Feel free to wear open shoes, go for a swim in the pool, or just walk barefoot on the green grass, because you have a nail fungus? The disease, to put it mildly, is unpleasant, but this is not a reason to “pack” your legs in socks and hot closed shoes all year round. How to treat toenail fungus, and how to protect yourself from repeated damage?
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How to treat fungal diseases?
Nail fungus in the medical language is called onychomycosis.
Depending on what stage the disease has reached, there are three types:
- normotrophic mycosis, in which there is a change in the color of the nail plate, strips and spots are formed, but neither the thickness of the plate, nor the gloss of the nail undergo changes;
- hypertrophic mycosis, characterized by discoloration, loss of gloss of the nail plate, thickening and its deformation;
- atrophic mycosis, in which dying occurs, and rejection of the affected part of the nail.
The fungus is localized in a certain part of the nail plate or affects it completely, and depending on this, the forms are distinguished:
- with lesions at the outer edge, distal;
- with lateral lesions - lateral;
- with damage to the posterior roller - proximal;
- with complete defeat of the entire plate - total.
It is important to carry out laboratory diagnostics to confirm onychomycosis, since often the fungus is confused due to the similarity of clinical manifestations with diseases of a non-fungal nature!
Treatment of nail fungus is a long process, on average, it takes from 3 to 12 months. This duration is due to the fact that the infection persists for a long time in the layers of the nail, and for its eradication a complete renewal of the plate is necessary.
Uncomplicated forms of the fungus are amenable to medical treatment with tablets, ointments and specialized solutions. Cyclopirox or Naphthyzine is used as the active substance of the preparations. If the disease proceeds with complications, itraconazole, terbinafine or fluconazole is used. In especially severe cases, the nail plate is completely removed.
List of the most effective pharmacy remedies for nail fungus
What can be purchased at a pharmacy against onychomycosis?
Ointment Nomidol + from nail fungus
The Nomidol + cream advertised on the Internet is positioned by the manufacturer (LLC Victory, Moscow) as an antifungal.
It contains natural ingredients:
- oils of herbs: St. John's wort, coltsfoot, celandine, succession, valerian, etc .;
- beaver musk extract;
- rock salt;
- tea tree essential oils;
- silver;
- vinegar;
- herbs.
The course of treatment with nomidol is only 15 days to eliminate the symptoms and 30 days to prevent the disease.
However, it will not work to purchase the product in an ordinary pharmacy, only online pharmacies offer it at a fabulous price. And this is alarming already. With a more detailed study of the instructions for use, it turns out that Nomidol is nothing more than a cosmetic cream, and it is not able to eradicate onychomycosis.
Exoderil Drops and Ointment
A popular remedy for the fungus Exoderil is available in two forms: ointment and drops. The active substance of the drug is naphthyne hydrochloride (10 mg / g). The mechanism of its action lies in the ability to inhibit the growth of fungal cells.
Before applying the ointment, the nail should be cleaned and dried. Apply the product to the affected area of the plate, capturing small healthy areas. Twice a day, using Exoderil, they prolong the course of treatment for up to six months. The method of applying the solution is similar.
Contraindications to the use of Exoderil are individual allergic reactions to the components of the drug.
It is interesting: effective remedies for toenail fungus
Antifungal varnish Loceryl
Treatment of onychomycosis with varnish Loceryl is considered effective at the initial stage of the manifestation of the disease. The manufacturer of the product is the French company Laboratoires Galderma. The active substance of the varnish is amorolfine. When applying Loceryl to the nails, its effect lasts up to 10 days. It is believed that varnish acts as a means of preventing the infection of healthy people from a sick person.
The cost of Loceryl is quite high, which makes the drug inaccessible to some segments of the population.
The drug Amorolfin from nail fungus
Amorolfin is an active substance of some antifungal drugs, in particular, Lotseril or Oflomil varnish. Application - exclusively external. After the drug with amorolfine is applied to the nail, the active substance penetrates deeply into all layers of the nail, while having a low absorption.
Nails to remove the affected nail
Not so long ago, a new antifungal agent appeared that allows you to solve the problem dramatically. We are talking about the emulsion "Nogtivit". This is an alternative to surgical removal of a nail plate that is severely affected by the fungus.
