows how to build phrases so that it’s not even possible to immediately guess what is at stake.

In any case, the jokes of the Georgians are not intended to offend. Any toast ends with a good wish or parting words, and treating such congratulations should be easy, not always taking them personally.

  1. Let’s drink for the fact that he has been selling for 132 years.
    And so in 132 years, ty Umer.
    And ne is easy to die, and killed.
    And they killed not easy, but they spread it.
    And ne just spread, but out of jealousy.
    And ne just out of jealousy, but for the cause!
  2. In the mountains there is a great way to keep age. Those days that are spent with guests are not taken into account. I propose a toast to you, dear guests, for your spiritual generosity, because today you, without knowing it, extended my life!
  3. It was once said by a Georgian sage: look out for the goat in front, the horses in the back, and the women on top.For if you gape, she will sit on your neck. Men, if you have osteochondrosis of the neck, do not start it, treat it ... and most importantly, still, take care of your eyesight. Your vigilance guards the boundaries of personal sovereignty!
  4. Georgian passes an exam for a driver’s license. The inspector explains the traffic situation:

“You're driving into a car along a narrow road.” On the left - high-high mountains. On the right is a cool-cool abbreviation. Suddenly on the road - a beautiful girl. And next to her is a terrible, awesome old woman. Who will you push?

- Of course, the old woman!

- Fool! .. The brake must be pressed!

So let's drink for the fact that in a difficult situation we do not forget to press the brake!

Greeting wedding toasts

Never pronounce Georgian wedding toasts in the company of people without a sense of humor. But better, on the contrary, change their idea of ​​a traditional wedding feast.

Toasts of the peoples of the mountains personify care, good wishes and parting words. But even here some flashing phrase or ambiguous hint may flash. In whatever form wishes are expressed, be aware that the speaker is never looking for a reason to offend someone at the table.

Congratulations to a true dzhigit can pierce the air with their frankness and eloquence. They represent all the passion and boiling hot blood. Young people wish toasts invented in the Caucasus to be exorbitant passion and deep mutual respect based on support and understanding.

  1. There is a custom in the Caucasus: when a girl is born in the house, the father takes out his gun and shoots once. When a girl grows up and they want to marry her, her father shoots her gun twice, and when she is married off, her father shoots her gun three times. So let's drink to the fact that from our houses gunshots were heard more often!
  2. Once a young horse traveled through the mountains of beautiful Georgia with his beautiful wife. He beat as strong as a bull, as fast as a mountain river, his eyes were like that of an eagle, his dagger was sharp as an attack of appendicitis, and his mind was twisting like a scribble on a papakha ...
    And now, on a rock above the road, a mountain goat appeared. And the horseman, at full gallop, grabbed his gun and shot at the animal. But not one muscle flinched in the face of a goat. Then the man stopped his horse and, taking aim, fired again, but the goat did not even move. Then the horse came down to the ground and kneeled, fired again, but the goat just bounced to the side. And when the dzhigit wanted to lie down for a shot - the goat had already disappeared. Both the young horseman and his young wife died of starvation.
    So let’s drink for such goats to come across on your life path!
  3. In the ancient Indian treatise "Peach branches" it is said: the needs of the soul give rise to friendship, the needs of the mind - respect, the needs of the body - desire. All three needs give birth to true love. Let us drink to ensure that you always have these needs, and you would love and be loved.
  4. One oriental man says to another:

- I will marry a beautiful, smart, economic and clean girl.

“How will you deal with all four?” - surprised another.
So we will raise glasses for the bride and groom, which combines both these and many other wonderful qualities!

  1. Two flowers are talking in the garden of a Georgian house:

- Do you love men?

- Of course. Are you men?

- Ochen!

- Wah-wah, where are the bees?

Raise the glasses so that unfavorable circumstances do not interfere with the love of the bride and groom!

  1. Caucasian wisdom says: falling in love, a person rises a notch above everyday, everyday life.
    So let's drink this step! For love
  2. A long time ago there was a custom in the Caucasian villages: when a son grew up in the family of a village prince and he needed to choose a wife, the villagers brought their daughters to the princely court. Parents of the groom asked the girls different questions - they checked how economical, hardworking, and economical they were. As a result, they chose the one and only.And what do you think: what was the future wife of the future prince supposed to be? And here is the answer - they chose the most beautiful.
    So let’s drink for the female beauty that wins in any competition!
  3. An old pear tree grew in a Georgian village. Once, under her, two people, young and old, stopped traveling from far away to rest. We drank wine, ate cheese and fruits that fell from a tree. Young said: - I wonder how can such an old pear still bear fruit? The old man replied: - Just as the sun gives light, although it is older than the universe. In the same way that the river carries ever new waters, although it is older than our village. So let’s drink so that your future union continues to bear fruit even after many years!

