There is not much information about the unusual decoration of the garden hydrangea serratus, but meanwhile, it is worth paying attention to. A variety of varieties, not a complicated planting procedure and ease of care make this plant a welcome guest in the flower garden.
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Description of varieties
A compact, beautiful sawed hydrangea bush can be placed not only in the shade, but also on the sunny side. This increases planting variability. Such a bush may well become the center of the mixborder. Almost all varieties of serratus hydrangea bloom quite a long time: from mid-summer to mid-autumn.
Thinking about buying such a plant, you should first choose the appropriate variety:
- Bluebird. If you need a bright blue accent in the flower garden, you can choose the hydrangea serrate "Bluebird". This variety is quite unpretentious, characterized by excellent winter hardiness, moisture lovingness. It is worth considering that the composition of the soil can change the color of the flowers.
- "Koreana." A small (40 cm), compact shrub with white and pink flowers, collected in lush cone-shaped brushes. Does not need special care. It will be a great solution for decorating a gazebo or entering a house.
- "Preciosa". Large (160 cm) beautiful shrub with spherical pink inflorescences. Serrated hydrangea “Preciosa” winter well, blooms for a long time, however, it requires regular watering and acidic soils.
- "Santiago". Medium in size (130 cm), well-branched bush with pink to red lacy flowers. The leaves of this shrub also change color, turning red in tones by the end of the season. Excellent frost resistance and abundant flowering make this variety very popular.
Planting flowers in the open ground
Planting hydrangeas in open ground is best in mid-spring. Earth must thaw and warm up.
The optimal place for planting hydrangeas is a light partial shade. It is with this type of lighting that the bush will bloom beautifully.
Culture feels best in acidic soil.
When planting, you need to prepare the following soil mixture (2: 2: 1: 1):
- fertile humus;
- rotted foliage;
- peat;
- sand.
It is necessary to place young plants at a distance of a meter from each other. The depth of the planting holes should be about 35 cm. The root neck of the young plant remains at the same level with the ground.
After planting, it is good to add a mulching component (needles, sawdust) to a layer of about 10 cm. This will help maintain moisture.
How to care for a plant
Hydrangeas do not require special care. Their main need is daily watering.
- On ordinary summer days at a temperature of +25 ºС they need to be watered 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening. If the summer turned out to be hot and outside the window more than + 30ºС, you will have to water 3 times a day.
- Hydrangeas do not like direct sunlight, it is better to create partial shade for the bushes.
- Loosening and weeding are carried out as necessary. This improves the quality of flowering and is a good prevention of various diseases and parasites.
- Mature flowering bushes need fertilizer. There are special liquid remedies for hydrangeas with the correct balanced composition. It is better to adhere to the recommendations on the number and time of feeding indicated on the package.
- Pruning is an important care event. Removing excess shoots brings not only an aesthetic effect, but also strengthens the bush. Every 2 years it is recommended, sparingly, to cut off all the extra shoots for prevention.
In order for the bushes to successfully overwinter, they must be properly prepared:
- Loosen the ground around the bush and remove dry branches and leaves.
- Gently pull the branches to the center with a rope.
- Cover with spruce paws and polyethylene.
Serrated hydrangea withstands temperature drop to -30ºС.
Propagation of serratus hydrangea
There are several ways to reproduce hydrangeas. The most popular is cuttings. Cuttings are cut in the summer from young strong bushes. These are the middle parts of shoots, without flowering tops and lower leaves, with two leaf nodes.
- To form the roots, the cuttings must be held in water with a root-forming agent. A solution of 1 teaspoon of honey in a glass of water well promotes root formation.
- Cuttings with formed roots are planted in the ground under cover. In a month they will take root. For the winter, young shoots are well covered.
- In spring, young growth grows and in late spring - early summer landed in a permanent place.
The second method is reproduction by layering. In order to get high-quality planting material, an adult bush is also needed. In early spring, its lower branches are dug up along the entire length, securing with the help of bows.
If you make wire constrictions in front of the buds on the branches, the roots form much faster.
By the beginning of autumn, young shoots grow on the layers and by May they will be ready for landing on a permanent place.
To root a hydrangea seedling in the autumn period you need:
- Free him from leaves and young shoots.
- Place in the soil at an angle so that the branches are higher than the roots.
- Cover the ground with roots.
- Spread the branches with a fan and also sprinkle with earth.
- Cover and leave to winter.
At the end of summer, young bushes with a developed root system will turn out.
But the easiest way is to divide the adult bush with already formed roots. This method is good for transplanting plants.
Protection against diseases and pests
Hydrangea bushes are very attractive to insects and other pests:
- Hydrangeas fall prey to slugs and snails. To avoid this, you can lay out the Thunderstorm preparation in plastic cups under the bushes. It is not necessary to bring the drug directly into the soil, as it is toxic and pollutes it. The easiest way is to mechanically collect these pests.
- To get rid of the spider mite, plants can be treated with a solution of the drug "Fufan" or "Typhos". It is enough to dilute 5 ml of the product into 5 liters of water.
- Aphids can simply be washed off hydrangeas with a strong stream of water.
- If the bushes hit the gall nematodes, the plants will have to be destroyed.
Possible growing problems
It should be remembered that the culture is able to change the color of flowers and leaves depending on the composition of the soil.
If hydrangea bushes are the center of the mixborder and set the tone for the overall appearance of the garden, you should monitor the acidity of the soil.
To revitalize the bushes, you can use top dressing with sorrel leaves infusion (a small bunch in a bucket of water).
If lime and manure enter the soil, hydrangea may show signs of chlorosis: general wilting, the appearance of brown spots on the leaves, falling flowers. To restore the plant, it is necessary to acidify the soil, spray with iron-containing preparations and feed with potassium nitrate.
If you carefully treat your hydrangeas, take care of them, properly care for them, then you can get a wonderful perennial decoration of the garden.