These juicy fruits are one of the most popular fruits in our latitudes. Pear attracts with its aroma, special viscous sweet taste and nutritiousness. What are the benefits and harms of pears for health, what is included in these fruits and what properties do they have?
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Vitamin and mineral composition of pear
Until now, there is a debate about when and where the first varieties of pears appeared. Some consider China to be the birthplace of these fragrant fruits, others note that references to the properties of bright fruits are found in the manuscripts of poets of Ancient Greece.
Be that as it may, the fact that this fruit-bearing tree grew on our planet more than three thousand years ago does not refute. At first they were wild plants, and then they were “cultivated”, as a result of which there appeared more edible varieties that we know today.
From Asia, a Chinese pear came to us with a thin golden peel and especially juicy, albeit dense pulp. This variety is a little sour, enjoying the fruits, you can hear the characteristic crunch of a pear.
Thanks to the British breeders, the Pear Conference has become more common for European latitudes. The fruits of this variety are large, slightly elongated, very sweet, with a hard peel.
In total, there are more than 50 species of this queen of fruits in the world.
The composition of aromatic fruits is full of vitamins:
- carotene;
- vitamin C;
- riboflavin;
- tocopherol;
- thiamine;
- folic acid;
- niacin.
And also in the pulp - useful tannins, dietary fiber, volatile and starch.
Among the trace elements present in the pear, it is necessary to highlight:
- iron;
- sulfur;
- potassium;
- copper;
- phosphorus;
- zinc;
- iodine.
A whole complex of substances necessary for our body indicates a high nutritional value of the fruit.At the same time, there are very few calories in pear - 43 kcal per 100 grams of fruit.
Pear: health benefits
The generous natural composition determines the special properties of a delicious fruit. What benefits does a pear have for a human body?
These juicy fruits:
- increase disease resistance;
- cleaned of toxins and toxins;
- reduce fever;
- increase resistance to stress;
- destroy parasites;
- fight infections and pathogenic bacteria;
- eliminate inflammatory processes;
- normalize kidney function;
- strengthens blood vessels, prevent the formation of blood clots;
- normalize blood pressure;
- improve intestinal microflora;
- increase appetite.
What is useful pear for a woman
Separately, it must be said about the influence of the beneficial components of bright fruits on the health of the beautiful half of humanity.
- Thanks to vitamin E, the pear regulates the hormonal background in women.
- Ascorbic acid inhibits the development of cancers.
- With the help of folic acid, the fruit positively affects pregnant women, contributes to the normal development of the fetus, eliminates toxicosis.
- Eating fruits slows down the aging process, rejuvenates and improves the condition of the skin and hair.
It is interesting:almond benefits
For men
For the stronger sex, bright fruits have in store special properties.
Pear helps:
- prevent the baldness that many men face;
- increase potency;
- replenish the body with energy after increased physical exertion;
- prevent prostate diseases.
For children
In favor of safety and low allergenicity of the fruit, it is the fact that it is pears that are introduced one of the first to feed babies, starting from the age of seven months.
You can buy ready-made pear puree in the store, or you can cook it yourself, not forgetting to cut the skin and remove the fruit core before cooking.
Such a product:
- helps normalize digestion;
- strengthens the immunity of babies;
- lowers fever;
- relieves from worms;
- eliminates diarrhea;
- treats colds.
It must be remembered that the pear is a little stronger, therefore, children with frequently occurring constipation should use it less often.
The benefits of dried, dried pears
A feature of these delicious aromatic fruits, and very important, is the fact that during heat treatment they do not lose their beneficial properties. That is, both dried and dried fruits have the same positive effect on human health as fresh ones.
Among the special characteristics of dried fruits, it should be noted:
- antipyretic effect;
- ability to normalize digestion;
- fixing action;
- reduction of inflammatory processes;
- eliminate cough;
- diuretic properties;
- normalization of acidity in the stomach;
- improvement of metabolic processes;
- antibacterial properties.
Sun-dried fruits are convenient to use in the winter, when there is no way to have fresh fruits. They are a universal way to replenish the body with vitamins and cure various diseases.
The best recipes
The special properties of fruits and leaves of a pear tree have been used by healers for many centuries.
Traditional medicine has a large number of effective recipes against various diseases.
- You can cure a cold with a decoction of dried fruits.
- An infusion of leaves will help improve the condition of rheumatism. To do this, pour 3 tablespoons of dry raw materials into 200 ml of boiled water, strain after 3 hours of infusion. To drink such a drug is necessary three times a day for 2 tbsp. spoons.
- To remove kidney stones, you can use 2 options for the recipe. First: you have to eat two wild pears in the morning, before breakfast. Second: drink an infusion of leaves (100 g per 400 ml of water) throughout the day for a month.
- Eliminate indigestion will help pear jelly. 100 g of dry chopped fruits must be boiled in 200 ml of water, then strain, add starch and sugar and boil again.
- Fruit juice will help improve diabetes. To do this, use 50 ml of the drink before meals.
- From prostatitis, an infusion of fresh pear is used. It should be drunk 4 times a day, 50 ml.
- Baked fruits will help cure cystitis.
The Queen of Fruits is actively used to maintain beauty. In cosmetology, there are many effective recipes based on it.
Let's talk about the most popular of them.
- A pear mask whitens the skin perfectly. To do this, squeeze the juice from the chopped fruit, and apply the pulp for 15 to 20 minutes on the face. After this procedure, freckles and pigmentation will noticeably brighten.
- To nourish dry skin, you can make a mask of pear pulp, cream and grapefruit juice (in equal proportions). The components must be mixed to a homogeneous mass and applied to the face. After half an hour of the procedure, wash your skin with warm water.
- A mask of mashed fruit pulp (30 g) and beaten egg whites (10 g) will be able to tone normal skin. The mixture must be applied evenly on the face. Leave on for 10 - 15 minutes and rinse. The skin will shine with youth and health.
Contraindications and possible harm
In order for the beneficial properties of the pear to be fully revealed, it is necessary to take into account possible undesirable consequences after excessive consumption of this fruit. No need to get involved, the recommended dose is 2 fruits per day, no more.
In some cases, they do not recommend eating a raw pear:
- To old people;
- sick stomach ulcer;
- people with gastritis in the acute stage;
- with chronic constipation.
This does not mean that you must completely abandon the fruit, you must bake healthy fruits before use or boil them.
Pear allergy is very rare, this product can be safely given to children. For greater confidence in safety, it is necessary to peel the fruit from the core and cut the skin.
You also need to remember the rules:
- do not drink with water or milk;
- do not eat after having eaten meat dishes;
- do not eat on an empty stomach;
- the optimal interval between a hearty lunch or dinner and a pear dessert is 30 to 40 minutes.
Choose ripe pears, the aroma of which you will feel without even cutting the fruits, then you can fully enjoy the juicy taste and healing properties of bright fruits.