Fans of fresh seasonal vegetables are unlikely to miss the sweet green peas from the diet. This delicacy is almost universal, because it can be consumed fresh, boiled, canned and even ground into flour. This is a familiar and familiar product that is present all year round at almost every table in the country. But what are the benefits and harms of peas? Let's take a closer look.
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Peas: Health Benefits
Peas contain many useful substances necessary for human health, namely:
- Vitamins By the number of vitamins B, B2 and PP, peas are significantly ahead of whole-grain bread. The pods also contain vitamins A and C.
- Micro and macro elements: fluorine, potassium, iron, selenium. These components protect the body from the action of radioactive metals, so peas are considered a strong anti-cancer agent.
- Amino acids. Being in the composition of peas, they resemble animal proteins in their properties. Dishes from peas are relevant during the fasting period, when meat is banned.
- Flavonoids. These are natural antioxidants that neutralize the formation of malignant tumors.
- Tamin. Slows down the aging process. Also, the substance neutralizes the effects on the body of alcohol and cigarettes. Tamin promotes the growth of the child's body, supports muscle tone and good appetite.
Useful properties of peas for women
The healing properties of peas are useful for women seeking to look young, healthy and beautiful:
- Calcium in the composition of peas strengthens hair, nails, promotes their growth, ensures the beauty of the skin.This element is also necessary for expectant mothers to form the skeleton of the baby.
- Iron helps replenish hemoglobin reserves, the level of which decreases during menstruation.
- Folic acid slows down the processes of withering of the body, starts the process of cell regeneration, improves the functionality of the genital organs.
The use of peas in food will be the prevention of the development of many dermatological diseases. Pea pulp masks narrow pores and even out complexion. You can also use pea flour for cosmetic purposes.
What is useful for men
The main benefit of peas for men is to help build muscle. In addition, this product helps to recover faster after training. Pea protein is essential for maintaining muscle fiber elasticity.
Additionally, peas are a means for the prevention of male diseases of the genitourinary system.
It also positively affects potency and enhances sexual activity. Folic acid increases sperm count and improves their functionality.
Read also: classic pea soup recipe
The healing properties of peas
The healing properties of peas have long been used by people for the treatment and prevention of various diseases and problems of the body.
So, pea-based products have the following actions:
- Prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, reduce the risk of hypertension and heart attack.
- They relieve headaches. Pea flour in an amount of 2 tsp., Taken orally after a meal, will help eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of migraine.
- Contribute to the elimination of kidney stones. For this, shoots of young peas are finely chopped, taken in an amount of 2 tbsp. l and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Strained broth is taken three times a day before meals.
- To eliminate toothache and diseases of the oral cavity, 50 g of peas should be boiled in 100 ml of olive oil for 30 minutes. The cooled and strained broth is used for rinsing.
- To improve potency, 3 parts of peas are poured with 8 parts of water, the mixture is insisted for 3 hours. Then you should decant the liquid, add honey and mix. To use inside 3 times a day after food.
Cleansing the body of toxins
Young green peas helps to eliminate toxins and toxins, due to the presence of fiber in its composition. Relative to dietary fiber of soft action, during digestion, it swells, taking excess moisture from the intestine. This is how harmful substances are eliminated from the body.
Peas also contribute to the normalization of the digestive tract.
People suffering from constipation and stagnation of feces are recommended to eat 1 tsp daily. pea flour.
Regular adherence to such a recommendation will facilitate the bowel movement and provide a powerful cleanser for the body.
What is useful peas in weight loss diets
Peas are considered one of the most popular components of a low-calorie diet. When losing weight, you can eat boiled peas, as well as fresh or canned.
The main benefits of peas for weight loss are as follows:
- Reducing the amount of fat (respectively, and weight loss) without losing muscle mass.
- Dishes from peas are very satisfying, which makes it easy to tolerate a diet.
- Simplicity in cooking pea dishes, their diversity.
- Vitamin and mineral composition contributes to an additional healing of the body.
- Low cost compared to most other diet foods.
Pea porridge
Pea porridge is rightfully recognized as a source of vegetable protein. Carbohydrates in the composition of the dish are digested by the body rather slowly, which creates a lasting saturation effect even after a small amount of porridge eaten.
It is interesting. Pea porridge is almost an international dish, but different peoples cook it differently. In northern countries, spicy spices are added to porridge, and in Italy - cheese.In Russia, the usual, classic version of the preparation of dishes based on water is popular.
Pea porridge in pots
An interesting option for cooking a familiar dish is baked pea porridge.
For cooking you will need:
- prepared peas - 1 tbsp .;
- water - 400 ml;
- vegetable oil, salt - to taste;
- a pot volume of about 500 ml.
It is better to rinse and dry the peas first, and then soak for at least 3 hours (ideally - up to 10, you can leave it overnight). Pour the prepared grains into a pot, pour water on top. Cover the container and put in a preheated oven. After 50 minutes of baking, remove the porridge, season with oil and salt to taste.
By the way. No less pleasant tastes and benefits are possessed by the "fellow" of ordinary pea chickpeas. Porridge can be prepared from it.
Useful properties of sprouted peas
Sprouted peas are a record holder for enzyme content. Eating sprouted pea grains is gaining increasing worldwide popularity.
The benefits of sprouted peas are several times higher than the benefits of ordinary grains, since the content of vitamins in the first embodiment increases several times. For example, the amount of ascorbic acid in sprouted peas is 5 times higher than in ordinary peas, and 3 times higher in vitamin E.
In addition, pea seedlings contain inulin, which helps to lower blood sugar. Such a product promotes faster and more intensive removal of toxins and toxins.
How to sprout peas
Pea sprouts quickly. It is enough to slightly fill the grains with water and keep them moist for a while. After 2 to 3 days, the peas will sprout. Pea sprouts are juicy and have a pleasant sweet taste.
Note. In rare cases, dry peas are not able to germinate.
Contraindications and possible harm
Despite the obvious benefits, peas can do harm.
To avoid this, before using the vegetable, you should adhere to some recommendations:
- Do not often eat peas in raw form. Such a product may not have the best effect on the functions of the digestive tract, affecting the intestinal mucosa.
- Pea dishes increase gas production. This applies to both raw and cooked foods. Therefore, this is another reason to eat peas in moderation.
- Do not eat peas often for expectant mothers, the elderly and those who suffer from gout. Purines in the composition of the vegetable increase the level of uric acid in the body and increase the salts of this substance in the joints, kidneys and tendons.
Peas - a bright representative of the legume family, characterized by an original taste and useful properties. The relatively small calorie content of a fresh vegetable, nevertheless, allows it to fully saturate the body, providing it with many useful substances. Due to these properties, the diet is often consumed by dieters and observing the principles of healthy eating.