The representative of the English selection pear The Conference is familiar and adored by connoisseurs of delicious healthy food throughout the world for two centuries. Without imagining decorative sophistication, the modest fruits of this pear variety are very interesting. They have not only a rich honey taste and aroma, but also a set of valuable nutrients and a supply of vitamins that can have a general tonic effect, especially in winter.
Material Content:
- 1 Pear "Conference": where it grows, description of the variety.
- 2 The composition, calories and vitamins of one pear "Conference"
- 3 Useful properties of fruit for the human body
- 4 What is beneficial for men, women and children?
- 5 Pear "Conference" in cooking
- 6 Application in cosmetology
- 7 The benefits of the Conference pear for weight loss
- 8 Contraindications
Pear "Conference": where it grows, description of the variety.
A garden pear of this variety is a tall tree with a wide pyramidal crown, moody in relation to temperatures. Even light frosts already pose a serious danger to the tree, because it can grow and bear fruit only in the mild southern climate. It is grown on an industrial scale in European countries, from where it is brought to Russia (the main export from Belgium and China). In our latitudes, the “Conference” can be found in the gardens of the Krasnodar Territory, the Caucasus and the Crimea, but fruits are not uncommon on the shelves of markets and supermarkets. Pears collected at the end of September accompany the consumer throughout the entire autumn-winter period, while maintaining useful qualities and appearance.
Large elongated fruits, reaching a mass of 100 to 250 g, are covered with a thick greenish skin with brown matte spots.
When ripe, they acquire a roughness, which is a characteristic distinguishing feature of the variety.
The pinkish-creamy pulp of an unripe fruit is tart, dense and crunchy, but when aged it becomes soft, juicy and oily, with a granular structure. The taste is mainly sweet, with a slight acidity.
The composition, calories and vitamins of one pear "Conference"
Considering the average weight of one fresh fruit is 200 g, the calories of the Conference pear will be 84 kcal.
This allows you to use the fruit in all kinds of diets, as well as older people, pregnant women and babies.
But the number of calories can vary from the form of preparation of the fruit, for example, in 100 g:
- freshly squeezed juice - 47 Kcal;
- mashed puree - 52 Kcal;
- dried fruits - 249 kcal;
- baked fruit - 46 Kcal;
- candied fruit or jam - more than 300 Kcal.
The ratio of 1 pear (200 g) of BFU is noteworthy: proteins - 80 mg, fats - 60 mg, carbohydrates - 206 mg, dietary fiber - 56 mg. This allows us to regard the fruit as a nutritious, but light dessert that is sweeter than an apple but contains fewer sugars. Fructose gives the honey sweet pear, for the processing of which insulin is not required, which makes it affordable for patients with diabetes. In addition, the pulp of the fetus fills the entire volume of the stomach, creating a feeling of fullness.
The balanced content of trace elements and vitamins makes the composition of the fruit also healing.
100 g of fresh fruit contains trace elements:
- iron - 2.3 mg;
- zinc - 0.2 mg;
- iodine - 1 mg;
- copper - 0.1 mg;
- Manganese - 0.1 mg;
- selenium - 0.1 mcg;
- fluorine - 10 mg;
- boron - 0.1 mg;
- vanadium - 5 mcg;
- silicon - 6 mg;
- cobalt - 10 mcg.
The content of cobalt, which is responsible for metabolic processes in the body and the function of the central nervous system, which is part of insulin and other cells, provides the body with a 100% daily allowance. Eating 2 large “conferences” during the day, the body receives a 100% rate of silicon. This element plays a major role in the formation of connective tissue and ensuring the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. It also compensates for the lack of iodine necessary for the synthesis of thyroid hormones and increases the active oxygen consumption of tissue cells.
- potassium - 155 mg;
- calcium - 19 mg;
- magnesium - 12 mg;
- sodium - 14 mg;
- sulfur - 6 mg;
- phosphorus - 16 mg;
- chlorine - 1 mg.
The high content of potassium, magnesium and phosphorus will provide the body with normal activity of the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, nervous and excretory systems.
- ascorbic acid (C) - 5 mg;
- pantothenic acid (B5) - 0.1 mg;
- niacin (PP) - 0.2 mg;
- folic acid (B9) - 2 mcg;
- Biotin (H) - 0.1 μg;
- vitamin A - 2 mcg;
- Vitamin E - 0.4 mcg;
- phylloquinone (K) - 4.5 mcg.
There is more folic acid involved in hematopoiesis in pears than in black currants, and a vitamin C content of 100 g provides 5.6% of the daily requirement.
As a result of eating the fruits of the pear variety under discussion, sleep improves and the mood rises due to the presence of essential oils in its composition. An alluring sweet aroma determines the ripeness of the fetus.
Contained in the pulp of fruit and tannins, starch, enzymes, volatile and flavonoids, which allows the use of products from the "Conference" even for treatment.
Useful properties of fruit for the human body
The miraculous properties of pears have been known since ancient times. Chinese healers have widely used the medicinal qualities of fruits in the treatment of the heart, bones and genitourinary system.
- Pears can relieve inflammation, improve mood, regulate digestion.
- Due to the presence of the natural antibiotic arbutin, Conference pears have antibacterial ability and activate the body's defenses.
- Modern psychologists recommend eating fresh pear fruits to relieve depression. They are healthier than chocolate and sweets.
- In addition, these fruits remove toxins and radionuclides from the body, lower blood cholesterol, strengthen immunity, and coordinate the function of the pancreas and liver.
In folk medicine, all forms of products are used both from the fruits of the pear and from its leaves.
- Decoctions of pears, jelly treat diarrhea in young children and adults. With colitis, gastritis, they regulate digestion, producing the right amount of gastric juice, and improve intestinal motility.
