In recent years, more and more country lawns are decorated with magnificent flowering shrubs, which used to be found only on the southern sea coast during a summer vacation with family. Yes, of course we are talking about hydrangea. Who would have thought that this southern beauty would feel great even at a Siberian cottage.
In fact, there are a lot of varieties of this shrub. But hydrangea Sunday Freyz, which will be discussed in this article, can boast of special popularity among gardeners.
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Panicled Hydrangea Sunday Freeze - description
This variety was bred by the French breeder Jean Renault a few years ago, based on the popular Vanilla Frize. The main difference of the hydrangea Sunday Freez is its compactness - the height and width of the bush is not more than 120 cm, while it has the correct shape.
Red-brown branches with dark green elliptical leaves are crowned with flowers of an unusual shape and color - as if cups with a pinkish strawberry ice cream were hung around the bush.
At the same time, flowers of completely different colors can be located on the same bush.
This is due to different phases of flowering:
- white color is the very beginning;
- pink is the middle;
- bright raspberry - flowering is coming to an end.
The acidity of the earth affects the intensity of the shade and the color scheme of the inflorescences: the higher it is, the more saturated the color of the flowers.
Panicled Hydrangea Sunday Freeze has another advantage over other varieties - it is an incredible abundance and duration of flowering (mid-June - late October).Due to the unusual elongated shape and length of the inflorescences (about 0.3 m), hydrangea attracts the admiring glances of any person.
Outdoor landing
For the plant, the composition of the soil, its moisture content and the brightness of the site are very important. Before planting this shrubbery, carefully study the requirements for choosing a place, although planting hydrangea and caring for it can be done even by a novice gardener.
Site and soil preparation
The best place to grow this variety is openwork partial shade created by foliage of trees, or from any building. Direct sunlight will adversely affect the development of the plant and its flowering. The draft will also negatively affect.
The soil under the hydrangea Sunday Freeze should be fertile, preferably it should be sour loam.
Sandy and calcareous soil is not suitable for it due to low acidity. To acidify the soil, add a little brown peat, sawdust, or coniferous compost.
Panicled Hydrangea Sunday Fries prefers soil with high humidity, even a slightly swampy place is suitable for it, it is also not afraid of spring accumulation of melt water.
Since hydrangea normally refers to the gas contamination of the environment, feel free to plant it next to the road, creating a hedge.
How and when to plant?
Planting time - spring or autumn - depends on the region of cultivation. Plant in the northern region in the spring, in early May. In the southern regions, you can plant not only in spring but also in autumn, somewhere in the middle of September.
Plant panicle hydrangea so that between the trees there is 1.5-2.5 m. When creating a hedge, you can reduce the distance between the bushes to 1-1.5 m so that there is no clearance between them.
- make a hole 3-4 weeks before planting (depth - 40-50 cm, width - 60-7- cm);
- in the evening, on the eve of planting, pour a couple of buckets of water into it so that it nourishes the soil well during the night;
- fill the hole halfway with humus, turfy soil, chernozem and peat, add 2 tables. urea, 2 tablespoons. tablespoons of potassium sulfate and a glass of superphosphate;
- insert the seedling, dig a hole without deepening the root neck, and trample the earth around the trunk;
- pour a bucket and a half of water into the barrel circle and mulch the soil.
Some time after planting, the plant needs protection from direct sunlight and gusts of wind.
Hydrangea Care Sunday Freeze
Growing hydrangea is a simple process. It does not require close attention, but a competent approach and regularity of actions will undoubtedly give a good result in the form of unusually magnificent flowering.
Watering and feeding
Hydrangea does not respond well to lack of moisture. Make sure that the soil around the bush is always moist, especially in the summer heat. This can only be achieved by regular watering. Rainwater is most suitable for irrigation because of its natural softness. Hard water is not suitable for hydrangea irrigation, as the lime content is exceeded.
How to reduce water hardness:
- water with settled water;
- tie a little (≈100 gr) peat in a rag, dip in a bucket of water, let it brew for a day;
- add a little apple cider vinegar, and preferably oxalic acid, to the water.
Pour at least a bucket of water under each plant, or preferably two.
Loosening and mulching the soil in the near-stem circle will help maintain moisture for a longer time. Loosen as the crust forms, at least once every 3-4 weeks.