Before use, the nail must be steamed in a soap-soda solution. Then it is necessary to apply, without rubbing, “Nogtivit” on its surface. Top the nail must be covered with a bandage. Such a compress is worn for 3-4 days. Next, remove the bandage, steam the nail, scrape off the dead areas with a nail file. Again apply a compress.
Removing a nail with “Nogtivit” takes a long time, however, it is painless.
Read also: Nail Activation - instructions for use
Mycosan antifungal drug
"Mikozan" is a remedy for nail fungus based on a natural component - rye enzyme filtrate. How to use it?
Apply the drug exclusively externally. Serum is applied to a clean nail from which the cosmetic varnish has been removed. Give the nail to dry completely. The procedure is repeated twice a day. Once a week, the nail plate is cleaned with a nail file. A set of disposable files is included with the serum.
Antifungal cream Fundizol
An inexpensive and effective antifungal agent is Fundizol cream. It contains salicylic acid, zinc oxide, potassium iodide, celandine extract, etc.
The cream is applied 2-3 times a day to the affected areas, under the nails, covered with compression paper and fixed for 4-8 hours. For prevention, lubricate with cream and healthy nails. Visible therapeutic effect is noticeable after 2 weeks of regular use.
Thermicon Pills
Thermicon tablets with terbinafine in the composition are used orally for severe forms of the nail fungus. 4 hours after taking the drug, it is distributed evenly in the body, penetrates the nail plates, while maintaining the duration of exposure. The course of treatment is 6-12 weeks, 1 tablet per day after meals.
Absolute contraindications for taking tablets are:
- pregnancy;
- breast-feeding;
- patient age up to 3 years.
Budget funds and methods for treating fungus
Are there effective remedies for toenail fungus at low prices? Undoubtedly, it is not necessary to overpay for advertising and beautiful packaging, because there are drugs that are similar in composition and method of exposure to the fungus costly.
Among them are ointments:
- Candide;
- Nizoral;
- Terbinafine;
- Terbizil;
- Sulfuric ointment;
- Fungoterbin.
For internal use - tablets Itraconazole, Fluconazole, Terbinafine.
Perhaps a course of treatment of nail fungus in medical and cosmetic institutions.
Folk remedies for the treatment of fungus on toenails
Are there effective folk remedies for toenail fungus at home? Yes, and there are a lot of them.
A tablespoon of ammonia is bred in 200 milliliters of water. After wetting a cotton pad or gauze in a solution, wrap a nail, put on a fingertip or fix the compress with a band-aid. It is better to do the procedure before going to bed at night, the duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease.
Vinegar and egg.
Homemade ointment for nail fungus is prepared simply. For one raw fresh egg, take a tablespoon of vinegar, olive oil and a teaspoon of dimethyl phthalate. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients. The ointment is applied in the application method on the nail (under a bandage and cellophane), it is better to do this at night. After several procedures, the condition of the nails is noticeably improved, treatment must be continued until complete recovery. The ointment is stored in the refrigerator.
Propolis tincture (20%).
It is necessary to rub the product using a cotton swab into the damaged nails several times a day for 4-12 weeks, depending on the stage of the course of the disease.
Tea tree oil.
It is necessary to lubricate the nails twice a day with this tool, and after a couple of months the nail will become completely healthy.
Preventive actions
Onychomycosis is a contagious disease, it is easily transmitted from a sick person to a healthy one. If you have a fungus, protect household members from it!
For this:
- Do not let your shoes be worn and don’t wear someone else’s;
- use personal hygiene products: washcloth, nail files, scissors, tweezers, a towel;
- wash socks, linens, foot towels at high temperature and iron thoroughly with a hot iron.
If you are afraid of contracting a fungus, then follow simple rules:
- do not use other people's shoes, hygiene products of strangers;
- when going to the bathhouse, pool, sauna and even to the beach, take rubber slippers with you, since in places with high humidity and in the sand the fungus feels great, it just “waits” for fresh marigolds;
- strengthen immunity - people with weakened body defenses are predisposed to mycoses;
- fearing that they could pick up the fungus, for example, in the pool, take emergency measures upon returning home: wiping your feet and nails with vinegar or lemon juice or lubricating with antifungal cream for prevention.
Nail fungus is an insidious disease. It is easy to catch and difficult to cure. However, modern medicine, coupled with folk remedies and prevention - are good helpers in this matter.
- Mia