Grapefruit diet is considered one of the most popular and fastest mono-diets. Grapefruit contains a unique substance that helps to lose weight without much effort. But you need to understand that excessive consumption of citrus fruits will not benefit the body, so everything should be in moderation.
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Features and principles of grapefruit diet
The best option is a grapefruit diet for weight loss for 3 days. A 72-hour diet limit will not be stressful for the body, but it will help to see the first positive results.
Basic Rules:
- do not eat after 19 hours;
- discard salt, sugar and spices;
- drink enough water (at least 2 liters per day);
- observe the time interval between meals for at least 3 and no more than 6 hours.
If the feeling of hunger after 19 hours is very strong, you can drink a glass of kefir or a bite of an apple, but do not do this just before going to bed.
Recommended and Prohibited Products
The main thing is to choose the right tropical fruits. Before buying the fruit you need to carefully inspect. Instances with too shiny and flawless skin are not worth buying, since sellers most likely rubbed them with special wax-containing compounds. It is better to choose more unprepossessing fruits with small spots of green or brown hue: this confirms their naturalness and lack of chemical processing.
Grapefruit should not be too hard or soft. Hard fruits have not yet reached the optimum degree of maturity, and too soft fruits are already overripe or have begun to deteriorate.
You need to eat fruit like this: cut the fruit into two halves and select the whole pulp using a special spoon with a sharp edge. Partitions should not be consumed. Of course, they are very useful, but because of the high glycoside content they have a bitter taste, so eating them is problematic. If there is no special spoon, it is more convenient to peel the fruit from the peel and white partitions and divide it into slices.
The menu on grapefruit can be supplemented with such products:
- boiled eggs;
- lean meat;
- low-fat fish;
- vegetables
- low fat cheeses;
- vegetable soups.
The following products are prohibited:
- salt, sugar, spices, sauces;
- muffin;
- legumes;
- preservation;
- fatty meats and fish;
- smoked meats.
Advantages and disadvantages
The benefits of the diet:
- saturation of the body with vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, antioxidants;
- immune system support;
- decreased insulin production;
- normalization of the intestines and liver, blood pressure;
- a long feeling of satiety due to the presence of easily digestible protein, fiber and fluid;
- low calorie content;
- increased activity of gastric juice;
- cleansing the digestive tract.
Of the minuses, the fact that not all people tolerate grapefruit is well worth mentioning. For some, eating this fetus causes heartburn and stomach discomfort.
Detailed menu for 3 and 7 days
At each meal you need to eat half a grapefruit.
A three-day diet option might look like this:
- Day one: in the morning - half a grapefruit, a slice of ham, at lunch - again half a fruit, vegetable salad, for dinner - ½ fruit, 150 g baked meat with lettuce.
- The second day: for breakfast - two eggs, at lunch - 50 g of cheese, in the evening - 200 g of boiled fish, green salad. Each meal supplement with grapefruit.
- Day three: in the morning - half a portion of oatmeal, 2 walnuts, at lunch - vegetable soup or broth, in the evening - a serving of boiled chicken and a couple of tomatoes. At each meal, you need to eat ½ of the fetus.
You can drink water, weak green or herbal tea or coffee.
The grapefruit diet for 7 days has its own characteristics: every morning you need to eat 2 fresh boiled chicken eggs and a half of tropical fruit.
Other meals:
- Monday: at lunch - grapefruit, in the evening - a serving of lean meat.
- Tuesday: at lunch - 200 g grilled chicken, a portion of vegetable salad, in the evening - 2 eggs with toast, grapefruit.
- Wednesday: at lunch - 200 g of feta cheese with tomatoes, in the evening - boiled meat.
- Thursday: similar to the first day.
- Friday: at lunch - steamed vegetables, cucumber, in the evening - boiled fish with salad.
- Saturday: similar to the first day.
- Sunday: at lunch - a portion of chicken with salad and grapefruit, in the evening - steamed vegetables (but not potatoes).
Half a grapefruit can be replaced with a glass of freshly squeezed juice from this fruit.
Egg-grapefruit diet is based on the use of these two products for a week. So that the diet does not seem so monotonous, at lunch you can eat a little cottage cheese, lean meat or vegetables.
Way Out of a Grapefruit Diet
After completing the diet, you should not immediately attack your favorite dishes. For the stomach, it will be "expensive."
In the early days, you need to eat in a lightweight version in small portions, drink more water. And within a month after the release, you should do an unloading grapefruit day about once a week.
How many kilograms of excess weight you can lose
Weight loss when following the recommendations occurs immediately. For three days, an express diet can get rid of 3-5 extra pounds. To prepare for the summer season after winter is a great option.
It is advisable to combine dieting with moderate physical activity and walking in the fresh air. This not only helps to consolidate the result, but also contributes to the healing of the body.
To whom such a diet is contraindicated
Pregnant women are contraindicated in any diet. Their diet should be balanced and complete, so that the body does not experience a lack of useful substances.If necessary, the diet can be practiced after the birth of the baby and the completion of breastfeeding.
The list of contraindications due to the presence of a large amount of acid in the fruits also includes:
- gastritis
- sores;
- increased acidity of the stomach;
- liver failure.
Taking medications is also not combined with diets.
In other cases, the use of a short-term grapefruit diet does not harm the body. Nutritionists more often than others recommend this particular option, since the proposed menu contains the necessary nutritional components and helps to speed up metabolism.