The rich chemical composition of this delicacy turns a familiar everyday product into an effective remedy for healing. Frequent use of the product can significantly reduce the risk of developing many diseases. In addition, drupe wood has a pleasant taste and high nutritional value. But the benefits and harms of walnuts are subject to scrutiny.
Material Content:
Walnuts: medicinal properties
A scientific collection can be written about the chemical composition of walnuts. It has so many useful compounds that it’s hard to talk about all in a nutshell.
Of particular note are:
- essential omega fatty acids;
- an almost complete spectrum of vitamin B;
- provitamin A and ascorbic acid.
Nicotinic acid, vitamin K and antioxidants, useful for hematopoiesis, are also present in its composition.
In various parts found:
- cellulose;
- valuable vegetable protein;
- tannins;
- ether compounds;
- potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, sulfur, aluminum, phosphorus, zinc, manganese;
- amino acids (asparagine, glutamine, cystine);
- sterols;
- coumarins;
- alkaloids.
In the human body, these components work on brain nutrition, reconfiguration of the nervous system, and memory improvement. They are very useful for mental activity and are simply necessary for children at the stage of growth and development, and for adults during daily mental work.
The substances contained in walnuts play an important role in building the tissues of the heart and blood vessels. And besides, it contains the rarest and most sought-after form of vitamin E.
- The product reduces capillary permeability.
- Strengthens the walls of the blood arteries.
- Promotes the adaptation of blood vessels to stressful situations.
- Breaks cholesterol conglomerates into simple digestible compounds.
- Prevents the formation of fatty growths on the inner wall of the blood lines.
- Recommended for the prevention of atherosclerosis and heart disease.
The treat helps fight constipation and, in addition, having a bactericidal effect, copes with pathogenic intestinal flora. Tannins contribute to the healing of the mucosa. With its help, have long been accustomed to expel worms.
Walnut has a tonic and anti-inflammatory effect, and the minerals present in its composition maintain an electrolytic balance. They are direct participants in the metabolism, and therefore the use of walnuts is useful for metabolic disorders and, in particular, for obesity. The level of electrolytes also affects blood pressure, which means that brown drupes can be used to prevent hypertension.
Antioxidants reduce the risk of developing breast and prostate cancer. Melatonin regulates sleep, participates in adaptation to the change of day and night, and has a positive effect on the nervous system.
Benefits for the body
Literally all parts of the plant are consumed with useful substances and each of them can be used for completely different purposes.
Walnut kernels
Walnut kernels improve memory. Normalize the work of the kidneys and liver.
They are used to compensate for the effects of diabetes, as they are a powerful tool to strengthen blood vessels.
Dry partitions are a valuable raw material for brewing folk remedies. Of these, substances are prepared that help to set up and maintain immunity.
Alcohol concentrates are used for:
- internal and external gynecological problems;
- nodes in the thyroid gland;
- polypous formations in the intestine;
- used in manipulations with inflammation of the colon mucosa.
In addition, tincture on partitions helps to eliminate toxins and toxins.
Walnut oil accelerates the contractility of the blood arteries, helps with kidney diseases, and, together with honey, is used as an anti-tuberculosis drug.
Oil contains all the benefits of kernels:
- promotes liquefaction and sputum discharge;
- indicated for bronchitis and asthma;
- in people with a tendency to cancer, tumor growth is inhibited;
- restores liver cells.
Walnut leaves are rich in vitamin C, flavonoids, carotene and glycosides. Plant juice prevents the spread of more than a hundred pathogens. Used for abdominal pain, diarrhea, dysentery. Used as an anthelmintic.
Leaves have a diuretic and choleretic effect. They make preparations that help strengthen the gums and suppress sore throats.
The shell contains:
- coumarins;
- carboxylic acids;
- tannins;
- phenols.
Thanks to its chemical characteristics, it helps to cope with skin diseases. Shell infusion baths are indicated for psoriasis and eczema. Means are used for applications in lichen and dermatitis.