Keep in mind, deep cultivation will only harm the plant. Due to the surface location of the roots, there is a danger of injuring them.
When active vegetation began, and especially flowering, do not skimp on top dressing. They must be carried out during this period once every half a month. Organic top dressing should alternate with mineral. Organic fertilizer is infused cow dung or chicken droppings added to water. Mineral fertilizers - potassium nitrate and superphosphate. You can also use special fertilizers for hydrangeas from the garden shop.
Another important detail in the care of hydrangea. The variety Sunday Frize is distinguished by the fragility of shoots, they do not withstand the weight of huge flowers. To prevent them from breaking, tie branches with especially large inflorescences to some support.
Plant pruning
The main purpose of pruning is to give the bush a perfect shape and stimulate abundant flowering.
Annual pruning guarantees the splendor and abundance of flowers on the bush.
Usually it is done on the twentieth of March, until the sap flow begins and the foliage does not interfere. Schedule for yourself the largest shoots, shorten them, leaving 5 buds, remove the rest.
Old bushes need anti-aging pruning. It consists in the fact that all branches are cut to stumps of 7-8 cm. Next year, these stumps will give young shoots, which means that the bush will be showered with flowers.
How to care for hydrangea in autumn and winter
The most cold-resistant of all hydrangeas is panicled. She will calmly endure a 25-degree frost without shelter. And if the place where it grows is quiet and calm, then the lower temperature is not afraid of it.
If, nevertheless, she had to freeze, then she will find the strength to quickly recover when spring comes.
To maintain hydrangea during wintering, you should huddle the bush and mulch with a thick layer the trunk circle - this will protect the root system from frost.
How to prepare hydrangea for the winter:
- stop watering from the beginning of September;
- remove nitrogen fertilizers, and increase the amount of phosphorus-potash;
- clean the bush from dry leaves, remove them from the trunk circle and burn.
In the autumn, overgrown bushes are planted. It is important that this work be carried out before the cold, so that the transplanted plant takes root.
Reproduction of hydrangeas Sunday Freeze
Hydrangea Sunday Freeze propagates in several ways:
- Green cuttings. In July, cut the cuttings (15 cm) with 3-4 pairs of leaves, place in a container of water, in which a growth stimulator is added. After 3-4 hours, put them in a wet peat-sand mixture and cover each with a jar. Do not forget to water. After the appearance of new leaves of the can, remove. Before the onset of winter, make shelter from dry leaves, grass and covering material.
- Layering. In early spring, before the buds dissolve, lay the lower branches of the bush on the loosened earth and sprinkle them, leaving only the crown on the surface. Water regularly. At the end of September, half-meter seedlings will grow from them, dig them out and divide them one by one. Dig each seedling and leave it under the bush for the winter. In the spring, plant their bed. Plant in a place of constant growth in a year.
- Siblings. In early autumn, carefully separate the young shoots from the main root, plant them on a temporary bed for growing. The following year, they can be landed in a permanent place.
- Division of the bush. In early spring, until the buds are swollen, water the bush selected for division, carefully dig it out and rinse the roots. Divide the root system into the desired number of seedlings and plant it in the selected places.
Protection against diseases and pests
If hydrangea is not fed for many years, it will pull out all the useful substances from the soil, it will become scarce and the plant will have nothing to eat. This will lead to metabolic disorders, the leaves turn yellow and fade. Hydrangea will get chlorosis. To prevent this, periodically feed the bush with fertilizer with iron.
Carry out restoration activities to improve the bush. Simply put, spray hydrangea with Agricola, Chelate, Antichlorosis, Ferovit, Ferrilen or Brexil.
Hydrangea can also be affected by fungal infections. If you find the first signs of the disease, treat the bush with special preparations that are sold in any horticultural store. To prevent fungal diseases, spray fungi with bushes every fall and spring. Bordeaux fluid also resists fungus.
Use in landscape design
The panicle hydrangea variety is very good for decorating the site.The bush looks equally picturesque both in a single landing in the middle of the lawn, and in the lettering group. From hydrangea bushes planted in one row, a chic hedge is obtained, with the help of which you can not only isolate yourself from the road, but also zone the space in the garden or near the house.