Hydrangea Silver Dollar is loved by gardeners for their luxurious flowering and unpretentiousness in care. She revitalizes the garden, giving it sophistication and romantic charm. White caps of flowers, like openwork lace adorn hedges and flower beds. Caring for a plant is simple, it is characterized by health and frost resistance, and knowledge of all the nuances will allow you to admire abundant flowering annually.
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Grade description
Silver Dollar (Hydrangea paniculata silver dollar) is a fairly tall hydrangea. Inflorescences are large, conical. The variety is frost-resistant, grows well in the sun and in partial shade. He loves moist, fertile soil.
Hydrangea is not damaged by bad weather; it has an attractive appearance throughout the flowering period. The height of an adult bush is more than 2 meters. It blooms with snow-white flowers, which then turn pink. It blooms from the second month of summer to September inclusive.
Planting in open ground
Hydrangea seedlings should be placed in a place where there will be a slight shadow during the day. Then the flowering will be longer and more plentiful. You can plant a bush so that it is lit until 2 pm, and then remains in the shade.
The soil should be loose and fertile, preferably acidic. Landing time depends on the region of residence. In the south, bushes can be planted in autumn and spring. In the northern regions, hydrangea planting is preferable in the spring, after frosts.
Container cultures acquired in the nursery are best established. The hole for planting is made in the size of an earthen coma, the root neck is not buried.Expanded clay drainage can be placed at the bottom of the pit, and acid peat, coarse sand, rotted compost and mineral fertilizers can be added to the soil. Having compacted the soil around the planted plant, it is abundantly watered and the soil is mulched.
Caring for Hydrangea paniculata Silver Dollar
Although the plant is unpretentious and resistant to disease, it will not work to get a beautiful flowering without regular care.
The main stages of cultivation are such events:
- pruning
- top dressing;
- watering;
- loosening and mulching of soil around the bushes;
- protection against diseases and pests.
For the winter, the plant does not need shelter, you can spud the bush by pouring a mulching layer up to 25 cm so that the root system does not suffer in severe frosts.
Watering and feeding
Panicled Hydrangea Silver Dollar is demanding on moisture. If summer days are dry and hot, water 3-4 times a bucket of water for each adult bush 2 times a week. The plant must be fertilized regularly. They introduce complex mineral fertilizer and organic throughout the warm season weekly.
If you mulch the soil around the bush with pine bark, the plant will thank you with a beautiful flowering. Hydrangea loves acidic soil, the pH should be within 6 units.
An important point of care is pruning hydrangea. There are 3 main types of pruning - sanitary, shaping and anti-aging. This event is held in spring or autumn. It is pruning that allows you to get large inflorescences and luxurious flowering annually.
In spring, pruning is carried out before the onset of active sap flow, when swollen kidneys are clearly visible. In autumn, shoots are pruned a month before steady frost, after leaf fall. The plant must heal the wounds before the onset of cold weather.
Panicled hydrangeas, which include the Silver Dollar variety, bloom on the shoots of the current year, so last year's branches shorten quite a lot. Pruning enhances the branching of the shrub, making its crown more magnificent.
It is interesting:panicled hydrangea bobo
How to care for hydrangea in autumn, winter
Panicled hydrangeas winter well without shelter. For them, a little hilling of the near-stem circle is enough. Around the bush, the root system is sprinkled with peat, and this is enough to make the bush tolerate winter well.
In the fall, flower stalks are cut, sanitary and forming pruning is performed. The bush is treated with fungicides if it has been sick with fungal diseases during the warm season.
Reproduction of hydrangea Silver Dollar
For reproduction, vegetative methods are used:
- layering;
- cuttings;
- division of the bush.
Layering derived from long lower branches. They are dug up with soil, making incisions near the kidneys, pinned to the ground, watered and fertilized from spring to autumn. The seedlings that started up are separated next spring, replanting them to a new place with the onset of heat.
Cuttings Hydrangea is propagated in summer by cutting lateral shoots about 15 cm long. For rooting, they are placed in a loose nutrient substrate made of acid peat and sand. The lower leaves are pre-cut, and the remaining leaves are shortened by half to reduce the evaporation area. To create favorable conditions with high humidity, cuttings are covered with transparent bags or jars. Rooting takes place after about a month, after which the greenhouse is removed. Such cuttings are planted in open ground for 2 years of cultivation.
More materials:how to propagate hydrangea cuttings
Dividing the bush propagated by adults, overgrown hydrangeas. They do this in the spring during a plant transplant, when the threat of night frost passes.
Protection against diseases and pests
The vagaries of the weather or improper care can provoke the appearance of various diseases in hydrangea.
Such external factors not related to pests lead to yellowing of the foliage:
- excessive moisture, stagnation of water at the roots;
- low soil acidity;
- too bright sunshine;
- lack of nutrients;
- drying of the soil, insufficient watering.
From sunburn, the edges of the leaves may dry out and turn black. Hard water also causes the formation of dry spots on leaf blades; it is advisable to stand for it for 24 hours before watering. Wet spots can appear from sudden changes in temperature, growing in heavy soil and plant gulf.
Of the fungal diseases in hydrangeas, you can often find the following:
- gray and white rot;
- Septoria;
- powdery mildew;
- rust.
A common viral disease is ring spotting.
Hydrangea Pests:
- spider mite;
- slugs;
- aphid.
For the prevention of diseases, it is important to choose the right place for planting the plant - it is desirable that it be partial shade. The soil should be loose with an acid reaction.
To prevent the development of fungal diseases, in the spring, before the start of the growing season, hydrangea is treated with copper sulfate (10 grams per 1 liter of water) or modern fungicides. Having noticed pests on the leaves in summer, the bushes are sprayed with a phytoderm or watered with systemic insecticides. Acaricides are bought from spider mites.
Use in landscape design
The variety is very popular and winning, grows well anywhere, it is loved by landscape designers.
Hydrangea Silver Dollar can be planted in the foreground, in a single or group planting. She looks very beautiful. An adult bush large and sprawling will be appropriate in a monoplant on the lawn.
To attract attention, the plant must be properly formed. To create a hedge, bushes are planted at a small distance from each other. Soon a solid flowering wall will grow from the seedlings, which will divide the garden into zones.