Pomegranate is at the forefront of other healthy fruits that grow on our planet. Its grains are a real storehouse of various useful substances, and the nectar of this fruit is prescribed for a variety of diseases. Pomegranate juice is most useful during pregnancy, when a woman's body needs special support.
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Can pomegranate juice during pregnancy
Juice from “ruby” grains is popular among people of all ages. Some fell in love with him for the sweet and sour harmony of taste, others - for healing qualities. Pomegranate grows in a warm climate, where it is the effect of the bright sun that helps in the red fruits to form substances valuable to our body, such as folic acid, iron and vitamins of all groups.
Particular craving for red juice is felt by pregnant women. Future mothers often say that they drink red nectar in considerable quantities. This need for a drink is easy to explain, because the body in such an interesting period experiences a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. In addition, the juice helps to cope with outbreaks of nausea, which is especially true at the very beginning of gestation.
Gynecologists are also advised to drink a pomegranate drink during gestation. It is low-calorie, which is also not unimportant for expectant mothers, whose weight is growing rapidly with each passing week.
Useful properties for the expectant mother
Pomegranate is known for its high content of iron and folic acid. That is why it is recommended that future mothers drink it.Iron will help raise hemoglobin levels, and acid is important for the proper formation of the fetal nervous system. But this is not the end of the beneficial properties of pomegranate juice.
- Few people know that the drink in question makes the smooth muscles more elastic and thereby prepares the birth canal for the baby's future birth.
- During pregnancy, many women suffer from severe dizziness, and pomegranate nectar with the addition of carrot juice and beetroot eliminates this problem.
- Women in an interesting position are also not immune from viral diseases, but they are strictly forbidden to take medicines. Here, red juice will come to the rescue, as painkillers and an antiseptic.
In the early stages
In the first months of pregnancy, many women experience severe toxicosis, loss of appetite, many weakened immunity and problems with the intestines. Pomegranate juice in early pregnancy will help to cope with nausea and dizziness, and PP vitamins, which are part of pomegranate grains, will increase vitality, give energy and strength. At the same time, the drink stimulates appetite and perfectly removes thirst.
It is worth noting that the steamed peel of the fetus can be an effective remedy against indigestion.
In the third trimester and late
In the third trimester and in the last months of pregnancy, gynecologists strongly recommend drinking pomegranate juice. The thing is that it is at such times that a woman is tormented by edema and the consequences of lowering hemoglobin. And among other things, by the end of pregnancy, many ladies completely lose control of their weight.
- Juice from “ruby” grains has a diuretic effect, which helps reduce swelling.
- At low calorie content, pomegranate is quite nutritious. It quickly saturates the body, which means it prevents the collection of extra pounds.
- Juicy fruit has a lot of iron, which is necessary to maintain the proper level of hemoglobin.
How much can you drink pomegranate juice during pregnancy?
Despite the full value of the “royal fruit,” pregnant women often should not consume such a fresh juice.
If there is no acute need for juice, then it is enough to drink it three times a week (maximum four), 100 ml at a time.
In the first months, doctors recommend drinking half a glass of juice on an empty stomach. And with a lack of iron, pomegranate juice is prescribed three times a day for half a glass before meals.
But drinking concentrated concentrated juice is undesirable - it can harm the stomach. It is better to dilute it with water in a ratio of 1: 1. Instead of water, you can take the juice of carrots or apples - it turns out a tasty and healthy fresh.
Drink Rules
When choosing a pomegranate, you should pay attention to its appearance. The presence of brown spots indicates that the fetus has already begun to rot. A dry and dark top will tell you that the fruit is ripe and it has the highest concentration of vitamins and beneficial elements.
Only freshly squeezed juice can bring maximum benefits to the body, so you have to crush the grains yourself, and this is a rather time-consuming process.
If there is no desire to crush the fruit, you will have to buy a finished product. But do not rush to the store, but look for the point where they prepare fresh pomegranate. If this is not possible, then the most recent option is juice in a glass container, but in no case from tetrapack. It would be better to be left without it than to drink such a surrogate.
Finding real juice is not so easy. The product of industrial production necessarily includes a preservative, but as technologists assure, E202 is a food supplement that does not harm anyone, even pregnant women. The main thing is that the chemical composition does not include any chemical additives other than potassium sorbate.
The presence in a garnet of a large number of trace elements can bring not only benefits, but also harm in the form of the formation of an aggressive environment in the oral cavity.
In order not to destroy tooth enamel, it is better to drink such juice through a tube or after taking it just rinse your mouth.
With gastritis, it is forbidden to drink nectar in its pure form, it is better to dilute it with water or other juice with low acidity.
Contraindications and possible harm
It is impossible to say that pomegranate is able to replace all useful substances, and at the same time does not do any harm. Therefore, future mothers should consult a doctor before enjoying a sweet and sour drink.
- During pregnancy, the female body is subjected to severe stress, which is especially felt by the digestive system. This is often manifested by the appearance of a feeling of heaviness and burning. The viscous taste of pomegranate will only worsen this condition. Also, juice should not be drunk for all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
- In the womb, the child takes calcium from her to develop her own bone tissue, because of this, tooth enamel is often destroyed in women. Pomegranate nectar also negatively affects dental health, and if the doctor has allowed you to drink juice, you should eat cheese or brush your teeth before taking it.
- Pregnant women often suffer from constipation, and the tannins of the fetus only complicate such an unpleasant condition.
- Although pomegranate juice helps control nausea in the early months, it can cause a miscarriage. The fact is that the fruit contributes to the production of oxytocin, which activates the muscles of the uterus.
- Pomegranate juice is not recommended for those suffering from low blood pressure.
People's advice:carrot juice
Omen: who will be born if you want pomegranate juice
Sometimes even the most modern equipment cannot reveal to the future parents the secret of who is hiding in his stomach - a boy or a girl. Therefore, many women determine gender by changes in their own character and habits, as well as in the manifestation of a special love for new products. So, according to popular belief, the craving for pomegranates suggests that a future mother will be born a boy.