Grapefruit for weight loss began to be used back in the thirties of the last century, when a component that contributed to weight loss was discovered in it. Eating tropical fruit, you can really achieve good results, but, like any diet, the citrus-based nutrition system has several limitations, so it is not suitable for everyone.

What is useful grapefruit for weight loss?

Grapefruit is one of the most amazing fruits on the planet. Scientists still have not revealed the secret of its origin. There is a version that it appeared as a result of accidental cross-pollination between an orange and a pomelo.

Thanks to these extraordinary metamorphoses, man received a valuable gift from nature. By eating grapefruit, we fill the need for many vitamins. However, girls and women are more likely to be interested in the ability of a tropical fruit to lose weight.

Bitter fruits contain a bioflavonoid naringin, which gives citruses a specific taste and is involved in many metabolic processes.

First of all, it reduces the production of insulin, which is responsible for glucose utilization. The hormone is in a hurry to “attach” the free sugar molecules contained in the blood as quickly as possible. If tissue cells do not have time to absorb glucose, it is deposited in energy, i.e., fat reserves in the form of cellulite on the hips and abdomen. At normal insulin levels, sugar utilization proceeds at its usual pace.Accordingly, most of the glucose goes to tissue nutrition, and not to the formation of body fat. The faster metabolic processes take place, the less ballast will be deposited in reserve.

  • Naringin restores liver cells - the body responsible for normal digestion, as well as obtaining energy from carbohydrates and fats.
  • Among other things, the bitter component stimulates the production of digestive juices, providing the most complete and deepest breakdown of substances entering the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Glycoside creates a favorable environment for the growth of normal intestinal flora, thus restoring one of the most important links in the metabolic chain.

Grapefruit Diet - Basic Principles

Grapefruit slimming diet is considered low-calorie. The daily diet should include no more than 800 kcal. The food is divided into three meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. The last meal of the day should be eaten no later than 19:00 or at least three hours before bedtime.

During the diet, it is most difficult to cope with hunger. However, grapefruit diet does not allow snacks.

To suppress appetite, as a rare exception between the main meals, you can eat fruit or drink no more than 200 ml of natural non-fat yogurt.

To achieve the desired effect for a day, you need to use one and a half or more liters of water.

The following foods should be excluded from the diet:

  • whole muffin, bread and bakery products based on white flour;
  • fatty meats;
  • any canned, smoked, pickled, spicy products, seasonings, sausages, meat and fish delicacies;
  • legumes;
  • sweets, cakes, chocolate, sugar, soft drinks;
  • instant coffee;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • sauces with spices, flour and starch;
  • high fat dairy products, sausage cheeses.

It is allowed to eat low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, lean meat, vegetables (including potatoes), any fruits, low-fat fish, rye bread, nuts, dried fruits, honey. Food should be mostly steamed or baked without oil. You can drink natural juices and unsweetened tea. Coffee - no more than a cup throughout the day. Salads should be seasoned with vegetable oil.

Every day you need to eat a couple of juicy fruits. Two out of three meals should be accompanied by half a citrus. And once during the day you need to eat a whole fruit or drink the juice squeezed from it.

Usually, during a diet on a grapefruit, a person experiences vigor due to the high content of vitamins in the diet. However, sports should be postponed until a later period, since the menu still includes an insufficient number of calories.

Fruit diet menu for the week

Despite the limitations, the diet should be varied, so a separate menu is compiled for each day.

