Panicled Hydrangea phantom, one of the most beautiful flowers of its family. She is gorgeous in the beauty and splendor of inflorescences. And her sweet and alluring aroma is heard very far, attracting attention.

Description of hydrangea panicled phantom

The birthplace of hydrangea

Panicle hydrangea is from the Asian continent and Sakhalin Island. Until the 18th century, it was not grown in our country. Then the breeders became interested in the flower and engaged in its selection. Already cultivated varieties have not changed their excellent external data. But they became resistant to frost and the changing climate of our country. Today it can be found in almost every park and square.


Panicle phantom hydrangea is cultivated as a small lush shrub or chic tree 2.5 meters long. Its width is almost the same - 2 m. Its rhizome does not go deep, but grows as wide as possible.
The leaves of the bush are saturated green, wide at the base and narrowed at the tip. Inflorescences of a pyramidal shape, they consist of many large flowers. The size of the flower brush reaches 30 cm.

Especially unusual is the beauty of flowering. Initially, the flowers are painted in light green-white. Over time, they change color and become pale pink.

Special qualities

The shrub blooms for a very long time, all summer season and until the beginning of autumn.

In addition, the plant is fragrant, it has a delicate honey smell.

Having planted hydrangea sprouts, you can grow it for many years in one place without transplantation.On average, the life span of a bush is up to 40 years.


It is very simple to form a tree or shrub from a seedling; this quality of a plant is appreciated by flower growers and landscape designers.

After pruning, or in case of any damage to the shrub, new, young shoots will quickly grow in it. Also, the tree has good resistance to various diseases of the root system (fungal infection or decay), therefore it is grown on different types of soil.

Outdoor landing

It is important to know the beginning grower that this plant loves the sun, but not direct sunlight. Hydrangea should be planted in shaded places. You can find a place among the fruit trees in the garden. With their crown they will shelter the bush from the draft and the sun. Often panicle phantom hydrangea is planted near various buildings, fences, houses.

Site and soil preparation

The landing site must begin to be prepared three weeks earlier. It is necessary to dig a hole about 1 meter deep. Its width should be 15 cm more than the depth.

If the soil is acidic, add wood ash to the bottom of the pit. Next, the soil that was dug up, mix with peat, sand, compost, organic fertilizer and fill the hole. Pour 3-4 buckets of water here so that the soil mixture is well saturated. For two, three weeks the land should settle down.

Planting material

Panicle phantom hydrangea is planted with layering or cuttings. If there is a ready-made sprout, before you put it in the hole, you need to examine the root system. Gently, with a sharp object, remove dried up or completely dry, damaged roots. Then immerse the seedling for one hour in warm water with the addition of a growth stimulator.


You can use purchased or add aloe juice to the water. Roots quicken quicker, saturated with moisture. It will be easier for them to take root after planting.

How and when to plant

Hydrangea phantom seedlings are planted in the spring, even before the buds awaken. When sap flow is practically absent. Or in the fall, a month before the onset of frost. It is necessary to give time to the root to take root well. Autumn landings must be insulated. To do this, the trunk circle is covered with sawdust, straw or lapnik.

Set the seedling in the planting hole so that the neck of the root does not fall below ground level. Then spread the roots and gradually sprinkle them with loose earth. Each time, compact the soil a little so that oxygen pads do not form. Otherwise, they will dry the roots.


After planting a sprout, it must be watered. It should be ensured that the earth is not washed under the roots, and if necessary, add soil.

After two to three weeks, you can already understand whether hydrangea phantom has begun or not. The first sign that it has taken root will be the appearance of young leaves.

Hydrangea Care

The care of hydrangea phantom includes such works as plant nutrition, timely watering, and pruning of shrubs.

Watering and feeding

On average, a plant needs to be watered once every two weeks. But, much depends on climatic conditions. Therefore, it is worth relying on soil moisture under the bush. If the ground is dry, this is a signal to water.

The first couple of years, the plant needs to pour at least 10 liters under each spine. In the future, a more mature tree will need more fluid, because it is quite hygrophilous.


In the spring, hydrangeas phantom, nitrogen baits are first of all necessary. To stimulate the growth of shoots after the autumn pruning of shrubs, hydrangeas are fertilized with fermented manure. To it you need to add a weak solution of manganese, then the shoots will become strong.

Then, during each watering (2-3 times a month), you need to additionally fertilize the bush with cow manure or bird droppings. Experienced flower growers, after weeding the beds do not throw weed grass. They put it in a large container and fill it with water. After two weeks of fermentation, this fertilizer will produce valuable fertilizer.

During the formation of buds and flowering, it is necessary to reduce the fertilizing with nitrogen, and add potassium-phosphorus additives.Fertilize hydrangea with a phantom until mid-summer. In the last summer month, all feeding is canceled.


Pruning is carried out in the fall, after flowering. If the bush is young, then the shoots need to be cut to the formation of the fourth kidney. If he is already old enough to be updated, they cut everything to the ground level.

If necessary, carry out additional pruning in the spring. Maybe some shoot poorly wintered and dried out.
The phantom hydrangea tree is necessarily cut from dry and excess shoots without affecting skeletal branches. If this is not done, it will be thickened, which will adversely affect the quality of flowering.

How to care for hydrangea in autumn, winter

Young plants must be insulated for the winter so that they do not freeze. Adults do not need such a procedure. After all, a stronger tree can withstand frost up to forty degrees. Since the flowering of hydrangea phantom begins only at 4-5 years of age, the tree is considered an adult after the first buds appear.


After pruning, the bush is covered, during a snowfall, it is additionally pretended to be snow. Then he is no longer afraid of snowstorms and severe frosts.

Reproduction of hydrangea panicled phantom

Hydrangea propagates, both by layering and by cuttings. To form the cuttings, you need to cut the necessary shoots no later than the end of June. At this time, they are quite flexible. Put them horizontally in a container and pour in not cold water for 2-3 days. Next, cut the shoots into cuttings, so that each has more than three buds.

Prepare a soil mixture (mix 1: 1 sand and peat), pour into flower pots and stick cuttings in them. The depth of immersion should be equal to one third of the process. Then cover with polyethylene and place in a cool and dark place.
It is necessary to periodically moisten the soil in pots, cuttings quickly take root. But they should be kept until the end of next summer.

Protection against diseases and pests

This plant is resistant to disease, but fungal infections sometimes occur.

Chlorosis - can be determined by yellowed foliage and completely green veins on it. The plant becomes infected in too alkaline soils. To cure the bush, it is worth using purchased drugs. Or pour water on the tree trunk with the addition of iron and citric acid.

Dark spots on the leaves indicate gray rot. All affected shoots are cut off and sprayed with a soapy solution with copper.

With septospirosis, the shrub can generally remain without foliage. After carefully trimming the tree, capturing the intact parts of the shoot, you need to spray it with Bordeaux solution.

If the leaves became rusty, the plant became rusty. This happens with excessive nitrogen fertilizer. Spraying with copper chloride will relieve the disease.

From aphids, spider mites and slugs, many effective drugs are sold.

The use of hydrangea in landscape design

Landscape designers love to use this flower in their work. Its bushes are planted in single stands or in various compositions. From it make hedges or a background for a flower bed.

Hydrangea looks great with similar-sized annual and perennial shrubs. So with blue spruce trees and chic juniper bushes.