An elegant plant for a personal plot - pink hydrangea, will certainly become the main decoration of the summer garden. Despite the luxurious appearance of the bush, caring for it is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance.
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Botanical features of pink hydrangea
Hydrangea is a shrub reaching up to 1 m in height in a crop. Has very densely located, oval, slightly pointed leaves. The plant blooms with lobed, large inflorescences in the form of umbrellas.
The bush blooms in mid-summer, and blooms almost all fall, standing out sharply against the background of other inhabitants of the garden with rich foliage and pink buds.
Hydrangea can change the color of flowers depending on the type of soil. So, in an acidic environment, flowers can become bluish, and in an alkaline environment, bright pink.
Popular varieties of flowers
Today, many different garden forms of hydrangea have been bred.
The most popular varieties:
- Annabelle. It reaches a height of up to 1 m. The crown is very spreading, up to 3 m. It blooms with huge caps, very abundantly.
- Sterilis. Reaches up to 1.5 m in height, the crown up to 2.5 m in diameter. Inflorescences are very heavy, in diameter up to 25 cm.
- Grandiflora. It has a chic crown up to 3 m in diameter. It blooms from June to the end of September. In height can grow up to 2 m.
- “White Anna”, “Invincible Spirit”, “Hayes Sterberst” bloom with magnificent pink inflorescences, have double flowers.
These are just a few varieties of hydrangeas that can be grown in the middle lane.
Outdoor landing
Planting pink hydrangea is carried out in the spring, so that the plant has time to take root in a new place before wintering. In warm regions where autumn is warm and lingering, hydrangea can also be planted in autumn.
The landing site is chosen so that the site is lit by the sun in the morning, and in the afternoon is in the shade. Hydrangea also loves partial shade.
In the shade of the trees, the shrub will feel very bad.
Therefore, places under spreading trees or on the north side of buildings are not suitable for planting.
If several seedlings are planted, then between them minimally leave 1.5 m of distance. Hydrangea is also planted at the same distance from buildings.
Pits for planting are dug up to the size of the root system, the seedling is lowered into the pit and covered with soil, which is slightly compacted. Be sure to plant a bush you need to mulch so that moisture does not leave the soil. An excellent hydrangea mulch is tea brewing.
The planted bush is poured with a weak solution of superphosphate or fed with organic matter. Likes hydrangea and urea.
It is very important to check that there are no pests or fungus in the mulch, otherwise hydrangea can get sick.
How to care for pink hydrangea in the garden
Looking after pink hydrangea in the garden is quite simple. The main rule of care is regular watering, because the bush loves water very much. Watering should be plentiful, while spraying the leaves. Young specimens are especially in need of moisture. Before watering, it is advisable to loosen the soil near the roots 5 cm in depth in a diameter of 0.5 m around the plant.
In the first year after planting hydrangeas, gardeners do not feed. Then, every year, in the spring, mineral compositions are added at the rate stated in the instructions for the preparation. Hydrangea loves potassium sulfate.
When the first buds appear in the summer, before the flowering begins, the bushes feed the second time. The last top dressing of the season is done in the fall.
To increase the strength of shoots in the summer, once the bushes are poured with a weak solution of manganese.
If the bush will grow in too acidic soil, it should be liming. To do this, dolomite flour 3-4 times per season is embedded in the soil around the bushes. So that the bushes do not lose the bright pink color of the buds, the bushes are fed once with nitrogen.
Pruning and winter care
Pink garden hydrangea does not need radical pruning, as it can reduce the number of buds that have set. When pruning, only old, dry branches to live buds are removed. Too little shoots are cut off, which grow very densely. The period for such sanitary pruning is March-April.
Hydrangea is a very thermophilic plant, so even in the southern regions it needs to be covered before frost. It is especially important to cover the bushes in the middle lane, as the shrub can die in frost.
Autumn bushes spud 20 cm, and then fall asleep with peat. From above the bush is covered with a film or lutrasil. Previously, before hiding the film, the bush can be overlaid with spruce branches.
It is especially important to well shelter young bushes, in which the winter hardiness is very lowered in the first years of life.
Protection against diseases and pests
Most often, garden hydrangeas suffer from chlorosis - brittleness and strong yellowing of foliage and shoots. This disease develops from an excess of lime in the soil. Fight chlorosis with fertilizers to deoxidize the land.
If air humidity is increased, powdery mildew may appear, due to which yellow spots and blackening appear on the foliage. If the climate in the region is too humid, then hydrangea is planted in a place lit by the sun.
Often, hydrangea is attacked by pests, especially spider mites. Against pests, shrubs are treated several times per season with insecticides.
It is interesting:Hydrangea Sunday Freeze: Care
Plant propagation
In your infield, hydrangea can be propagated in several ways. The simplest and less traumatic is the propagation by cuttings.
Only young shoots are selected on the cuttings. They are cut into short pieces and buried in a mixture of peat, sand and humus, taken in a ratio of 2: 1: 2.The cuttings are deepened to the level of the kidneys.
Landings are abundantly shed and tightened with film and placed in the sun. So you can propagate the plant until mid-summer.
The easiest and fastest way, but traumatic for the bush is to split the rhizome. In the spring, the bush is completely dug up and divided into dividers. Cut roots are sprinkled with charcoal, and then planted in prepared pits immediately in a permanent place.
The best way, when there is no way to root the cuttings and dig a bush, is propagation by layering.
They choose annual shoots, and clean them from the bark. Then each shoot with a wooden horn is pinned to the ground and dug in. After 3 weeks, it will be possible to separate the young plant and plant it.
Why pink hydrangea does not bloom
Flower growers often make mistakes due to which bushes do not bloom.
The reasons may be:
- The location may have been chosen incorrectly. The bush will be better in partial shade.
- The bush may become too waterlogged or suffer from a lack of moisture.
- After planting, some varieties do not bloom for quite a long time - they need acclimatization.
- The kidneys could freeze in the winter.
- The bushes were cropped incorrectly.
- The plant is sick or insects attack it, which also stops flowering or stops altogether.
- Also, incorrectly similar nutrient compounds or fertilizers applied under the bushes can stop the buds and flowering to stop. It is important to choose fertilizers correctly, and not to overdose.
- If the type of flower that is not feeling well due to the climate of the region is selected incorrectly, then the plant may not bloom.
Growing hydrangea is a very exciting and rewarding activity, because in response to attention and care, the shrubs will bloom lushly and become the highlight of the garden.