- Jam and jams help with coughing, tuberculosis and fever, relieving inflammation and thinning sputum.
- Leaves are used as an antifungal agent that can cope with sweating feet and various dermatitis.
- Dried pears have a diuretic effect, cleansing and healing the kidneys.
- Natural antioxidants of the “Conference” contribute to the regeneration of skin cells, preventing age-related changes.
What is beneficial for men, women and children?
Rich in vitamins and minerals, which is not an allergen, enhances immunity, has delicious juicy pulp, the Conference pear is simply necessary for young children for proper growth and development. The reaction to the introduction of pear products in children is individual, but mostly positive. Pears can have a weak laxative effect, but without fermentation, because they are easily absorbed by the body.
- Their juice can be introduced into the diet of infants from 4 to 5 months, starting with a few drops and without fear of allergic reactions.
- Baked pear puree is recommended from 6 months. You need to start with one teaspoon, watching the baby's reaction. If there are no changes in behavior, it is possible, gradually increasing the dose, to introduce such a product into a complete feeding.
- From 7 months old, fidgets are already given pear compote.
It is useful and necessary to eat pears for men. Eating tasty pulp of the “Conference”, a man gets an emotional discharge after physical and mental stress.
- The components of the fetus affect the production of testosterone in the stronger sex over 40 years old.
- They have a positive effect on erectile function.
- Eliminate psychological problems.
- Increase libido.
- The natural pear antibiotic relieves mild inflammation of the urinary tract.
- Stewed pears reduce the frequency of nighttime urination.
Pear masks relieve early alopecia.
- 3 tbsp. l pear pulp;
- 1 cl. l honey;
- 1 tbsp. l burdock oil;
- 3 drops of juniper essential oil.
All components are mixed into a homogeneous mass and applied to the scalp, rubbing intensively into the roots. After standing for 30 minutes, it remains to rinse the composition with warm water. Use once a week. This mask is also useful to women as a preventative measure for hair loss.
Women need pear products no less.
- During the menstrual cycle, they are able to reduce unpleasant symptoms, cheer up, improve performance.
- Pears relieve pain in cystitis and inflammation of the reproductive organs.
- Regular consumption of pears will normalize the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
- Dietary fibers cleanse the intestines of toxins and toxins, as a result of which the skin is transformed, its tone is increased, and its color improves.
Pregnant women need pear foods. The pleasant taste of the "Conference" will relieve depression, regulate the body system and gently cleanse the intestines.
People's advice:persimmon
Pear "Conference" in cooking
Pear "Conference" is a universal product. The possibility of long-term storage allows you to consume fruit in a fresh, most healthy and tasty form for a long time. But you can save it for a longer period in various ways.
So, fresh fruits are processed as follows:
- dried, dried, soaked and pickled;
- jam, jam and jam;
- make compotes;
- driven through a juicer and squeezed freshly squeezed juice;
- prepare syrup, kvass, wine, liquors, tinctures, pear cider.
All sorts of different options for cooking dishes from the discussed variety of pears. They make a variety of desserts, pastries and sauces. The pulp is added to salads and side dishes to lean meat and fish.With the addition of juicy fruits, original soups, stews and snacks are obtained.
All sorts of options for pear products, which can be easily found on social networks, provide the broadest possible choice of dishes for both gourmets and people who are healing their body.
Application in cosmetology
The regenerating properties of the Conference pear are popular in cosmetology.
Lotions and masks are suitable for any skin type:
- remove traces of stress and fatigue;
- give tone and freshness to the skin;
- moisturize;
- smooth wrinkles.
The granular structure of the pulp serves as a soft scrub for thin and sensitive skin, cleansing and healing it.
Pear masks strengthen hair, add volume to the hair, and the antibacterial properties of the pear eliminate itching of the scalp.
The benefits of the Conference pear for weight loss
The unique composition of the fruit is indispensable in nutrition.
- A large amount of dietary fiber leads to a rapid filling of the stomach volume, creating a feeling of fullness. This property is necessary for people struggling with excess weight. Scientific studies have shown that consuming 1 fetus per day helps to reduce weight to 450 g per day.
- A sufficient amount of fructose provides the body with the necessary energy.
- The ability of pear pulp components to slow down the absorption of carbon in the blood, normalizing blood sugar levels, prevents a feeling of sudden hunger.
Nutritionists widely use pear diets for losing weight, especially since refusing to eat the usual food is not required.
This concept of nutrition does not create discomfort for a person, as with many other methods of losing weight. It is enough to eat a baked pear with yogurt to replace a full dinner. A glass of pear juice or compote will be a great snack, energizing the body, but supplying it with a minimal amount of calories.
A variety of salads with the addition of low-calorie vegetables and fruits will be a great addition to your usual diet. For example, you can combine pear, avocado and sweet bell pepper, season appetizer with mustard sauce, lemon juice and olive oil. It will turn out a delicious dish! But how many calories are in it? In this matter, fears are in vain - only 120 kcal per 100 g of product.
The same components of the composition of the pear can both cure and harm the body.
Therefore, despite the tasty taste, it is necessary to eat fruits in reasonable quantities.
Contraindication to the use of fresh pears is a stomach ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, as well as constipation.
Dried pears are also not recommended for patients with diabetes and weight loss, as they are quite high-calorie. Nutritionists warn of the danger of consuming pears with milk at the same time - this combination can cause intestinal upset. But with fermented milk products, eat fruit for health.
But you should not eat pears on an empty stomach or with fatty meat products, or drink them with water.
Do not eat a large amount of fruit - a high fiber content can provoke gas formation, unsafe for pregnant and infants.
In other cases, eating a pear 30 to 40 minutes after a meal, you will provide the body with a healthy and tasty set of nutritious and healing elements and vitamins.