Original birthday greetings

The idea of ​​the Caucasian people is so zealous that it is impossible to predict what will be discussed in the next toast on his birthday. Wishes cover a wide variety of topics: from remarkable health to endless fun.

On a significant date, you can hear serious toasts and comic sketches on the most unexpected life situations. If you want to congratulate someone in a non-trivial way, then you should definitely refer to the collection of Georgian toasts.

As you can see, on a woman’s birthday, Caucasians give more cautious phrases. But Georgian birthday toasts for a man are simply replete with all sorts of praises and encouraging wishes.

  1. Do not drink water if you can drink wine!

Do not drink wine if you can drink good wine!

Do not drink good wine if you can drink very good wine!

And most importantly, do not forget to drink so that you always have money for what is better!

  1. One wise Georgian said:

If you want to be happy one day - get drunk.

If you want to be happy for a week, pretend to be sick.

If you want to be happy month - get married.

If you want to be happy year - get a lover.

If you want to be happy all your life - be healthy, dear!

And for this, do exercises every day!

So let's drink for the happiness and health of the birthday man!

  1. A toad crawled over the rails. The train passed and cut off her legs. The toad crawled to the side and thought: “There were beautiful legs, we should have returned.” As soon as she climbed onto the rail, again the train passed and cut off her head.
    So let’s drink so that the birthday man does not lose his head because of beautiful legs!
  2. Whether you are a caliph or a market poor,

Ultimately, all have one price.

So drink the wine!

In it is the source of immortality and light,

In it - the flowering of spring and past summers.

Be instant happy in the midst of flowers and friends,

For life was in that instant.

  1. One dzhigit was asked: “If your wife were guilty, what punishment would you choose for her?” Dzhigit thought and answered:

- If I wanted to punish my wife harder, I would buy her a lot of jewelry and lock her in a room without a mirror.

So let’s drink so that such birthday trials never occur on the birthday girl!

Wise Caucasian Toast Parables

Wisdom does not occupy the Georgian people. Among the high mountains under the canopy of the vine the most interesting and significant parables are born.

When the above is reflected in the glare of real wine from the valleys of Kakheti, it can be argued that the evening was a complete success. Nothing unites so much as a spiritual atmosphere. How nice it is to drink a glass of tart "Rkatsiteli" to the sounds of Caucasian wisdom!

If you expect a boring end to the feast, then with Georgian toasts such a thing will not work. Even among phrases full of meaning, no, no, and even a joke flashes.

  1. The sage was asked:

- Why are friends so easily become enemies, but is it very difficult to turn enemies into friends?

“But in the same way, it is easier to destroy a house than to build it,” the sage answered. “And breaking a vessel is easier than making it, and spending money is easier than making it.”

I propose a toast so that we do not go the easy way, but try to build, but not destroy.

  1. A neighbor came to Abdullah with a request:

- Abdula, lend me a donkey to go to the city.

“I can’t,” he answers, “my brother just left him for his business.”

“Sorry,” said the neighbor and left.

As soon as he left the house, he heard a donkey neighing from Abdullah’s estate.

“Why are you kidding me, Abdullah?” - says the returning neighbor. “It turns out your donkey is at home!”

“Who do you believe more: me or the donkey?” - the one answers.
Let's drink to the difficulties of life! In life, anything happens, as an arbiter in a dispute, as we see, a donkey can also become!

  1. In ancient times, an old frigate crashed in the ocean. Only one person could escape - he grabbed onto a floating long plank and stayed on the surface of the water. After half an hour, the second victim emerged from nowhere and grabbed the other end of this plank. The first began to cry.
    The second asked:

- Why are you crying?

The first one said:

- Wah! Such a guest and nothing to treat!

So let's drink for the dear owners who will always find something to treat even uninvited guests.

  1. Two people went into the forest to find and cut sticks for yoke. The old ones, apparently, are worn out. The first immediately found a suitable tree, cut two magnificent dry knots. However, it seemed to his comrade that the next tree would be better, and the next would be even better. So all day he wandered through the woods, not having the strength to stop and choose what was needed. In the end, he cut two knots much worse than those that were caught at the beginning. He returned home in the evening, when the first was driving from the field, plowing it with a new yoke. So let's drink for the ability to appreciate what we have!
  2. The venerable Georgian prince sneezed somehow, and the servant hurriedly says:

- A thousand years of health!

