Panicled hydrangea, often used to decorate city parks and household plots, has become the basis for the cultivation of many spectacular varieties, among which the Magic Candle hydrangea is especially popular. The representative of the type species owes its name, which translates as “magic candle”, to the pyramidal shape of pink blossoms.

Grade description

Panicle Hydrangea Magic Candle is represented by lush shrubs up to 2 m high. A dense crown is formed by densely spaced shoots, covered with green leaves with small nicks at the edges. In the flowering phase, which lasts from the beginning of summer to mid-autumn, one can observe how different-sized flowers bloom, collected in lush inflorescences in the form of a candle. The pale pink color of flowers gradually changes to rich raspberry.

Selection of seeds and planting material, planting hydrangeas in open ground

Hydrangea Magic Candle is quite undemanding, but when planting it, the basic recommendations for agricultural technology should be followed, which will allow you to grow a healthy, flowering plant without much effort.

Seed and Seedling Selection

The choice of high-quality seed or planting material is an important component in the process of growing a lush and healthy plant. therefore

buying seeds (seedlings) is necessary only in specialized stores or nurseries.

When choosing a finished planting material, you should carefully examine the seedling for the presence of diseases, pests and dried shoots. Hydrangeas with a closed root system are preferred.

Location and Ground Requirements

For planting, sunny, open areas with a deep occurrence of groundwater are selected. The Magic Candle develops well on fertile soils with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. If the soil is alkaline, then it is worth acidifying it with horse peat or potassium salt.

Important! Since hydrangea has a superficial root system, it is not recommended to plant a shrub near tree-like plants with similar roots in order to avoid competition for nutrients and moisture.

Technology and landing dates

The optimal time for planting hydrangea seedlings in open ground is in the early spring, before the sap flow, or the fall season, when hydrangea is left without leaves. Landing is as follows:

  1. A landing pit is dug, the dimensions of which depend on the earthen coma of the seedling: the parameters of the hole should be 2 times larger.
  2. In group landings, pits are prepared with a distance of 1.5-2 m, depending on the future composition.
  3. From the extracted arable layer, humus and sand, a fertile soil mixture is prepared.
  4. To improve the drainage qualities of the soil, a broken brick is placed at the bottom of the pit, which is slightly covered by a substrate.
  5. The sapling along with an earthen lump, which was previously moistened for easier removal from the container, is carefully placed on the drainage layer.
  6. The pit is filled with soil mixture.
  7. The trunk circle is trampled and watered well so that no air layers remain around the hydrangea roots, which can lead to drying of the measles system and death of the young plant. Https: // V = QKgBBJAIEvk

Care for Hydrangea Magic Candle

Variety Magic Candle is unpretentious. In order for panicle hydrangea to decorate the garden for many years, it is enough to comply with simple care requirements.


The variety is water-loving and is watered 4 to 9 times per season, depending on weather conditions. The consumption rate is 3-4 buckets for each hydrangea bush. The procedure is carried out in the morning or evening.

Soil treatment

After rainfall or irrigation, the near-stem circle loosens. To retain moisture and thereby reduce the time for loosening and watering, it is worth covering the soil under the shrub with a layer of mulch from peat or sawdust.

Fertilizing and fertilizers

To ensure long and abundant flowering, the soil under the bushes is enriched with nutrients:

  1. In early spring, to feed hydrangea with nitrogen, you can use organics - a solution of mullein or bird droppings.
  2. In the summer, during the formation of inflorescences and flowering, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are introduced into the trunk circle.
  3. Phosphorus with potassium should also be included in the composition of autumn dressing to strengthen the immunity of the plant, which will allow panicle hydrangea to winter well.

Read also:Hydrangea Sunday Freeze


To form a lush crown, hydrangea should be cut off before the sap flow begins, leaving about 10 developed branches that are shortened to 5 kidneys. Over time, in order to rejuvenate the bush, it is recommended to cut all shoots to a height of 7 cm.

Advice! After flowering and before the onset of cold weather, dried inflorescences should be cut.

Protection against diseases and pests

Of the harmful organisms from which panicled hydrangea can suffer, powdery mildew and aphids are secreted. Protecting the plant from a fungal disease will allow the treatment of the shoots with a fungicide according to the manufacturer's instructions indicated on the package. And the insecticide can easily cope with the colonies of the pest.

To minimize stress in the plant, a tank mixture consisting of fungicidal and insecticidal preparations can be prepared for processing.

Preparing the plant for wintering

Hydrangea Magic Candle tolerates frosts well and doesn’t take shelter in adulthood if winter temperatures in the cultivation region are on average -25 ° C. But while the bushes are young or the plant is grown in the northern regions, the plants are protected from frost by mulching and covering with spruce spruce branches.

Methods of propagation of hydrangeas Magical Candle (Magical Candle)

Panicle hydrangea is propagated by the Magic Candle variety by cuttings or layering.


Cuttings are harvested from apical shoots with a height of 15-20 cm. After treatment with a growth stimulator, planting material is buried in moistened soil for 2 buds. In the process of rooting, plantings are watered and fed. In winter, rooted cuttings are covered with fir spruce branches, which will protect hydrangea from freezing. Young specimens are transferred to a permanent place of growth at the age of four.

Propagation by layering

A simple technique in which the side shoots are dug in shallow grooves. For cuttings, care is carried out, as well as for cuttings. The rooted shoots under the spruce leaves overwinter with the mother plant. Next spring, cuttings are separated and planted for growing in a place protected from direct sunlight.

Application in garden design

The lush flowering popular variety is loved by many gardeners and landscape designers for a harmonious combination with other plants and long flowering.

These qualities allow the use of hydrangea for:

  • creating mixborders;
  • the formation of hedges;
  • the formation of group plantings with other flowering shrubs.

So, if a gardener wants to not only green the plot, but also to give it bright colors, then Hydrangea Candle will be an excellent solution.

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