Mondaybreakfastwhole grapefruit, 50 g boiled turkey fillet, freshly squeezed fruit juice
dinner3-4 slices of citrus, 250 g of vegetable salad (cucumbers, spinach, lettuce, herbs), sprinkled with lemon juice and olive oil without salt, a cup of green tea
dinnerthe rest of the citrus, 150 g baked chicken fillet without oil, 200 g grilled vegetables (zucchini, mushrooms), green tea
Tuesdaybreakfastwhole fruit, two boiled eggs, black tea with 5 ml of honey
dinnerseveral slices of citrus, 150 g fat-free cottage cheese, fruit juice
dinnerthe remaining citrus, 50 g ham without fat, a salad of fresh vegetables and herbs (lettuce, cabbage, cucumber, lemon juice, olive oil), black tea
Wednesdaybreakfastwhole grapefruit, oatmeal (50 g of milk + 150 g of water, 3 tablespoons of oatmeal), nuts, raisins, a cup of coffee
dinnerseveral slices of citrus, 200 g of broth on chicken breast with rye croutons, tea
dinnerthe remaining citrus, 150 g of baked veal with grilled vegetables (tomatoes, zucchini), sprinkled with olive oil, a glass of water
Thursdaybreakfastwhole grapefruit, 50 g low-fat cheese, tea
dinnerhalf of citrus, 150 g of boiled cod fillet, salad with fresh carrots and lemon dressing, green tea
dinnerhalf of citrus, 200 g of baked vegetables (carrots, celery, eggplant) with a drop of olive oil, tea
Fridaybreakfastwhole grapefruit, 150 g of fruit salad seasoned with natural yogurt, a glass of water
dinnerhalf citrus, 100 g baked potatoes, fresh green vegetables with lemon juice
dinnerhalf of citrus, 200 g of boiled beef with fresh vegetables, a glass of water

On the sixth and seventh day, the menu of any previous day is repeated at will.

It is very important to get out of the diet correctly. It is necessary to gradually increase the calorie content of the diet to 1500 kcal per day. To do this, eat regularly and fractionally in small portions.

To save the result, do not immediately include in the menu all prohibited products. It is advisable to limit their use altogether, only occasionally allowing yourself fried, fatty and sweet.

How to eat fruit for weight loss

The main ingredient of the diet is important to eat, following some rules. Their observance will help to achieve the desired result faster and easier to bear the hardships caused by rather strict dietary restrictions.

What time of day is grapefruit in the morning, evening or night?

The main portion of grapefruit should be in the morning.

Citrus has a tonic effect, which means that in the morning it will wake the body, start the metabolism and invigorate. Therefore, you need to eat the whole fruit during breakfast, and leave the halves for lunch and dinner.

Use before or after meals

Citrus must be eaten before meals, as it activates the production of hydrochloric acid. Accordingly, food taken after will be better absorbed. If there is concern about the condition of the stomach, in the morning on an empty stomach before eating grapefruit or drinking its juice, you can swallow a spoonful of olive oil.

How much grapefruit to eat

Uncontrolled use of juicy bitter fruits can cause negative reactions from the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, daily you need to eat two whole fruits. Total, 14 pieces per week.

Grapefruit Smoothie

So that extra pounds do not return immediately after the diet, a healthy fruit should be included in the diet regularly.

For example, instead of breakfast or as a light dinner, you can make a smoothie:

  • grapefruit - 1 pc.;
  • orange - 0.5 pcs.;
  • apple - 0.5 pcs.;
  • honey - 1 tsp

Peel and peel the fruits, cut into slices, turn into a puree mass using a blender.

For breakfast, the following recipe is suitable:

  • one peeled and free from films grapefruit;
  • sliced ​​peeled kiwi;
  • a spoonful of flax seeds;
  • a spoon of oatmeal;

Grind everything with a blender, at the end add a teaspoon of honey.

Grapefruit Fat Burning Recipes

To preserve the shape, one of the meals can be replaced with a fat-burning cocktail.

To prepare it, you must enter the slices in the blender:

  • one grapefruit;
  • one orange;
  • half a pear.

Turn on the device and grind the contents thoroughly.

Recipe number two:

  • grapefruit;
  • celery stalk;
  • a round pineapple slice about 1 cm thick.

Recipe number three:

  • juice of one grapefruit;
  • 100 g of spinach leaves;
  • half avocado;
  • juice of one orange;
  • pineapple slice.

The use of vitamin cocktails not only helps to stay within the parameters achieved, but also significantly improves the condition of the skin and hair.


  • A large number of citrus fruits, which must be eaten during the diet, can provoke an allergic reaction. Therefore, sensitive individuals should choose a different way of eating.
  • Fruit juice has an aggressive environment and can trigger an exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. In no case can a grapefruit diet be observed in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract accompanied by increased acidity.
  • This method of losing weight is also not suitable for people with chronic liver problems.
  • Diet is prohibited for pregnant women because of the high probability of an allergy.
  • It should be abandoned and people with weakened tooth enamel.

Fruit diet guarantees a quick and noticeable result. In just seven days you can get rid of 3-4 kg. Such techniques are ideal for timely getting in shape after a feast period or before starting a beach holiday.