- Tsyts! Cried the lord. “Why do you wish me the impossible?”

“Then live a hundred and twenty years.”

- Tsyts! The prince became angry again.

- Then at least a hundred!

Again did not please!

- Eighty?

All wrong! The servant came out of patience and said:

- Yes, if it were my will, just die now! I propose raising glasses for us to live as long as we wish for ourselves!

  1. Once upon a time, a very intelligent person lived in Georgia. He decided to get married. Choosing a bride for himself, he asked all the girls one question: “Tell me, woman, how much will be two and two?” One of them answered: - Three. “The wife will be economical,” the man thought. The second said: - Four. “Smart girl,” the man decided. The third decided that twice two would be five, and the man thought that she would become a generous wife. Which of the three girls did he marry? On the one pointed to by his heart. And he did not hear the voice of reason. So let's drink for the fact that in love affairs we always listen only to our hearts!

The most beautiful toasts about friends

What is a friend in understanding jigit? This is a man who fights with loyalty and courage. It is for such Georgians that he is ready to raise toasts to infinity.

We wish friends strength and prosperity, good spirit and strong judgment. With strong friends and we become strong. Weak people are pushing us to become stronger and deserve the opportunity to support them.

The friendliness and hospitality of the mountain people is reflected in its folklore. Each Caucasian, raising a glass, expresses to the seated all his respect and deep joy for their joint stay.

Learn some Georgian toasts in honor of your friends. We are sure they will like such attention and an expression of your interest in their future fate.

  1. ... and then one small, but very proud bird said:

- Personally, I will fly directly to the Sun!

And she began to rise higher and higher, but very soon she burned her wings and fell to the very bottom of the deepest gorge!

So let’s drink for each of us, no matter how high he rises, to ever come off the collective!

  1. Suliko and Shota lived and fell in love. Loved and married. Just got married, Shota must go on a business trip.

“Don't worry,” he says to his young wife, “I'll be back in three days.”

Three days passed, three times three days passed, and Shota did not return.Ten times three days passed, but Shot was still gone.

The young wife became agitated, sent ten telegrams to ten faithful friends in ten cities. And they came from ten cities from ten faithful friends of the telegram:

“Don't worry, Shota is with us.”

So let’s drink for faithful friends who do not fail in trouble.

  1. Somewhere high in the mountains of Georgia, where the air is clean like a tear of a baby, and the wrecks of the bistres are like Misl, the Gilles Billet is a little Djigit, the cattle is grazing sheep (he beat the shepherd). And one day, when he grazed his sheep, the ringing silence of the mountains was cut by the trill of a mobile phone. All the rams perestal live grass and turned their heads to the small shepherd. The shepherd pulled out a phone and turned to the rams and said: Spakoyna, this minya! So we are boiling for not letting any sheep tell us to talk today!
  2. Once, an old man lived in a distant Georgian mountain village, and his daughter had a beautiful daughter. And so he decided to marry her. He called the Dzhigits and spoke to them like this: - The one of you who will climb this high mountain so that not a single pebble falls from under his feet, catch a mountain ram there, bring it to my feet and slaughter it so that neither one drop of blood will not fall on my snow-white robe, and so, that of you will become the husband of my beautiful daughter. And whoever does not do this, I will lighten up. And then the first dzhigit came out. He was brave, dexterous, intelligent, but one small grain of sand fell from beneath his leg - and the old father got him.

Then the second dzhigit came out, and he was also brave, dexterous, intelligent, beautiful. He brought a mountain ram to his feet an old father and began to cut him, a ram, in the sense, the throat with his sharp dagger. But one small drop of blood fell on an old father’s white robe - and the second dzhigit fell, stabbed, next to the first.

And then the third dzhigit came out, and he was the most proud, brave, dexterous and beautiful. He brought a ram to his feet, an old father, surgically cut him, a ram, a throat without a single drop of blood, and looked joyfully at his old father. But the old man crawled over him. Beauties daughter screamed in horror: - Listen, atets! After all, the third dzhigit did everything as you ordered! Why did you stab him? And the old father told her: - For the company! So let's drink for a good and warm company!

  1. Once upon a time there lived two dzhigits - Vakhtang and Zurab. Once Vakhtang arrived at Zurab and shouted:

- Wah, Zurab!

Zurab's wife came out.

- Where is Zurab? - asks Vakhtang.

- He's not home. Why do you need him?

“I came to experience his courage and courage.”

Zurab's wife says:

“He does what you cannot do.”

“What is he doing?”