The benefits of walnut for men, women
The combination of zinc, calcium and magnesium has a beneficial effect on the male genital area. Walnut stimulates the production of hormones, enhances potency, and the essential oils included in its composition help with physical overwork. Unripe walnuts are especially useful for men. They contain up to 15 times more active substances, which not only increase male capabilities, but also stimulate sperm production.
It is useful for pregnant women to eat 2-3 nuts a day.Fatty acids strengthen the nervous system and are involved in the formation of the brain of the unborn child. Walnut kernels give breast milk a sweetish taste, increase its nutritional value and strengthen the immunity of mother and baby.
Possible harm from use
Food allergies are a scourge of our time. Walnuts, as a high-protein product, are also able to provoke a response. In case of individual intolerance, of course, it is worth to refrain from them.
Walnuts are considered difficult to digest due to their high fat content. They load the pancreas and excessive consumption can cause eating disorders and provoke constipation.
With increased blood coagulation, the benefits of eating nuts are doubtful. This is practically the only, but the most important contraindication.
The scope of application of walnuts is wide: they prepare the most delicious confectionery from it, as well as cook and insist on medicines.
In folk medicine
Traditional medicine recipes use unripe green fruits, mature drupes, shells, partitions, leaves and tree bark.
- The nut itself is used to strengthen the heart muscle, activate brain activity, restore strength and improve overall health. It is mixed with other healthy products: honey, raisins, dried apricots, lemon. Grind into a paste. Use as a healthy treat.
- Medications for rickets insist on the cortex. It is used to prepare remedies for tumors and ulcers.
- Green fruits treat stomach upsets and eliminate smooth muscle spasms. Nuts insist on alcohol. Concentrates drink a teaspoon.
- From the partitions make therapeutic tinctures that help with violations of the menstrual cycle, mastopathy, cysts and polyps of the organs of the female reproductive system. The tool is measured in drops and taken in diluted form.
- Walnut oil helps pregnant women forget about toxicosis.
- Whole fruits with honey and lemon are eaten to prevent flu and colds.
- Walnut paste is applied externally to treat ulcers and skin lesions.
- Bathtubs with walnut leaves relieve external irritations. Soothe itching.
- Decoctions from the leaves are used to treat gynecological diseases, stomatitis, gingivitis, tonsillitis, kidney and bladder diseases. This part of the plant contains bitter aromatic compounds that relieve headaches.
In cooking
The kernels are nutritious and taste very good. They are consumed in natural and processed form. They go to make sweets, halva, cakes, marzipan, churchkhela and other sweets.
Walnut is a favorite plant in the Caucasus. There it was considered sacred. Local peoples keep many recipes for the preparation of various sweets from sweetish kernels.
Unripe fruits taste good, are included in the diet for diet, are used to make jam.
Walnut jam - benefit and harm
Walnut jam is made from green unripe fruits. Its main advantage is the high iodine content and in general such a product is a delicacy - it is impossible to meet on the shelves of ordinary stores.
Walnut jam strengthens the nervous system and immunity, helps with stomach diseases. It is slightly bitter and tastes like maple syrup.
You should not eat too much jam.
And this is not because of the high sugar content in it, but all because of the same iodine, which in overdoses can cause poisoning.
The maximum amount that can be eaten in one go is three tablespoons.
Rate of use per day
The beneficial properties of nuts are manifested in moderate consumption.
Exceeding the recommended daily allowance results in impaired liver and pancreas:
- it is enough for an adult to eat seven peeled nuts or 14 halves;
- children are half as much;
- for pregnant and lactating women there is a norm - no more than 3 whole nuts or 6 halves per day.
Do not forget that nuts are a high-calorie food. It is better not to add them to the main diet, but to use as a partial replacement for other products. A handful of nuts can be eaten instead of scrambled eggs with bacon in the morning or they can replace one of the meat receptions.
No wonder some peoples endowed the walnut tree with the properties of a sacred plant. It has great potential. The simplest way to feel the power of nature is to supplement the diet with walnut kernels.