The Greek nose has long been considered one of the classic signs of beauty. But not everyone knows how such a symbol of sophisticated attractiveness actually looks.

Greek profile in history

According to the canons of beauty, in ancient Greece, the nose was considered ideal, having a smooth transition from the forehead. At the same time on the nose should not be noticeable any deepening. An analysis of the Greek profile shows that the features responsible for mental activity (forehead) were emphasized to the maximum. Lines reminiscent of such a physiology barely outlined (mouth, cheekbones).

Physiognomy practitioners know that the nose is considered an indicator of will and activity. The ancient Greeks said: “What is inside is outside”, meaning that the external beauty of the body and face is directly dependent on the spiritual content of a person.

The nose is the most prominent part of the physiognomy, so the attractiveness and perfection of the lines largely depend on its shape. It is not surprising that rhinoplasty in our time is considered one of the most popular procedures (after breast augmentation). However, in this case, the percentage of unsuccessful results of the operation is high, because an error in a millimeter can not only spoil the surgeon's work, but also destroy a person’s life.

What does the nose look like in men and women

The Greek nose in men is more massive and large, but all proportions are clearly observed. A smooth and rounded chin often seems quite heavy.

A small and barely noticeable depression in the nose bridge does not violate a single smooth line, starting from the beginning of the hair growth site, and ending with the tip of the nose.

The Greek nose in women, as a rule, is slightly smaller in size, thinner and neater. Humps should not be present, the line must be straight.

It is not so easy for modern Greeks to find such a nose, so many experts believe that such a profile was considered exclusively a symbol of divine beauty. But even now he is recognized as one of the main types of noses (and there are about 14 of them in total). The most famous classification was compiled by the Israeli scientist A. Tamir after examining these organs in nearly 1800 people.

Characteristics of people with a Greek nose

In physiognomy, the shape of the nose is an important guide, as it allows you to learn a lot about the nature of its owner. The hallmarks of people with a Greek nose are:

  • inborn leadership;
  • pride, independence, love of freedom;
  • restraint in the manifestation of feelings;
  • apparent softness and tact;
  • conservatism and strict adherence to principles;
  • devotion and loyalty to friends;
  • incredible hard work and ambitiousness;
  • love of wealth and money;
  • sarcasticity, irony;
  • ruthlessness and contempt for deceivers.

In family life, such people always control the overall budget, but, fortunately, they do this without fanaticism. There is no way to blame such a person for greed, but thrift is present in the character.

People with a Greek profile never panic, they have well-developed logical thinking, and besides, they cope perfectly with their emotions and feelings. The mask of restraint and coldness does not allow us to find out what such a person is actually going on inside. A strong and unbending character allows them to achieve the goal, even if the path to it is very thorny and difficult.

Marble excellence

Many ancient Greek works of sculptural art became not only the embodiment of an ideal and perfect human body, but also reflected amazingly beautiful facial features, a characteristic profile. He is an integral part of the appearance of all the Olympic gods and their descendants.

The famous sculpture of Venus de Milo has just such a nose. In the real world, such lines are very rare, nevertheless, on such an example you can see how an ideal Greek nose should look. In general, this people really appreciated the correct and clear lines of the face without fail with large and expressive eyes, a thin and straight nose, a low forehead with curls of blond hair falling on it. We can say that this beauty is quite restrained and cold, but noble and aristocratic.

From the classic busts, one can pay attention to the reconstruction of Athena of Lemnia, Venus of Taurida and Hermes.

Incredible facts

Interestingly, according to statistics, only 3% of the entire population of the planet are owners of such noses. But in plastic surgery clinics, customers very often order just such a form, hoping that it will bring them closer to perfection.


The shape of the nose largely depends on the ethnicity of each person, as well as on the specific location of the nasal bones and cartilage. The combination of even the smallest distinctive nuances can lead to the creation of a unique profile. Therefore, it may not be worth striving for ideal, in many ways even fictitious beauty. It is better to love and accept ourselves as we are.