- He throws the dagger down to the sky with the tip, and when the dagger falls, he catches it and then dances with the dagger in its mouth on the tip of a needle. Vakhtang did the same and said:

“If he is so courageous, let him come to compete with me between the two mountains on the appointed day.” When he left, Zurab’s wife put a ram in a cart and went to Vakhtang’s wife:

- Our husbands are going to fight. If they enter the battle, one of us will remain a widow. If we become friends, they will not fight. Vakhtang's wife became a friend of Zurab's wife; having slaughtered a ram in honor of this event, they ate it, and Zurab's wife went home.

When Vakhtang returned home, his wife said to him:

- You should not fight with Zurab, because I and Zurab's wife are now friends. So Vakhtang and Zurab did not have to measure their strength. So let’s drink for a female friendship that can save the lives of men!

  1. Somehow two Georgians met on a mountain road. One says to the other:

“I haven’t seen you for a long time, Vano.” Why is this?

“So I went to Moscow, because you didn’t see me, Soso.”

“So you were poor, Vano.” Where did you get the money for the trip?

“So I have many friends.” They taught me how to make money, and end my poverty. That's how I raised the money for the trip, Soso.

So let’s drink for each of us to have friends who, in difficult times, taught us how to be adventurous and always had money in our pockets!

Georgian toasts for the anniversary

What to wish to the person who already has a certain life experience? Strength for further movement. Achieving new goals. Well-being, harmony, joy of communication and, of course, long years.

Longevity is a separate issue in Georgian toasts. True aksakals appreciate every day spent on earth, understand how beautiful life is and wish each loved one to continue the earthly path longer.

Mountain peoples can boast excellent health. How not to wish a good spirit to a dear friend and a lot of strength for years to come? The generosity of Georgian toasts knows no bounds. These congratulations make you feel at the top of the mountain, in the rays of the rising sun.

Vivacity in hearts and wisdom in eyes is the main motto of Caucasian congratulations. After them, they believe in the firm hand of the comrades, in the warmth of their loved ones, in the infinity of the path ahead.

  1. Once the elders gathered, sat on a bench and began to sing old songs. They sang for a long time. Finally, one of them said: “My friends, it is good that we gathered today.” The air of our homeland gives us strength for life, the mountains of our homeland give us longevity, the nature of our homeland gives health. So we wish our hero of Georgian health and longevity!
  2. Somehow two Georgians met. One of them says: “Listen, Gogi!” I have known you for how many years - I can’t understand everything: how can you dance a lezginka after drinking so much wine? To which Gogi answered: “Work like an ox, grow grapes, get up every morning with the sun, and then you will have the strength to drink a lot of wine and have fun, as I am having fun.”

So let’s drink to ensure that our hero of the day always has the strength for fruitful work and a good mood for relaxing with friends!

  1. They say that once in a mountain village there lived a man who could drink a hundred bottles of wine a day. His fame spread throughout Georgia. So let’s drink so that the fame of our hero of the day spreads regardless of how many bottles of wine he can drink!
  2. Women always seek to downplay their age. Why are they doing this? Georgian men have their own opinions on this matter. Women simply cross out from their age useless years spent without love. So let's drink to ensure that not a single year of the jubilee’s life is struck out of her age!

Greetings in verses

Georgian poetry is melodic, as is the language of the people of Georgia. Thanks to the beauty of speech, Shota Rustaveli became famous all over the world. What is only one of his wisdom: "Whoever does not seek friends for himself is the enemy to himself." And let our congratulations not so poetic, but they express all the desire to honor the dear loved one.

Congratulations in the verses are well remembered. They are not difficult to fit at the right time. Poems are easy to understand. Translated into Russian, they are much easier to memorize than a long table-wisdom fable.

  1. My toast, friends, for the women restless,

What can, hiding their emotions,

To remain silent reasonably, to yield with dignity,

Keeping calm both husband and family.

  1. I drink, so that for everyone who has not been with us today,

I couldn’t drink and eat at the wedding,

We kept the good smell of bread

Which we broke here.

For everyone sitting at the table,

For the long term he saved in his blood

And mischief, and this invigorating current

Guilt, fun, friendship and love.

  1. Remember my friend:

There are many troubles in life.

Her lessons are both wise and strict.

And all, probably, there is no evil of misfortune,

Than suddenly yes to be without a road.

The road - under the stones, under the sand,

Direct il curve, everything is more expensive

Covered with sadness and longing

Aimless, empty off-road.

Let your horizons become a little wider. Touch the folklore of the people of Georgia. Learn some of the suggestions for a meaningful event. And you will be surprised how the atmosphere around will become warmer and friendlier.